Trips and Visits

School trips are an exciting opportunity for students to learn, explore, and create lasting memories outside the classroom. As a parent, it's essential to ensure your child is prepared for a safe, enjoyable, and educational experience. This guide provides important information on dress code, behavior expectations, and other relevant details to help your child make the most of their school trip.

Dress Code

Appropriate attire is crucial for both comfort and safety during school trips. Please ensure your child follows these guidelines:

If the trip requires Academy uniform:

If the Trip requires non-school uniform

Prohibited Items

Behavior Expectations:

Good behavior ensures a positive experience for everyone on the trip. Here are the key points to discuss with your child:



What to bring with you: 

Ensure your child has everything they need for a successful trip. 


Preparation is key to a successful and enjoyable school trip. By following these guidelines, you can help your child have a memorable and safe experience. Encourage your child to ask questions and be excited about the opportunity to learn and explore new places. With the right preparation, school trips can be a wonderful part of their educational journey.