GCSE - Photography

GCSE Photography

Why study GCSE Photography?

You will need enthusiasm! Come to the course keen to learn exciting and sometimes quitecomplicated processes in Photography. You need to be able to generate ideas individuallyand be self-motivated. This is not just about taking photographs, you need to be able to explain your ideas using clearly written annotation. The written part of this course is as important as your photographs and experimentations. You have to explain everything you do and why you do it through words!

Skills and Subject Content

Photography is a stimulating and exciting subject that combines practical, technical and theory based skills.Learners are able to develop a personal approach to the process of researching, developing ideas and making photographic images. Learners are encouraged to link their ideas to current issues in society and to put into practice the application of thetaking and making of images both with, and without cameras. Developing ideas through sustained study is a core element. You will learn about composition, depth of field andexperimental techniques to show understanding of how ideas, feelings and meanings are conveyed and interpreted in images.
In this 2-year course, you will learn about the traditional methods of photography to the most recent techniques using DSLR cameras and computer software to complete a series ofcreative projects.The course will involve researching the different genres of photographyfrom documentary/photo-journalism to commercial and fine art photography. The main emphasis will be on experimentation and development of ideas towards personal outcomesthat shows a strong visual and conceptual understanding. You will develop an e-portfolio(website) that will be used as the platform for documenting your preparatorystudies/developmental work. By the end of your course, you will be expected to exhibit Your work as part of a public exhibition. You will be expected to independently go out and take photographs and visit exhibitions/galleries to further your understanding of the subject.

How will I be assessed?

Coursework consists of 60% of student’s final mark, 40% is a final examination.Usually a 10 week preparation period followed by allocated 10 hours to complete final outcome. Written annotations on this course is a necessity and students need to be able to critically analyseand conclude their own work and the works of others in written form.

Drawing with Light History of PhotographyIdentity/Portrature Architecture