
We are a friendly and faithful church community here at St James, with between 25 and 35 congregation members at a service. Although some of us are more mature in years, we are young at heart and lively in spirit. Everyone is guaranteed a warm welcome, whatever your belief, whether friend and stranger, the church door always remains open. St James never closes, so come and take a look for yourself.

About Us

St James Church is a small, rural church nestling in the Warwickshire countryside. The church and churchyard are beautifully maintained by a team of devoted volunteers. People who enter St James sense God’s presence along with a spiritual, calm and peacefulness that the church and its surroundings radiate. The seasons of Easter, Harvest and Christmas are celebrated with special floral displays and are well worth a visit. We would love you to come and join us for whatever you need. Welcome!

Regular Service Pattern

Third Sunday of the month at 9am - alternating between Morning Worship and Holy Communion.  

Conversation and friendship, along with tea, coffee and biscuits are served after every service.

For additional seasonal services or any changes to this pattern, please see the Minster Services page. 

Upcoming Services and Events

Breathing Space

Saturday 6th July at St James' Church

23rd Psalm Churchyard Meditations

If you visit our churchyard, you will find the 23rd Psalm laid out on a series of six plaques. At each station, you can read, meditate, or simply take in the beautiful views of the Warwickshire and Worcestershire countryside.

The words of Psalm 23 are as relevant today as when they were written. David, the writer, who was King of Israel in 1000BC, drew upon his earlier experiences as a shepherd devoted to minding his sheep to describe how we are nurtured and protected by a compassionate and caring God who only wants what’s best for His children.


Centuries later, God’s promise to His people in Psalm 23 was fulfilled by the gift of His son, Jesus Christ, who, like the devoted shepherd, guides and minsters to His flock tenderly. Everyone is precious in Jesus’ eyes and sought after, no matter how far they may stray.


These words offer comfort and security and inner peace to whoever receives them. They bring solace in grief and hope and joy from knowing that Jesus and His heavenly Father are with us always, an abiding love like no other. 

An accompanying leaflet is available inside the building. 

Location, opening times and visiting

The church is open at all times. Please turn the handle and push open the door, as, like some of us, it is a little stiff in the damp or cold weather. There is ample car parking spaces but no toilet facilities. We have seats behind the church. Do come and bring a picnic and sit awhile and enjoy the tranquillity away from the busyness of life in the churchyard. The views across the fields and hills are truly spectacular, whatever the weather.