Key Stage 3 - Year 7, 8 and 9 Drama

Here at Tamworth Enterprise College you will have one drama lesson as part of your weekly timetable. Our personally devised curriculum addresses all aspects of the subject, according to the Arts Council England’s Drama in Schools: Second edition guidance on Drama at secondary level.

Drama in the Curriculum

The activities are aimed at year 7,8 and 9 and the curriculum is designed to form an ideal preparation for GCSE. Lessons are challenging and progressive, and themes are applicable to the world we live in inspiring learners with use of multi-media, film, music and modern approaches. Lessons are presented by level and are fully referenced to the Drama in Schools Level descriptions.

Drama lessons at Key Stage three are shaped to respond to the three key areas of learning:

Schemes of Work

Our projects introduce and develop some key concepts in drama. Our projects during KS3 are designed to highlight popular and performance-orientated drama, making it interesting, fun and accessible for all students. Here is an overview of the units that you will actively explore using your creativity and imagination.


This project looks at the issue of bullying from all perspectives. At the end of the project, groups of students perform an improvisation about a student who is bullied at school.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


This project looks at how to tell a story in a variety of different ways. It also looks at storytelling in another drama tradition. At the end of the project, students perform an improvised drama to the rest of the class based on a story introduced in the project, using a narrator and sound effects.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


This project aims to develop students’ understanding of mime. At the end of the project, in groups of three or four, they perform a circus to the rest of the class, in mime. Each student plays a different character in the circus.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


This project is about using a variety of texts as stimuli for drama. At the end of the project, students perform a scene from the script of a mini-play.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:

Tinsel truths

This project looks at films, how they portray characters and situations and how films compare with real life. At the end of the project, students perform an improvisation they have been working on which demonstrates different film genres.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:

Tinsel truths - Exploring a particular genre.

Students create a scene in the style of an old silent black-and-white film, concentrating on physical elements and slapstick.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


This project is about pantomime. At the end of the project, students perform some scenes from Cinderella from a script.

By the end of this project, students are expected to be able to:

Peer pressure

This project looks at the influence of peer groups and the possible consequences of peer group pressure. The performance at the end of the project is about someone who is persuaded to do something wrong. The drama is presented as a mixture of freeze frames and improvisation.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


In this project, students tell a story on the theme of shoplifting. At the end of the project, they perform a scene about the key moment when a person starts to shoplift, and how this changes their life and the lives of those around them. The performance includes a range of techniques introduced over the project.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:


The aim of this project is to develop a piece of drama using a script. Students are given the opportunity to write and perform their own scripts, based on extracts from plays by Shakespeare.

By the end of this project, students are expected to:

Commedia dell’arte

This project looks at a theatrical genre. At the end of the project, students devise and perform a scenario involving five main commedia dell’arte characters, using masks.

By the end of this project, students are expected to have:

Pop culture

This project looks at popular culture and television. At the end of the project, students present a reality television show of their own devising to a specific audience.

By the end of this project, students are expected to have:


This project looks at creating a performance. At the end of the project, students show a rehearsed presentation lasting up to 15 minutes on a topic of their choice, which includes techniques that have been developed over the course of Key Stage 3.

By the end of this project, students are expected to have: