Why it is important to attend school regularly?
To give your child the best possible start in life.
They will be able to keep up with their work.
They will achieve better results.
They will develop friendships and social skills.
Attendance matters
The school has established an effective system of incentives and rewards that acknowledges the efforts of pupils to improve their attendance and timekeeping and will challenge the behaviour of those pupils and parents who give low priority to attendance and punctuality.
To meet these objectives Hamford Primary Academy has an effective and efficient system of communication with pupils, parents and appropriate agencies to provide mutual information, advice and support.
Our whole school target is 96% which is in line with the Government's national expectation
Children feeling unwell
Children can’t help being sick and sometimes they have an illness that will require time off school and a visit to the doctors. However, taking regular one or two days off soon adds up! Sometimes our children have coughs and colds and may not feel their normal self but they are probably well enough for school.
If a child has a minor illness (e.g. a headache, cold or a sore throat etc.), we ask that Parents/Carers bring them into school and inform staff that their child is feeling unwell. School will always contact Parents/Carers if a child’s condition worsens or if they become poorly during the school day. Please see the link below for the official guidance from Public Health England regarding illnesses and whether time off school is advised.
Please ensure you call into the school by 9am if your child is going to be off school. The school will ask you to provide medical evidence for the illness you are reporting.
The Education Act 1996 states that all pupils should attend school regularly and punctually.
‘If a child of compulsory school age, who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence.’
Persistent lateness can:
Cause embarrassment to the child.
Make it harder for the child to settle.
Cause disruption to the rest of the class.
School Gates open at 8.40am and the school day begins at 8.50am.
Children arriving after 9.00am will be marked as Late and unauthorised after 9.30am
The school operates a First Day Response and will telephone families where children have failed to attend school in time for morning registration.
Did you know? – Being just 5 minutes late each day adds up to 3 days of learning loss across a year!
Leave of Absence Procedures
As detailed in our Attendance Policy, and in line with DfE guidance, we do not authorise leave of absence during term, other than when exceptional circumstances permit. If you wish to take your child out of school, during term time, it is important that you complete the request form for the school to consider.
However, where absence is unauthorised, it could lead to further action being taken including a penalty notice being issued.
Department for Education information regarding this is available by clicking here.