Welcome to Holy Trinity, Arrow

About Us

Holy Trinity is a large, rural church nestling in the Warwickshire countryside. We have a rich historical history dating back over 1000 years.

Regular Service Pattern

First Sunday of the month at 9am - alternating between Morning Worship and Holy Communion. 
Conversation and friendship, along with tea, coffee and biscuits are served after every service.

For additional seasonal services or any changes to this pattern, please see the Minster Services page. 

Upcoming Services and Events - Services 

Location, opening times and visiting

The church is open at all times. Please enter Holy Trinity by the side door to the left of the main doors. There are ample car parking spaces in the field before the cattle grid but no toilet facilities. We have seats around the church. Do come and bring a picnic and sit awhile and enjoy the tranquility away from the attention of life in the churchyard.