Specialist Resource Base
What is a Specialist Resource Base (SRB)?
Beacon’s SRB provides additional specialist facilities within our mainstream school site for up to 36 pupils with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Pupils in the SRB must have a primary need of Cognition and Learning (C&L) and/or Communication and Interaction (C&I) as identified in their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) .
The purpose of the SRB , assisted by parents, families and multi-agencies, is to provide a team of specialist staff, equipment, resources and teaching methods /strategies that will support the pupils on their learning journey and enable them to achieve to their full potential.
The staff in the SRB work closely with a range of specialist services to ensure the best provision for children with C&L and C&I. These include Autism and Learning Support Team, Vision and Hearing Impaired Team, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, the School Nurse Services and the local Area Special School Outreach Services.
Specialist Resource Base Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum, based on the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum, adapts to students' learning styles and ages. It promotes academic, personal, social, and physical growth while incorporating extracurricular activities to enhance learning. We view every moment, from lessons to break times, as a learning opportunity.
Blackbird Class team
Miss O'Connell - Class lead
Miss Moss
Mrs Joules
Blackbird Curriculum
Swift Class team
Mr Stone - Class lead
Mrs Newton
Miss Carpmail
Swift Curriculum
Kestrel Class team
Mrs Cox - Class lead
Mrs Buxton
Mrs Sohota