
At Barton Hill Primary Academy, we recognise that writing allows the children to express themselves creatively whilst developing key skills for organising and communicating ideas. In addition, writing enables pupils to gain access to all subjects across the curriculum. All the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society, and we believe that literate pupils will ultimately emerge as confident and articulate communicators. 


During their time at Barton Hill Primary Academy, children are given the opportunity to write across a wide variety of genres. We base our learning around high-quality texts so that our children have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.   In addition to this, opportunities for cross-curricular writing are regularly made, so children can confidently adapt and apply their writing skills to other subjects. Marking is constructive and linked to the children’s personal targets, with plenty of encouragement and advice, which the children regularly respond to.  Children’s writing is regularly celebrated, with a variety of displays across the school and opportunities for the publishing of work.

Find out what we are learning this term