Our news page is being updated more frequently so do make a point of checking in on it to see what's been happening in the Minster and beyond!
Fly through the Bible with us!
St Nicks @ 9 are globetrotting this year! Find out more on the Events page.
We record a talk in one of our churches each week. To hear the latest sermon or catch up on previous ones visit our sermon archive.
Welcome to the Alcester Minster Group of Churches. We are eight Church of England churches across five parishes in rural Warwickshire, centred around the Roman town of Alcester, near Stratford-upon-Avon. Read more...
Our vision is to follow Jesus’ example to live life in all its fullness. We will do in this by:
L. Loving God wholeheartedly
I. Investing in our Christian Journey
F. Flourishing in our community
E. Everyone is welcome