One Thing

'One Thing' is our Lent 2024 course, that took place in Life Groups and in special Lent Groups until Easter 2024. 

The focus of the Lent course was to review and take stock of our priorities and step back a bit to look again at our spiritual life.

Click on the bookmark image to access the ONE THING bookmark.


Week 1 - Worship

Week 2 - Busyness  & Worry

Week 3 - Devotion & Learning

Week 4 - Review and Take Stock

In these final 3 weeks, we look outwards to think about loving and serving others, the great commission and the great commandment.

Week 5 - Justice & Mercy

“With a prayer you fed the hungry” Stuart Townsend

“We must go” Tim Hughes

Week 6  - Making Disciples and Sharing Faith

Song “Thank you for saving me” Martin Smith