We have a vision for a Remarkable curriculum in mathematics which will encompass skills that you will take into every role in your future.
Developing Moral Capital
In maths, we look at cultivating and nurturing the right habits and virtues: respect, honesty and responsibility. In this way, the expectation is that students will have the correct mathematical equipment and exercise books with them for every lesson. With regards to assessments through the year groups, we adopt sound habits for revision and completion of tasks. When students are unable to attend college, it is their responsibility to complete and submit work to their teachers using the Google Classrooms.
Developing Social Capital
For the social capital in maths, we instil confidence and communication skills in our students. Students are encouraged to give spoken answers in full sentences, using correct mathematical language and terms. Working in pairs and small groups allows for this to be enhanced, with ideas being developed and strategies shared In KS3, our mixed ability groups build confidence and is evident in student voice surveys. In KS4, the assessment objective AO2 develops reasoning and key skills required for C1C2 (communication) marks explicitly taught..
Developing Cultural Capital
In KS3 our classes are named after famous mathematicians from a broad cultural and historical range. Students spend time learning about these mathematicians and their theories. In both key stages, the identification of mathematics outside of the classroom is encouraged. Specifically in KS4, percentages and statistics are taught using current material from media articles, graphs and charts. For both key stages, opportunities to study outside of the classroom are encouraged with the UKMT challenges.
Developing Knowledge Capital
All learning in mathematics at both key stages, is linked to prior learning, with the sequencing of lessons carefully planned. Collaborative planning for staff ensures high levels of connected concepts, and the TRGs (Teacher Research Groups) to critically review and evaluate planning. Any non-specialist in the department is provided with CPD opportunities. Our assessments are written in-house to Pearson Edexcel standards with correct AO1, AO2 and AO3 proportions. Robust marking training is provided and refreshed frequently as is the moderation process.
Developing Community Capital
Students show respect in listening to the other students' answers in class, without making negative comments, even if the answer is incorrect. Diversity of mathematical methods engaged with from different cultures including Egyptian multiplication. Where the use of media data is incorporated into classes, students are encouraged to critically think about the data they see and determine the use of ‘bad statistics’ such as misleading graphs and charts used to gain a different outcome.
Curriculum Roadmap KS3 - Year 7
Curriculum Roadmap KS3 - Year 8
Curriculum Roadmap KS3 - Year 9
Curriculum Roadmap KS4 - Year 10 Foundation and Higher
Curriculum Roadmap KS4 - Year 11 Foundation (F) and Higher (H)
Curriculum Roadmap KS5 - Year 12 A-Level and Core Maths
Curriculum Roadmap KS5 - Year 13 A-Level and Core Maths
Curriculum Roadmap KS5 - Year 12 and 13 Resit
Curriculum Overviews - Maths KS3
Curriculum Overviews - Maths KS4
Curriculum Overviews - Maths KS5