July 2023

Have a great summer!

Wishing all the Ashley Road families a fantastic restful summer break.  A huge thank you for all the support that families have provided this session.  We couldn't do it without you.  

My Movie 18 - HD 720p.mov

The Class Of 2023 Signing Off

With a touch of sadness, we say farewell to our P7s today.  We are remarkably proud of them all for the achievements they have had in their time at Ashley Road and the amazing young people they have grown to become.   We celebrated them today in assembly, looking back to their P1 experience and had a bit of fun casting our view forward to the children's predictions for the future.   We do not doubt that they are all capable of achieving anything they put their minds to.  In traditional style, the left school to 'hockey stick honour guard' to the words of 'School's Out'.  Good luck everyone!

Ice Cream And Dancing

On Thursday we had a lovely relaxed afternoon together as a school, enjoying ice cream and dancing in the sun.  A big thanks to the PTA for purchasing the ice cream for us all to enjoy!


P7 Water Fight

Another fabulous sunny day this year for the annual P7 water fight.  The children love taking the opportunity to give their teachers a good drenching, and the certainly did!  Even before the event, many of the P7 predicted this would be their favourite memory from the year.  Let's hope it lived up to expectations!

Farewell/See You Soon


To Mrs Shepherd, who has worked with all classes across the school this session, supporting the development of approaches to outdoor learning.  Mrs Shepherd's passion and enthusiasm for outdoor learning have enabled her to have a huge impact in the short time she has worked with us.  A huge thanks to her for all her hard work. 

See you soon:

To Mrs Adamson, Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Forbes who are heading off on maternity leave today, with the excitement of adding a new member to each of their families.  Their skills and enthusiasm will be missed next session, but we will look forward to welcoming them back to Ashley Road the following year.  

Shrek Success

We were delighted to watch two fantastic productions of Shrek by our P7 classes this week.  The outstanding talent, teamwork and confidence on display were a delight to see.  Possibly one of the most complex show we have put on, the children were not phased at all .  It was an amazing way to celebrate the P7 before they head off on their next steps.  Well done everyone.  A big thanks to all the families and staff who worked together on costuming, staging, props, lines etc to make the show such as success!

June 2023

Final Week Of Term

We are all looking forward to a jam packed final week of term, with lots of fun events before we all head off for the summer break.  Just some of the things to look forward to:

New Depute Head Teacher

Following interviews for the permanent Depute Head Teacher post last week, the preferred candidate is Miss Nicola Smith.  Miss Smith is currently Depute Head Teacher at Arduthie Primary School in Stonehaven where she has worked in the DHT role for a number of years.  Is familiar with Ashley Road School as she worked here as Acting Depute Head teacher briefly in 2019.  We look forward to welcoming her to the team in October. 

A big thanks to Miss Blair who had stepped up into the Acting DHT post this year.  She has made a great impact while in the role, and will continue to when she returns to her role of Principal Teacher in October. 

Maths As You Pass Wall - Complete

We were delighted to see the final parts of the 'Maths as you pass' wall arrive today, as well as a 'Mnemonic' banner which has been mounted on a wall in the south side stairwell.  As well as brightening up some of the dullest areas of the school, we hope the 'pass and glance' effect builds up to help children retain the spelling/maths concepts.

P6 Parental Engagement - Happy Healthy Lives

A big thanks to all the parents who came along to see the P6's share a presentation on the 'Happy Healthy Lives' art/wellbeing project which they focused on this term.  It was lovely to see their depth of knowledge on themes of mental health, and sustainability come through, both in their presentation and the art pieces they had created.  It is great to see the children feeling so empowered to lead positive change in the world!   A big thanks to Caitlin and Amy, the artists who supported this project throughout.  

Art Assembly Slides = Class Set

P5 Parental Engagement - Fast Fashion Vs Repair What You Wear

It was lovely to see the P5's sharing their topic learning this week through an afternoon engagement event with parents.  The 'Fast Fashion' topic has brought to life themes of sustainability and global impact as well as lots of practical skills through some fantastic work supported by Roz from 'Repair What You Wear'.  The teachers have been delighted to see how keen the children have all been to develop their abilities in these traditional skills.   Thanks to all who were able to come along.  

