CCA Sixth Transition Support 

We know that the transition to 16-19 education is a big step and can be daunting for parents and carers. To support this process, we have 2 events organised:

CCA Sixth Transition Day

When? Friday 12th July - 11:30 - 2pm 

Where? The CCASixth block

The day will involve a carousel of activities, including collecting your transition assignments, having your photo taken for your ID card, meeting your new sixth form team and finding out more about what to do on results day. Lunch will be provided at 1:30 to close the event. 

Students should complete this form to confirm their attendance. 

CCA Sixth Parents' Information Evening 

When? Wednesday 17th July with a talk at 5:30 and 6:00. 

Where? The CCASixth block

The two talks will provide parents with key information about the expectations of sixth form students, the 16-19 bursary, how results day works, plus answers to any questions you might have on the day. 

Please complete this form to indicate which talk you will be attending.