Homework policy 2025-26
Rationale for homework
Homework is defined as anything that pupils do outside the normal school day, in response to guidance from the school, which contributes to their learning
Homework is an important part of education: it helps pupils to develop effective work habits, and allows consolidation of skills and knowledge learnt in school. Homework often plays a significant role in raising a pupil’s level of attainment. However, Broadlands also acknowledges the importance of family time and leisure time in ensuring pupils are able to achieve balance in their lives.
Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of homework are:
• To reinforce classroom learning.
• To help students to develop skills and attitudes they need for successful lifelong learning, including independence, investigation, enquiry, organisation, perseverance and self discipline.
• To keep parents.carers in touch with what their children are doing in school and to give them the opportunity to help and support their child’s learning.
• To provide opportunities to go beyond what has been learnt in class or to prepare for material that is going to be covered in class.
Types and amounts of homework
During their time in school, students will be set a wide variety of homework tasks. Tasks may include, but are not limited to, revision, research, preparation of presentations, extended writing, problem solving, analysis of data, evaluation of resources, reading, and making / creating.
All homework will be set weekly and recorded on Satchel 1, according to the homework timetable. This allows parents and pupils to view assigned homework tasks using their log in on Satchel 1 and support their child with the work.
In the week before assessment week, only revision homework will be set. Revision homework is likely to involve answering questions, or other appropriate tasks set by the teacher.
Homework will be set in maths, English, science, Spanish, geography, history, drama, music, PE, business studies (KS4 only), BTEC Sport (KS4 only), BTEC Food (KS4 only).
KS3 - 30 to 45 mins
KS4 - 45 to 60 mins
The role of parents/carers
Parents/carers have a vital role to play in their child’s education, and homework is an important part of this process. Parents are asked to encourage their child to allocate sufficient time to their homework.
Parents can support their child by providing a good working space at home. Pupils need a quiet place for study, away from the distractions of television, computer games, social networking sites and the telephone.
Parents/carers are able to view the homework tasks assigned to their child using the Satchel 1 parent app.
A parent who is concerned about the amount of time their child is spending on homework (whether this is too much or too little) should contact their child’s tutor in the first instance.
Role of ICT
All students are expected to complete their homework on their Chromebooks. A significant amount of homework will be set via online platforms such as Sparx maths, Sparx science, Languagenut or SENECA.
Outcome for poor quality homework
If homework is not handed in on time, or if it is of a poor quality and/or unacceptable presentation, this will be recorded electronically on Arbor. A sanction may be imposed by the subject teacher. This sanction may be a verbal reprimand and / or a referral to the Head of Department. The pupil may be required to complete the missing or substandard work at break time or lunchtime, under supervision.
If the problem persists or occurs in more than one subject, then the Head of Year or Head of Department may request a phone call or meeting with the parent.