P7 Bikeability Next Session

In Primary 7, the pupils have the opportunity to take part in Bikeability which is a safe cycling course. To help us plan the sessions, please complete this form to indicate if you'd like your child to take part in Bikeability sessions when they are in Primary 7. We are planning to run our sessions during Term 1 and 2 of P7. 

Please complete this form by the 7th July. Thanks. 

Lost Property - Last Chance Pick Up!

Next week, every morning in the playground, we will take out all the lost property. Please take any items that belong to your child. We also have unclaimed school uniform in great conditions, so please help yourself.  Items that are unclaimed by Friday will go to charity. 

Health Pupil Leadership Group - Healthy Tuck Shop

Well done to the 'Health' pupil leadership group, who's Healthy Tuck Shop idea turned out to be a great success.  They were delighted to find that they need to buy more fruit to meet demand by the end of the week, and were able to use practical budgeting and stock management skills to full effect.  They raised a total of £71.40 through the enterprise, which they have decided to donate to...

Nursery End Of Term Celebration

The Nursery children enjoyed their end of term celebration (graduation) on Thursday morning. The performed some songs before receiving their certificates. Mrs Beedie and Mrs Norrie also received some flowers as they have graduated from their course this week as well. 

PTA Summer Fair Survey Reminder

The PTA have created a survey to gather feedback on the Summer Fair.   They would really appreciate it if you could take a fee minutes to complete it.  https://www.surveyhero.com/c/iipqcrkr 

Culture Week 2023

Thank you to everyone who shared and took part.  Special thanks to the Culture Leadership Group who planned the week. 

 Look at all the flags that represent our diverse school community! 

Culture Week 2023.mp4

Rights Respecting Partnerships

This week Mrs Stannard and Ms Callander, from Kinellar Primary School,  met with members of the Learning for Sustainability Committee.  The group shared how  Ashley Road celebrates and respects children’s rights.  We shared lots of ideas and we look forward to hearing about Kinellar’s rights journey.  

Eco Achievements

A big thank you and well done to everyone for their ongoing work to support our knowledge, understanding and action on all things eco and sustainability.  The fantastic work on this theme this year has allowed us to apply for and achieve our Green Flag with the Eco Schools programme.  Special thanks to Miss Jewitt who pulled together all the evidence from across school to show the great work that is underway.   The book creator shared here shows the evidence that was submitted as part of the application.


'Health' Pupil Leadership Group - Healthy Tuck Shop

Next week, the Health Leadership Group will be running a fruit stall for P1-7.  This will be under the shelter at break time.  They will be selling fresh fruit to promote healthy snacks.  Each item of fruit will cost 50p and profits will be given to charity. 


Each year group has a specific time slot so that the stall doesn't get too busy. 

Monday 26th - P1 and P4

Tuesday27th - P2 and P6

Wednesday 28th - P3 and P7

Thursday 29th -  P5

Glee Greatness

On Sunday, 35 children, a staff team of five and many families made their way down to Dundee to attend the national finals of the Glee competition!  The children performed brilliantly and were full of enthusiasm all day.   The Frisson Foundation who organised the event where delighted by the standard of the performance and the positive spirit shown by all the participants.  Well done all!

'Library' Pupil Leadership Group Book Sale

Well done to the 'Library' pupil leadership group who raised £182.50 via their second hand book sale last week.  They were very well organised and certainly developed some marketing skills through the process.  The group will now use 50% of their profits to purchase new books of their choice for our library, and will give the remaining 50% to our Charities pupil group, to donate to a chosen charity.  

Classes/Staffing For 23-24

See information regarding class/teacher allocation for next session.  You can also see the timings arranged for children to meet their new teacher.   Pupils attending Grammar School will also have received their induction  pack with class information to take home today. 

PTA Summer Fair Survey

The PTA have created a survey to gather feedback on the Summer Fair. To complete it please go to the following link: https://www.surveyhero.com/c/iipqcrkr 


Boomwhacking Fun!

Just one example of the musical fun that is being had in music lessons with Mrs McTaggart this term.  The 'Boomwhackers', simple plastic pipes are really effective when played together as a group.  P4 were impressed by how quickly they were able to pick this up, and the team working skills they used to play this piece as a group!

