GCSE - Fine Art

GCSE Fine Art

Why study GCSE Fine Art?

GCSE Fine Art will provide students with a wide range of creative, exciting and stimulatingopportunities to explore their interests in ways that are both personally relevantand developmental in nature. You need to be self-motivated and expected to independentlyexplore art in the outside world. You will explore a vast range of materials to encourage anindependence towards discovering who they are as an artist. You must have very goodprimary and secondary observational drawing and painting skills to succeed in this course.The majority of your final outcomes will be drawing or painting.

Skills and Subject Content

Students will develop a portfolio of work presented in sketchbooks and on large presentation sheets. Students will complete a minimum of 3 projects based on three different themes. There is a high emphasis on independent working and there will beopportunities for you to develop work out of lessons during weekly after school sessions.Students will be given weekly research and/or development homework. Students will be encouraged to visit art galleries/ exhibitions to gain first-hand experience of art in the real world. There may also be the opportunity for a visit to another country, depending on academic year and interest.

During the course you will be taught how to:

 Create work in a range of the following disciplines: drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking, photography and sculptureHow ideas, themes, forms, feelings and concerns can inspire personally determined responses that are primarily aesthetic, intellectual or conceptual. Develop ideas through looking at the work of other artists, photographers and designers. Learn how to make and record observations using a range of methods including drawing, painting, photography and ICT.Finally, you will develop methods for presenting personal and meaningful work that reflects your research and experiments into a given topic or theme.

How will I be assessed?

Coursework consists of 60% of student’s final mark, 40% is a final examination. Usually 12 weeks preparation followed by 10 hour exam taking place over two days. There is now an emphasis on written annotations on this course where it is now essential students are ableto critically analyse and conclude their own work and the works of others in written form.
Previous Work from Year 11 Mock Examination

The subject given was 'Food'

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