Miss. Mai - Year 7

Miss. Shaw - Year 8&9

Mrs. Cook - KS4(Yr 10&11)

Friendly & empathetic approach

What is Pastoral care?

Pastoral care is the provision from a school to ensure the physical, mental and emotional well being of pupils. 

Pastoral care can act as a link between school and home life. By establishing strong connections, TEC has a reach beyond the school environment, enabling us to support our children and their families through difficult, challenging times. 

Pastoral care is important to ensure our students are happy, secure and fulfilled throughout their educational journey to academic success. 

Please do not hesitate to contact The Pastoral Team with any concerns or queries we may be able to assist with. 

In the morning, pastoral staff stand on threshold. This is where we welcome students when arriving into school. Students can come to us when they pass us on threshold, to let us know they would like an appointment with us. 

If students are in need to talk to us during lesson, they can ask their teacher to email us and we can get to them as soon as we can.


On Wednesday's the pastoral team carry out 'Wellbeing Wednesday', 2:30-3:15. This is a space for students(in any year group) to communicate and make new friends whilst carrying out fun activities. There is a new focus every couple of weeks for the students to complete. 

The past couple of Wednesdays, the students have created their own gratitude journal, they will now take this home and fill it out with three positives before they go to bed.