English at Key Stage 3

KS3 English Curriculum Map.pdf

English at KS3 

In following the principle of Mastery, our sequence of learning at KS3 shows progression in reading, writing and spoken language. Pupils will build on the skills of primary education but be challenged to ensure they are fully prepared for their next stage of education.

New for January 2024: The ark curriculum

Ark's English Mastery Secondary programme has been designed by experienced teachers using in-depth pedagogical research, and they continually adapt the curriculum and resources based on the latest thinking. As an evidence-based programme, it is a powerful and practical driver of student attainment.

It helps students achieve better learning outcomes in their classes by providing steps to tackle common comprehension obstacles. Teachers will have access to discrete grammar teaching and a logical framework for embedding tier 2 vocabulary, helping to improve students’ accuracy and understanding.

The curriculum map for Year 7 (from January) can be seen above.

Years 7 & 8

Term 1 - The Modern Novel and Narrative Writing

Our main objective is to create a love of literacy, therefore we begin the school year by studying a modern novel. Pupils learn about the skill of analysis with the aim of being able to write an analysis of their own. While primary school teaches the skills of reading, analysis of language, structure and theme are progressive steps that provide pupils with the foundations they need to be able to write critically and at length.

To compliment the reading of an engaging narrative, we also explore writers’ craft. Pupils are given the opportunity to write freely and creatively, exploring more advanced structural features. We aim to encourage creative thinking by using a range of representation as well as reinforcing the importance of technical accuracy and variation in both sentence and grammatical form.    

Term 2 - Shakespeare and Poetry

This involves the study of Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ and Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’. Pupils will understand how to read Shakespeare’s work effectively, as well as explore the dramatic and theatrical aspects of reading a play. 

In turn, we explore poetry from Shakespearean sonnet to the modern monologue, allowing pupils to experience texts from a range of literary traditions.

Term 3  - Non-Fiction Writing and Spoken Language 

Pupils want to learn about topics that are relevant to them as young people. Our revised Non-Fiction units deal with current issues, making the learning real and in keeping with the news as it happens. From political debate, to the role of celebrities, pupils get to read and write a range of non-fiction texts, creating voice, viewpoint, tone and technique. 

In addition to making them confident readers and writers, we want pupils to be equipped with the skills to speak clearly, confidently and articulately for a range of purposes and audiences. From powerful speeches, to collaborative presentations (inline with current guidelines), pupils will know that their voice matters and they have the platform to be valued and listened to. 

English in Year 9

Whilst Year 9 is still part of KS3, it is important to provide pupils with challenge and direction to set them up for their future. Our aim is to provide challenging texts that enrich pupils with contextual understanding to strengthen their knowledge of literary traditions, as well as plenty of opportunities for writing both analytically and creatively.

HT1 - Poetry and Comparative analysis

HT2 - Non-Fiction Reading and Writing

HT3 - The Victorian Novel and Gothic genre - Mary Shelley’s 'Frankenstein' and creative writing

HT4/5 - Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ 

HT5/6 The Modern Play and Spoken Language - Willy Russell’s ‘Blood Brothers’