Nursery & Reception
Early Years Intent
"All children who enter our EYFS will develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst embedding a positive, confident attitude to school. Developing oracy and thinking skills enabling children to reach their full potential."
At Beacon Academy, we believe all children should have the best possible start to their education, by having access to a progressive curriculum and language rich learning environments. To allow children to develop physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally, whilst embedding a positive attitude to learning and school life.
Our curriculum has been designed with the intent for all children to develop their oracy and thinking skills, in an environment which supports the needs of all children and encourages children to practise and explore skills linked to the curriculum. We provide a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, exploration and independence. Our learning environment is adaptable in order to reflect children’s interests and progression. We offer indoor and outdoor experiences in Nursery and Reception in a language rich environment promoted by high quality adult interactions.. Learning opportunities are planned for and delivered through whole class teaching, small group teaching, and one to one sessions. Child initiated play is also a valued part of our Early Years curriculum,.
We value our parent/carer partnerships and strive to work collaboratively to support their children on their learning journey.
The Early Years Foundation Stage sets the standard for early years providers to meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. Statutory Early Years Framework 2023
The EYFS learning and development requirements are made up of seven areas of learning and development.
Prime Areas Specific Areas
Communication and Language Literacy
Physical Development Maths
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
Nursery Team
Nursery Lead - Mrs Arundel
Nursery Practitioner :
Mrs Minnifield
Mrs Reid
Mrs Thompson
Mrs Mohamud
Reception Team
EYFS Lead - Miss Ayres
Mrs Robson (Vice Principal)
Miss Gregson
Teaching assistants:
Miss Lille
Mrs Brown
Reception curriculum maps