Pastoral and Wellbeing Support at Clacton Coastal Academy
At Clacton Coastal Academy, we are extremely proud of the Pastoral Care that we provide for our school community. Wellbeing is, more than ever, at the heart of everything we do and this is evidenced in the vast array of interventions and staff who are employed at the Academy specifically to support the wellbeing of our young people.
Below is the support that we offer with a more in depth explanation as to what exactly the support provides for students in the academy:
Pastoral Leaders
Each year group has two non teaching members of staff attached to the year group. These staff are on call throughout the school day to pick up any issues, support the students, reassure students who might be anxious, speak to parents or carers, be on duty every break time and lunchtime and to also attend meetings before and after school. For any questions or concerns please contact your child’s pastoral leader in the first instance by phone or email.
Head of Year
The Head of Year is a teaching member of staff who oversees the year group and looks at strategic planning for the culture and ethos of the year group, including assemblies and tutor time. The Head of year regularly meets with parents If after contacting the Pastoral Leader you still have questions or concerns please then contact your child’s Head of Year by phone or email.
Senior Leadership Links
Each Year group has at least one member of the Senior Leadership Team attached to the year group who can support the Head of Year and the Pastoral Leaders with dealing with any incidents which might occur during the day and support the smooth running of the Year group. The SLT link is also available at break and lunchtimes to support students. If after contacting the Head of Year you still have questions or concerns please then contact your child’s SLT Link by phone or email.
Mental Health First Aiders
The Academy employs three full time Mental Health First aiders who have been trained by Mental Health England. These staff are non teaching and so are able to support students during the day and they also offer support after school in weekly drop in clinics and during the school holidays where necessary. Students can be referred to the MHFA’s following a referral to our Early intervention Panel. This panel discusses those students who might have barriers to learning which need further intervention outside of the classroom environment.
The mental health lead also delivers assemblies and works with EWMHS to provide ongoing training for staff and students and provide regular updates and guidance to students and families about how to access suitable online support platforms such as Youngminds and Kooth. The Academy is currently working towards receiving becoming a recognised Wellbeing Award School and this process will be completed over the next 18 months
Bespoke Interventions - 6 week rolling programmes
The MHFA’s and the SEND team provide interventions to support a range of needs, including:
Anger Management
Healthy relationships
Building confidence
Footprints - specific Mental Health support programme
Literacy and Numeracy
Social Stories - Talk about
Personal care and hygiene
Body Image
Zones of regulation
These interventions are delivered in groups of approx 6-8 students or they are 1:1 if this is more appropriate.
Lads Need Dads
Lads Need Dads currently work with 8 of our KS3 students weekly. The charity offer support to young boys who have absent fathers.
Sisters in Strength
This programme supports a small cohort of girls who might be struggling to build relationships with their peers or need support to build healthy relationships with family and friends.
U Turn
U turn is a charity which is based at CCA. The charity works to provide careers support, guidance, and external opportunities to students who are vulnerable. These opportunities include, forest school, team building days, work experience opportunities etc. Currently, around 50 students at the Academy benefit from the work of U turn
The Power Project
An external agency who the Academy can refer students in to who work to support young people and their families who might be struggling to maintain relationships within the family unit.
Careers Guidance
The Academy has two full time Careers Guidance counsellors who are on hand during the day to support students to understand different career paths and the qualifications and experience needed to follow different career paths.
The Academy can also refer students and families to EYPDAS, Family Solutions, Social Care, Teentalk, EWMHS
In addition to this we have a very clear behaviour policy that is available on our website and here and a variety of sanctions are used to support our Pivotal Approach to Behaviour for students who persistently breach the behaviour policy.
Clear rules are embedded across the Academy: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready; language used by staff and expectations regularly visited in assemblies, the Tutor Programme and language used within the general Academy day
The Pivotal approach to behaviour management was introduced in March 2021 and began with a staff voice survey and then all staff completed the Pivotal Culture Module
A clear ‘wheel’ for managing behaviour in the classroom was introduced along with a script for staff to ensure consistency across teachers/lessons; this was modelled to staff via CPD sessions.
Please use the contact details below to discuss any matters relating to pastoral care and support for your son/daughter at CCA.
To email please use the member of staffs initial and surname
E.g. for Mrs Marks
If parents/carers have any Safeguarding concerns email or rcornish@clactoncoastalacademy.or or
Parental Safeguarding Hub - resources
Students only - Wellbeing Support email