Trip to Krakow and Auschwitz

Mr Chohan led the annual trip to Krakow.

If you are interested to learn more about the Holocaust and the Auschwitz site, visit the Museum Website

These are his comment on the trip. Below you can see video of some students' reaction to the Auschwitz visit.

We visited the Salt Mines on the first day as well as having the opportunity to explore the city of Krakow. The mines were full of history and included the stunning chapel which contained some extraordinary art work. After the mines we had went on a tour of the City on buggies looking at the old town and ghettos as well as seeing Schindler’s factory. 

During the night I treated the students and staff to another tour of the city whilst guiding them to the restaurant. They may claim that I was ‘lost’, however, I wanted to show them the city at night and also give them the opportunity to try not one, but two different trams!. Also, what a great night at the restaurant, our very own live band! They were extremely passionate about their music and the students were deeply entranced by the whole experience that they didn’t even speak throughout the whole meal! Or was that because we were not allowed?

I truly hope that the experience of Auschwitz will be a memory that stays with them throughout life. The importance to never forget the atrocities which occurred and hopefully ones which will never be repeated. The students were so well behaved and even the guide mentioned what a fantastic group they were and she was pleased to have shared the history of the camp with them. The trip back to the hotel was one of reflection and some of the conversations students were engaging in with staff and other students really showed a high level of maturity and understanding.

On the final day we listened to the story of a righteous. This was someone helped a Jew during the difficult times, risking their own lives. Their story was one of bravery and courage. Where many turned away in fear, this family took someone in and treated them like one of their own. Once again, the students were a real credit and showed respect throughout the talk.