Culture Week Thanks

We've had a brilliant Culture Week at Ashley Road. We'd like to say a big thank you to all parents who came into school to deliver class workshops, spoke at Assembly and set up a stall during our Culture Exhibition. Thank you for giving your time to teach us about your culture. We loved celebrating our diverse culture at Ashley Road.

We will share some photos and videos from the event in our news update next week. 

Ashley Road Culture Group

Sports Stars

A great effort from our P7 football team on Saturday.  Although they lost 3-2 to Mile End they played the whole game with no subs as two players had to call off last minute.  The team rallied and played exceedingly well in warm conditions.  

Congrats to our two netball teams who attended the Rosebowl Tournament.  They all played their hearts out and did the school proud.  One of the teams missed out on qualifying for the chance to compete for the Rosebowl by a single goal.  In their classification matches they were again unlucky by one goal!  In fact they drew with the team who made the eventual final!  They all worked hard and their coaches, Emma and Helen were exceptionally proud of them all.  24 teams, 5 hours of netball and lots of fun.

P7 Inter-School Maths Quiz

A big well done to all the P7s who chose to take part in our first 'Inter School Maths Quiz'.  We were delighted to have teams from Mile End join us today to participate and have a go at some very challenging maths rounds, including Algebra, Probability, Fractions and Pythagoras!  We were impressed by the resilience and determination everyone showed in the face of a challenge.  

A huge congratulations to Dylan, Jacob and Daniel from P7 who took on the challenge to put together, organise and present the event!

We had a draw for first place with a team from Ashley Road and a team from Mile End sharing the top spot.  Fingers crossed this is something we can do again next session!

This year Aberdeen Reads challenge is to send Library Bear to the Moon! Find out all about the challenge on the poster above and the google slides. 

Remember to let us know if you take part!

Aberdeen Reads Summer Challenge


School Lunches - How You Can Help

Conversations have been held this week between Parent Council members and the Aberdeen City catering team regarding improvements to our school lunch service.  It seems that a positive improvement has been observed in recent weeks, and this will continued to be monitored.  The catering team have asked that we encourage families to do the following things to support their work in managing the service:

Parent Council Minutes 31 May 2023

Parent Council Meeting Minutes

Please see minutes from the most recent parent council meeting which took place on the 31st of May.

Skill Monster Results

P1- 7 'Skills Master' Mascots Challenge - The Result

The children have been taking part in a fun filled collaborative, creative challenge set by our 'Skills Masters' pupil leadership group.  The children worked in teams within their classes to create representation of one of our skills mascots.  Our judges found it hard to decide between the many amazingly creative designs, but came up with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.  See the slideshow for the top three!

P1-P7 Parent Consultation Thanks

Many thanks to all the families who completed our parent consultation survey, either online or in person following parent meetings.  We will now add this information to our annual self evaluation, and use it to review and adapt our planning for improvements for next session.  We hope you can see that your voice and your views matter and can have an impact within our school community.  

School Spaces Success

A big well done to our 'School Spaces' pupil leadership group, who created the window sticker designs with support from young artists throughout the school.  Their idea has really brightened up areas of our school and reflects the journey we all go through in developing skills from P1-P7.  

Brilliant Biodiversity

The children have been very excited to see their efforts to improve our school garden start to have a positive impact.  We now have a nesting family of blue tits and a number of 'froglets' who have not yet grown their back legs.  It is great to see the biodiversity of the space improving. 


P7 Track Stars

A big congratulation to some of the P7 boys, Cameron , Dylan , Daniel  and Robbie who competed in the AAAC Primary Schools Track and Field Champs on Saturday and represented Ashley Road in the relay.  They won the gold medal coming first competing against Mile End and Albyn Schools.  Well done to you all!

3Sixty Stunt Team Visit

As Ashley Road was one of the top 3 performing schools in Aberdeen during the Big Walk & Wheel challenge we once again won a visit from the 3Sixty Stunt Team.  We had a visit last year and the children loved the show! This year they put on a dazzling display with their bikes with a starring role going to.......Mr Donaldson! He was certainly a good sport as he had bikes jumping over and landing very close to him. 

