About Us

St Peter’s Church in the grounds of the National trust at Coughton Court.

Regular Service Pattern

Third Sunday of the month, 11.00 AM

Holy Communion alternating with Morning Worship

For additional seasonal services or any changes to this pattern, please see the Minster Services page. 

Upcoming Services and Events

On July 14th We have a special Holy Communion led by Revd Steve Birch at St Peter’s Coughton

We are praying for peace  from July to August The church is open Wednesday to Friday from 11.00 to 4.30

Myton Hospice are linking with the National Trust  in Butterfly Effect to place a butterfly in memory of a loved  one see Myton Hospice website 

Myton Hospice

Location, opening times and visiting

St Peter's Coughton is in grounds of the National Trust at Coughton Court