
Always open for visitors, ramblers and prayers, St Mary Magdalen welcomes everyone. Situated up a moderately steep path north of Henley Road, we hold at least one service each month at 11am on the second Sunday at which you can expect a lively talk and a mixture of classic hymns and more modern songs. This is following a new gathering as of 2024 on the first Sunday of the month - ARISE. 

About Us

St Mary Magdalen church has been the centre of worship in Great Alne since medieval times at least, and the church is a fascinating mix of architectures from over the years. Great Alne has a population below 1,000 people mostly living on or near Henley Road, and the church is roughly in the middle on the edge of many good country walks.

Regular Service Pattern

First Sunday of the month - 11.00AM - Arise gathering.

Second Sunday of the month, 11.00 AM - alternating between Morning Worship and Family Communion Service, a short service for all ages. Refreshments after.

For additional seasonal services or any changes to this pattern, please see the Minster Services page. 

Upcoming Services and Events

On February 4th, we had the first of our new gatherings on the first Sunday of every month at Great Alne at 11am.

 It's an informal gathering with fellowship, prayer and praise. We have time to wait on the Holy Spirit and delight in God’s presence. 

We open the bible together and share our insights as well as hearing teachings and testimonies.

This gathering is open to anyone in the Minster churches.

The regular service at Great Alne moves to the second Sunday of every month.

Location, opening times and visiting

The church is accessible by foot with parking available in a near by lay-by. The path up to the church is moderately steep but quite accessible. Please note there is a step in to the church but a ramp can be used during services. There is a toilet open during services.