
At TEC we make every effort to support you and your child.

In the summer term prior to starting TEC, a number of induction sessions are arranged for Year 6 autistic pupils to allow them to familiarise themselves with the school and meet staff.

Liaison with primary schools is important. Transition meetings take place between TEC and the students’ primary schools to ensure we have a complete picture of their needs and areas where they may need support.

The Special Educational Need’s team at TEC includes a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) with responsibility for Autism and Dyslexia who, along with a second learning support assistant, has completed the Autism Education Trust Tier 1 training course.

An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is drawn up for ASD students. This important document summarizes the students’ needs (as well as their strengths) and sets out a series of targets along with strategies on how they can be achieved. It includes input from the students themselves and parents/carers.

IEPs contain specific advice regarding students and teaching staff also have access to advice about general strategies that will support an autistic student in the classroom setting (e.g. avoid idioms and check understanding).

Available resources include visual timetables and emotions keyrings if required; students can use the keyrings to communicate how they are feeling to staff.

The Learning Support Department runs a Social Club during lunch time for students who feel more comfortable in a regular, quieter environment; this facility is not open to everyone and is staffed by an LSA.

For those students who are on the autistic spectrum there is regular support provided by the Autism Outreach Team.


The National Autistic Society:

Autism Education Trust: