Religious Education (RE) makes an important contribution to the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of our pupils. This helps pupils to develop a positive attitude towards other people, respecting their right to hold different beliefs from their own, and towards living in a society of many religions and beliefs. RE also allows children to develop life skills such as developing a sense of identity and belonging, acquiring respect for themselves and others and exploring challenging questions about beliefs. 


We offer discrete RE lessons to all pupils guided by specific half termly units drawn from the Discovery RE scheme of work.  The children focus on a specific unit which allows them to explore the main World religions; Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. 

Across the school we provide further opportunities to learn from religious beliefs and practice including PSHE.   In addition to this, RE is taught and promoted through whole school assemblies, celebrations and events. We aim to make wider links throughout the community by visiting local places of religious interest and worship, as well as inviting religious and cultural leaders to speak to us. 

Find out what we are learning this term