
Our small church is always open whether you wish to pray or simply look around the building in which people have worshipped God since medieval times. Come and join us at Holy Communion once a month and afterwards join our friendly congregation for a cup of coffee and a chat.

About Us

Fields and trees surround the church, with the handsome Old Rectory and the Jacobean farmhouse enhancing the area.  Walkers using the nearby footpaths admire the snowdrops, primroses and daffodils in season as they pass by, or use the bench outside the church for a well-earned rest. Visitors to the church often remark on its peaceful atmosphere. 

Regular Service Pattern

Fourth Sunday of the month, 9.00 AM - Holy Communion. 

Followed by refreshments.

For additional seasonal services or any changes to this pattern, please see the Minster Services page. 

Upcoming Services and Events

Healing & Wellbeing Service

Thursday 26th Sept

Location, opening times and visiting

Open dawn until dusk every day. 

Postcode:  B49 6HB.

By car : Turn down the lane and turn left at the oak tree.

Parking at the roadside.

By foot: The footpath from Gt. Alne runs past the church.

There are no toilets on the premises. 

Access limited by shallow steps from the road, and three steps down into the church building.