Specialist Resource Base

Welcome from Mrs Robson - Assistant Principal, Inclusion Lead 

At Beacon Primary Academy, we envision a world where every child, regardless of their abilities or challenges, has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. Our school is dedicated to creating an inclusive, nurturing, and empowering learning environment that embraces the uniqueness of each pupil.

What is a Specialist Resource Base (SRB)?

Beacon’s SRB provides additional specialist facilities within our mainstream school site for up to 36 pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Pupils in the SRB must have a primary need of Cognition and Learning (C&L) and/or Communication and Interaction (C&I) as identified in their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) . 

The purpose of the SRB , assisted by parents, families and multi-agencies, is to provide a team of specialist staff, equipment, resources and teaching methods /strategies that will support the pupils on their learning journey and enable them to achieve to their full potential.

The staff in the SRB work closely with a range of specialist services to ensure the best provision for children with C&L and C&I. These include Autism and Learning Support Team, Vision and Hearing Impaired Team, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, the School Nurse Services and the local Area Special School Outreach Services.  

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Click here to see our Resource Base!


We want all of our children to:

In order to achieve this, we work closely with all stakeholders to deliver a personalised learning journey, taking into account pupils and parents views, EHCP recommendations and outcomes. 

Partnership with the Mainstream

Pupils in our SRB spend the majority of their time in their specialist classes. However we recognise the value of inclusion within the whole school community and the importance of shared experiences for all pupils. Children from the SRB will attend mainstream lessons where appropriate, taking into consideration a child’s individual needs and wishes. Pupils may also have opportunities to work alongside their mainstream peers during interventions. Beacon Academy is an inclusive school and the children within the Mainstream are taught BSL as part of our core offer for language and communication. 

Teaching and Learning

We have a flexible, child-centred approach to education where we incorporate a variety of approaches to learning and we meet the needs of the individual students. By adapting lessons, we endeavour to embed opportunities to achieve individual targets throughout the curriculum and through personalised learning with additional opportunities during intervention activities. During the school day, children are given opportunities to work in small groups, 1:1 and whole class situations, which builds confidence, resilience and independence.

In addition, starting from foundation stage, children have the chance to swim every week in the school pool. 

Home links

Both home and school encourage the success of each child.  Both have a positive role in supporting each other, helping to foster understanding and openness.  It is vitally important to maintain regular contact between home and school. Parents require regular information about progress and performance as well as having access to professional advice.  

Some of our children are local, however we also have children from across the county who receive local authority transport to travel to school. To facilitate communication, all pupils have a home/school communication book. Should parents want to have further discussions regarding their child’s education they are welcome to make an appointment with their class teacher through the school office.

How to apply for a place within the Specialist Resource Base:

If you have a child with an EHC Plan for Special Educational Needs,  specific to Cognition and Learning and/or Communication and Interaction,  you would be welcome to come and have a look at our facilities and meet with our Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Robson or the SRB SENCO, Mrs Mistry. 

Admission of pupils to the SRB is through an Education, Health and Care Plan. Pupils will be admitted as directed by the Special Education Needs Assessment (SENA) Service at County Hall. All pupils will have special educational needs in the areas of Cognition and Learning and/or Communication and Interaction.