Year Two

Jellyfish Class


Elaine Barnett

Teaching Assistant 

Christy Day

Turtles Class


Niki Fleming

Teaching Assistant 

Olivia Moth 

Seahorses Class


Leonie O'Connell

Teaching Assistant 

Karis Medway 

Welcome to Year 2

Please find below some key information for Year 2. If you have any questions or would like to know more please catch one of the KS1 team at the door or drop us a message on Seesaw.


We are always happy to talk to you and support or help where needed. If you need to talk to us, please make an appointment at the school office or see us after school. Alternatively you can message us on Seesaw. If you do have any concerns, your first point of contact should be the class teachers who know your child best. Mrs McGuire, Assistant Headteacher and KS1 Phase Leader, is also available if needed.

Work at Home

Reading at home is one of the most important ways you can support your child’s education and we thank you in advance for your help with this. Your child will bring home a RWI book along with an additional ‘Book Bag Book’ that goes alongside this. They will also have an Accelerated Reader book or, for those children not yet on AR, they will have a library book to read for pleasure. Please could you ensure your child reads each night with you at home.

We will also be setting weekly homework which can be found on Seesaw.


Year 2 will do P.E every Tuesday. Your child will need to come to school wearing their PE kit. The P.E kit is a red t-shirt, black or navy shorts and black trainers/PE pumps. You may also want to send your child in with plain navy or black joggers and/or a hoodie for when it is colder.

As the weather warms up it would be really helpful if you could provide your child with their own drinks bottle. We can provide cups of water in class but they aren't able to take these to PE or onto the playground. Remember to put their name on it!

Forest School

The children are lucky to have forest schools for 2 half terms a year.  When they have their sessions  we ask the children to come in old clothes with a coat and wellies. A message will go out on Seesaw to let you know when this will be.

Year 2 Curriculum Plan Spring 2025