Art at Key Stage 3

At Tamworth Enterprise College we aim to build up skills gradually throughout KS3. We begin year 7 with a basic skill project which covers each of the visual elements. This allows pupils to gain an understanding when using a range of materials and techniques allowing pupils a good basis to move forward in art with confidence. In the Art Department we use a wide range of materials and each year pupils have the opportunity to experience working in both 2 and 3 dimensions through a variety of media including; card, wire, paint and print.

Pupils are provided, by the Art Department, with a sketchbook at the beginning ofevery  year, RGB - Red - year 7, Green - Year 8 and Blue - Year 9 this continues through to the end of KS3. This enables pupils to monitor their progress through Assessments and has an strong emphasis in indepednet learning alowing our students to  discover their Age Related Expectations throughout the academic year.. During Year 9 pupils continue to develop their Art skills where pupils work on paper and with any materials required to fulfil and succeed the course criteria. This work is then presented in a portfolio style format to prepare students with skills ready for GSCE should it be an option they which to pursuit.

The Art Department sets regular homework tasks which intend to encourage independent skill development. Research tasks are often set and it would therefore be useful if your child had access to internet facilities at home. However there are accessible computer in homework clubs throughout the year groups. 

Key Stage 3 - Sketchbooks

These are used to experment in art throughout your time in Ks3.

Below is our interesting and varied topics to sink your teeth into while at TEC

Year 7

Natural Forms: During this project students have the opportunity to develop their drawing and mixed media skills through exploring the topic of textures. In particular focusing on the tone, patterns and shapes found in the layers of onions. Students will look at the work of artist: Hundertwasser to influence their own ideas and create a personal piece of work as a response to their research.

Sweet Treats: During this project students have the opportunity to develop their painting and drawing skills through exploring the topic of food. In particular focusing on the colours and shapes found in sweets and cakes. Students will look at the work of artist: Debbie Miller to influence their own ideas and create a final painting on canvas as a response to their research.

Year 8


Project overview: During this project our students have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and experience using a variety of wet and dry media to explore the theme of Insects. Students will be studying the work of a range of contemporary artists to help influence final design ideas. Where they will work independently at first but then in pairs to produce a final design. After they will then continue to work in pairs to produce a 3D constructed model of an insect influenced by the working methods of documented artists.


Project overview: During this project you will have the opportunity to develop your practical skills through exploring the history of Mexican art and the celebration Day of the Dead. You will be working in a range of materials to record your observations and will focus particularly on patterns and motifs found around this celebratory process. You will look at the context in which the work was made and make observations about the meaning behind this work. You will work towards a final piece based on your response to colour and pattern.

Year 9


Project overview: During this project our students will have the opportunity to further develop their observational skills through primary and secondary observation, based around the idea of shoes. They will have the opportunity to work in the media of your choose making independent decisions and produce a final outcome influenced by one of the suggested artists relevant to the theme of work. This project is aimed to be an extension of your personality and gives you freedom to explore different designs & mediums for your final outcome. 


During this project you will have the opportunity to further develop your observational skills through primary and secondary observation. You will have the opportunity to work in the media of your choose making independent decisions and produce a final outcome influenced by one of the suggested artists relevant to the theme of your work.