GCSE - 3D Art

GCSE 3D Design

Why study GCSE 3D Design?

If you are creative and enjoy art but feel that your strengths are not in drawing and paintingthen this is the course for you. GCSE 3D Design will provide students with a wide range ofhands on creative making opportunities. By completing this course students will understand3D artwork and the materials and processes used to create it. They will be able to developan idea for 3D art or design work, from which they are able to produce a final piece.Learners will then be able to review the success of their final work. You need to be self-motivated and expected to independently explore art in the outside world. You will explore a vast range of materials to encourage an independence towards discovering who they areas an artist.

Skills and Subject Content

During the course you will have the opportunity to work in one or more of the following areas:
Architectural design, Sculpture, Ceramics, Product design, Jewellery and body adornment,Interior design, Environmental/landscape/garden design, Exhibition design and 3D digital design.You will learn how the work from others can inspire and influence your own creativeoutcomes. You will learn a range of 3D making skills using ceramics, wire, cardboard and paper.
Within the context of three-dimensional design, students must demonstrate the ability to:Use three-dimensional techniques and processes appropriate to students’ personal intentions model making constructing surface treatment assembling and modelling.
Students will be expected to research into a variety of artists and sources to help influence ideas for development. They will be expected to comment on the work of others and be able to explain clearly how their work has been influenced by others. They will document health and safety relevant to the materials they might be using. Work will be developed in a portfolio format presented on paper. They may have the opportunity to also produce work in a sketchbook.
Students will complete a minimum of 3 projects based on three different themes ensuring that they explore the suggested areas of 3D Design. Students will be encouraged to visit art galleries/ exhibitions to gain first-hand experience of art in the real world. There may also be the opportunity for a visit to another country, depending on academic year and interest.

How will I be assessed?

Coursework consists of 60% of student’s final mark, 40% is a final examination. Usually 12 weeks preparation followed by 10 hour exam taking place over two days where you will create a final 3D outcome. This usually takes place over 2 days. There is now an emphasis on written annotations on this course where it is now essential students are able to criticallyanalyse and conclude their own work and the works of others in written form.