
We understand that communication is key in supporting children and families and hope that this is well supported through our website.  If you are unable to find the information you are looking for please do contact us by phone or email 

Welcome to Barton Hill Primary Academy! 

At Barton Hill Academy our motto is find your remarkable.  What does this mean for our children?  It means that as a school we have a clear aim and intention to provide an education that enables each child to dream of their own unique, possible future. Find your remarkable means that we seek to provide a wide range of experiences and opportunities for children to discover their potential.

The children at our school show time and again that they care for and support each other.  Walk around our school any time, any day, and you will see children and adults actively engaged in learning.  We count it as a privilege to be able to educate such wonderful young people and hope that our website gives you a flavour of the passion and dedication to learning that is alive in our school. 

Yours sincerely

Samantha Smith