Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 at Beacon Academy!

This year promises thrilling opportunities to broaden your knowledge, hone new skills, and delve into diverse subjects. Along the way, you’ll be inspired to think analytically, work collaboratively, and pursue excellence in every endeavour.

You will be part of either Class Jay or Class Owl, guided by your wonderful teachers, Mr. Shaw or Mrs Goater and supported by our teaching assistants Mrs. Lovett, Miss Sharpe and Mrs. Johnstone.

This year, our class will embark on thrilling literary journeys, bringing stories to life through reading and writing.

 Farmyard friendships & feline adventures – Charlotte’s Web & Varjak Paw
Rainforest survival & discovery – The Explorer
Inspiring stories of courage & inclusion – The Boy at the Back of the Class & Race to the Frozen North

Throughout the year, we will explore fascinating topics such as the Romans ‘Rise to Power’ and ‘Britannia’ in two of our six History topics. In Geography, we will be exploring diversity in population and migration while also tackling coastal formations.

In Science, we will investigate exciting topics such as States of Matter and Classification and Environments and delving deep into digestion and our teeth.

Curriculum maps