Maths at Beacon Academy:

At Beacon, we recognise mathematics as a fundamental subject that will support our children on their journey to becoming lifelong learners. Children develop their mathematical understanding through high quality education while also developing skills such as communication, resilience, teamwork and problem solving.


At Beacon, we follow the objectives of the EYFS framework and the National Curriculum. Our aim is for pupils to see the beauty of mathematics in the wider world by bringing it alive, making it exciting, relevant and efficient. We encourage pupils to rise to the challenge of mathematics to become resilient problem solvers and apply mathematics to real life contexts so that pupils can see the relevance of their learning. 

How do we teach maths?

We use Ark Curriculum to support the delivery of our maths lessons. The 6 part lesson sequence promotes and prioritises the use of representation to underpin the concepts being learned. In addition, it creates opportunities for oracy through the talk tasks to ensure every child has the opportunity to explain, apply and reason through their understanding.

Maths Mastery Curriculum Maps - Reception to Y6


Arithmetic is taught in all year groups through our daily calculations sessions.

The 9 key topics provide the focus for our Arithmetic teaching in upper Key Stage 2 and build on the understanding developed in Years 3 and 4 of place value and calculation methods for all four operations. In addition, multiplication tables are embedded and rehearsed supported by Timestable Rockstars, 2 days per week. 

NCETM Number Sense supports the delivery of arithmetic in Key Stage 1 and EYFS. This develops a deep numerical understanding and is supported by representation.

Mastering Number through NCETM

In addition to their daily Maths lesson, all pupils in Key Stage 1 complete an additional 20 minute NCETM session to develop fluency and automaticity with number. The NCETM website states Mastering maths means pupils of all ages acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.


Maths Mastery Curriculum Maps R-Y6.pdf