Year Four

Otters Class


Hannah Goodenough

Teaching Assistant

Abbie Colledge

Porpoises Class


Ali Birchall

Teaching Assistant

Michelle Chapman

Sea Lions Class


Anjum Razaq

Teaching Assistant

Hannah Wicks

Welcome to Year 4


We are always happy to talk with you and support or help where needed. If you need a conversation, please make an appointment at the school office or see us after school. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more please catch one of the team at the door or drop us a message on Seesaw. Seesaw is now our means of communication instead of the home school contact books. 

Learning at Home

Reading at home is one of the most important ways you can support your child’s education and we thank you in advance for your help with this. Your child will have an Accelerated Reader book to read at home or, for those children not yet on AR, they will have a library book to read for pleasure. Please could you ensure your child reads each night with you at home.

We will also be setting weekly homework which can be found on Seesaw.


Year 4 will do P.E. on a Friday each week.  Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their P.E kit on that day.  The P.E. kit expectation is for children to wear: 

We are all really looking forward to a wonderful year here at Barton Hill Academy and we are excited to work with your children to support them in making excellent progress.

Useful Resources

Accelerated Reader: 



Times Table Rockstars:

Year 4_Curriculum Plan Autumn 2024