At Broadlands, everyone is a scientist! It is our intent to supply students with the skills that we use every day in our lives from logical processing to analysis but to also be able to be aware of our fast and ever scientifically changing modern world.
Key Stage 3
Students have 8 lessons of science over a fortnight with topics covering all the 3 disciplines of science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and working scientifically.
A total of 11 units are covered in Year 7 and 14 units in Year 8. Student assessment takes place after each block of units and an end of year assessment based on all the topics covered during that year.
Students will become scientists by:
Developing scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.
Developing understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
Being equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
Year 7 units of study include a focus on the key concepts of:
Being a scientist
Particle Model
Acids & alkalis
Introduction to forces
Elements, compounds and mixtures
Moving your body
Elements, compounds & mixtures
Separation techniques
Year 8 units of study include a focus on the key concepts of:
Chemical reactions
Bioenergetics (photosynthesis & respiration)
Heating & cooling
Evolution & inheritance
Chemical energy
Magnetism and electromagnetism
Earth & Atmosphere
Application of forces
Year 9 units of study build upon those studies in Year 7-8 to secure a foundation in:
Cell Structure, transport and organisation
Atomic Structure & Periodic Table
Energy Resources
Infection & response
Bonding, structure & properties of matter
Particle model of matter
Chemical Changes
Advanced Energy
Key Stage 4
GCSE Combined Science:
In Years 10 and 11 most students follow the new Trilogy GCSE course developed by AQA over seven lessons a fortnight. It is a double award which provides two GCSEs. The course offers subject content and practical work that also appears in the separate science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) GCSEs, giving students the best possible preparation for A Level Science. Practical, hands on science is as fundamental to learning at GCSE as it was in Key Stage 3 so students must complete a series of required practicals. Students will sit six exam papers: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas.
GCSE Separate Sciences (Previously known as triple science):
Separate Sciences have a very similar structure but the assessment differs in that the Biology, Chemistry and Physics content is assessed separately, resulting in three independent GCSEs, one in each of the science specialisms. Students selecting separate sciences receive an additional five lessons to study. Separate Sciences provides students with a deeper understanding of some of the topics covered in Combined Science and extra content which supplements each topic in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This often involves more demanding aspects of concepts that will stimulate the minds of students who enjoy the challenges of science.
Both of the above courses equip students with skills and knowledge transferable to both educational and career settings, and provides a worthwhile course for students of all ages and backgrounds in terms of general education and lifelong learning.
Useful Website Links:
GCSE Bitesize:
- BBC bitesize - GCSE AQA Science
Excellent summaries of topics with video clips and quizzes.
A subscription service which contains video tutorials, multiple choice quizzes and exam style questions which cover the entire specification in depth.
Youtube - recommended channels include:
- FuseSchool (both KS3 and GCSE)
- CrashCourse (both KS3 and GCSE)
- FreeScienceLessons (GCSE)
- Cognito (GCSE)
Excellent concise summary videos for all areas of science
Quizlet - join codes for each year group:
The science team have written sets of flashcards to accompany each topic for all year groups.
This great app allows revision on the go with many different games and quizzes to make revision easy!!
AQA - past papers:
Biology, Chemistry, Physics (Separate Sciences)
The best revision includes practicing exam questions. Here you will find previous years exam papers and their mark schemes.
The best revision includes practicing exam questions. Here you will find previous years exam papers and their mark schemes.
Revision with videos, online quizzes and interactive content.