Aims and Objectives

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in your determination"


1.The development of students physically, intellectually, and socially, through an enjoyable, broad and balanced programme of athletic, gymnastic, games and outdoor and adventurous activities.

2.The development of students’ ability to apply basic principles of health, fitness, hygiene and safety, relevant to physical education.

3.To develop an aesthetic appreciation of movement, form and balance.

4.To develop thought processes such as memory, perception, imagination, judgment and reasoning.

5.To foster such qualities as courage, loyalty, fair play, obedience, commitment, responsibility, self-discipline, leadership and enthusiasm and the desire to succeed.

6.To create a love of healthy outdoor sport which will lead to a more active and enjoyable use of leisure time.

7.To develop students physical confidence and self-esteem.


1.To provide the opportunities for students to plan, perform and evaluate their own and others work.

2.To enable students to meet challenging experiences and develop problem solving skills in a variety of ways.

3.To develop confidence in working with equipment.

4.To understand how to care for and look after equipment.

5.To carry out instructions accurately.

6.To understand the importance of safety.

7.To develop cooperative working in small groups and as part of a team when appropriate.


1.Maximum participation with maximum enjoyment.

2.To remedy any deficiencies shown up in assessment.

3.To develop and maintain links with feeder primary schools and the community.


Clubs support and compliment class learning and offer opportunities for the extension of interests arising from the core curriculum. Such clubs enable all students to extend their skills if so motivated and regardless of ability. They are also aimed at extending much of the personal and social learning through club activities.

The role of the physical education department is to act as enablers, encouraging other members of staff to share their interests with pupils and for students to accept positions of responsibility within the club and school sporting community.