Family Support

Child and Family Support Workers

Lesley Bastow and Will Nash are our child and family support workers. They support parents by providing information and advice on a wide range of issues.

Lesley  - call: 07570948805 or email:                                Will - call:  07786107673  or email:

Torbay Community Helpline

Torbay Community Helpline is open Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm and Saturday 9:30am - 12:30pm.  It is closed on Bank Holidays and will be operating at reduced hours over Christmas, as is run largely by volunteers.

Torbay Community Helpline offers a wide range of Welfare services which include food bank referrals,  prescription medication collection, shopping collections (essentials), posting mail, social phone calls, children, young people & family support, financial advice & support,  I.T/technology support, practical/handy person support and mental health support. 

You can contact the Torbay Community Helpline on: 01803 446022  or via the following link:

What is OLIO?

OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away. This could be food nearing its sell-by date in local stores, spare home-grown vegetables, bread from your baker, or the groceries in your fridge when you go away. For your convenience, OLIO can also be used for non-food household items, too.

Olio website

NHS Talkworks

Is the way that you are feeling affecting your daily life? Are you struggling to cope, feeling low, anxious or overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings? Are you living with a long term health condition that is making you feel tired, frustrated and worried? You are not alone and we can help.

TALKWORKS is a free, confidential, NHS talking therapy service helping you to feel better by giving you the tools and techniques to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

You can self-refer direct to TALKWORKS:

You can also book onto their online Wellbeing courses which covers managing worry and physical anxiety, setting goals/routines, improving poor sleep habits, how to access further support. The courses are free and open to anyone over 18 living in Devon, but you do need to register and book to ensure a space. Further information can be found here.

Shatter the Silence

The DevonLive Shatter the Silence campaign aims to encourage anyone struggling to reach out and talk - to either a friend, relative, charity or a professional. Our campaign content will highlight just how important talking is and the difference it can make.

Ultimately, we want to reduce the number of people who die by suicide in Devon. We will highlight where to get help and show how talking has helped people come through difficult times in their lives. We will speak to families who have lost loved ones to look at the lasting impact of suicide and attempt to dismiss the inaccurate belief many people who are struggling manifest that they are a burden on the ones they love. We will look at the devastation caused to those left behind in the hope that even one reader might change their mind if they have considered taking their own life.

We will speak to people who have survived a suicide attempt and have accessed counselling or other mental health services to show that things can get better. We will speak to Samaritans volunteers about their vital work in Devon and how they are on hand 24-7 to listen. And we will offer guidance on what to say to someone who is struggling so people feel more confident to have that conversation.

Do you have a relevant story to share? Email


Mental Health Hub Supporting Families 

Useful Websites

Help and Advice

There is a number of helpful websites and leaflets below. If you would like any further advice, support or just a chat, please contact Lesley or Will. 

Children’s services    


Tel 01803 208100   Out of hours 0300 4564876

Barnardos :


The Children's Society

Support for low self esteem, panic, general anxiety, sleep problems

Tel: 01803 200100

Think u know:


Games and activities for children from Reception to Year 2:

BBC Cbeebies - Years R to 2

Games and activities for children from Year 3 to Year 6: 

BBC Cbeebies - Years 3 to 6

Guide to support services in Torbay: 

Support with bedwetting, soiling, constipation and potty training:

Children and Family Health Devon:


Email -

 Local community food bank:

PATH - Drop in.  Food/support

The Vanilla Pod Café,

172, Union Street, Torquay.   2pm – 8pm.

Tissues and Issues leaflet.pdf
Incredible Years SW.pdf
YP resources to send - next steps.pdf