Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health really matters at Clacton Coastal Academy. We have a dedicated team to help support your mental health and wellbeing. Please follow the link if you need to talk.
Please find additional information below to help support students, parents and school staff:

In order to ensure that Clacton Coastal Academy continues to support the emotional well-being of our students appropriately and effectively, and respond to the changing needs of our young people, we have been actively trying to improve the facilities we offer based on your feedback.
From your responses to the evaluation I’d like to update you on our progress so far since starting the award process.
What is the award?
First of all, it is important that you can understand exactly what the award is. The wellbeing award our school is currently working towards gaining is an award given by an external body to acknowledge the ongoing efforts the school engages with to help students, staff and parents.
You asked for more information to be sent home
We now have a weekly wellbeing newsletter which is sent out electronically and is also available on our website.
You asked for communication opportunities
We now have Parent Open Forums where you can come into school to hear from staff about everything that the academy are doing
You asked for information to be on our website relating to wellbeing
We now have a wellbeing section on the website solely dedicated to offering support and guidance.
The students asked for drop ins for wellbeing.
We now have five drop ins each week during the day and after school. These are advertised in the newsletter and around the academy on posters. We also have an email address for student use only so that they can access support outside of school hours. We also have assemblies dedicated to wellbeing.
You asked for a dedicated wellbeing team
We have three full time non teaching Mental Health Trained Staff on site each day available to support staff, parents and students. We also have a wellbeing hub where bespoke interventions and support are offered to identified individuals