JRSO Message To Families

Following more worrying reports about parking and driving behaviour around the school, we ask again that families do not stop or park on double yellow lines while dropping pupils off.  

Outdoors With P4

A big thanks to all the families who came along to the P4 parent engagement event this morning.  It was fab to see families getting involved in some outdoor learning challenges, getting a taste of what these sessions are like in our weekly timetable.  

Parent Consultation Event

At the upcoming parents meetings on Tuesday the 6th and Thursday the 8th of June we will be running 'drop in' parent consultation sessions in the school dining hall from 3:30 - 5:30.  We hope that families will drop in past before or after their parent meetings and have a look through some of the materials which will be on display for discussion and share their views via the Google survey.  There will be tea and coffee on offer too!

The  survey covers the following themes:


-Three Year Cycle of Whole School Themes

-Proposed Model for RME - Our Diverse World

If you are unable to come along, or drop in next week, please take some time to complete the survey online, most of the materials which will be on display have been attached digitally to the form .  Apologies for the length of the survey and all the details that have been included.  This has been done in an effort to provide transparent dialogue around the schools ongoing improvement work and to support genuine informed consultation with families.  There are links embedded in the form to take you to any relevant information.  Very few questions have been marked as 'required' to allow you to skip any questions which are not relevant to you.   

We ask that all families complete the survey by Friday the 9th of June.  Even if you are happy with all that is going on, it is important that you let us know!

Mathematical Challenge 2022-2023

This year we had 16 P7 children who took part in The Scottish Mathematical Council's Mathematical Challenge in the 'primary' division. This is more than ever before!  A big well done to all who gave it a go - they were very challenging problems this year.

Well done to everyone who entered. 

An example of one of the questions is included if you want to give it a go!

I wonder how many children will enter next year?

'Maths As You Pass' Wall - In Development

In an effort to make better use of this long corridor wall and to brighten up this dingy space we are developing a 'Maths As You Pass' wall.  From top to bottom, this wall will be covered in the number and maths facts which children will encounter during their journey through school from P1-7.  We hope that as children pass each day, they will pick up some of these facts and concepts.  The middle section which is around 4m by 2.5m arrived today to applause from the children in assembly!  We hope to have the first section up for families to see next week during parent meetings.

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Skills Master Challenge 1!

The first 'Skills Masters' challenge was set by the Skills Pupil Leadership Group to be completed this group.  Children were challenged to work in groups to create one of the skills mascots, reflecting on the skills which they were developing through the challenge.  The group have selected winning mascots which will be announced in assembly next week.  The amazing creations, each one unique have been displayed around the library area, so parents will be able to have a look during parent meetings next week. 

P3 Africulture Visit

A big thanks to Mavis from the Africulture network, who came into school today to share stories and artefacts related to African culture.  Mavis was delighted to see how diverse our school community is, and how keen our pupil are to learn about different cultures.  


P4 - The Big Sing!

On Thursday this week our P4s all attended a city wide event; The Big Sing.  The first of its kind, all P4 pupils across Aberdeen City gathered at Duthie Park for events in which they sang together three songs which they have been practicing in school for the last two terms.  It was wonderful to hear the sound created by such a large group, who got into the spirit and sang together to a huge audience of many parents and community members.  A big thanks to the city's music service for pulling together the event which hopefully will be the first of an annual tradition.  


Tennis Stars

Recently, the annual NESTLA schools tournament has been taking place on St Margaret's school tennis courts.  As ever some of our Ashley Road Stars; Dean, Josephine, Toby and Ellen were there to show their skills!  Well done to you all!

National Travel Survey

Scottish Government Transport Analytical Services Division would be grateful if you would complete the following survey:

The closing date for all responses is 9th July 2023.

About the survey

Do you have a child aged 5-16, or are you a young person aged 12-23? If so, please complete our short travel survey for a chance to win up to £250 in One4All vouchers. We want to hear from both those who use the Young Person’s Free Bus Travel and those who don’t.

The Scottish Government launched the Free Bus Travel Scheme for young people between the ages of 5 and 21 in January 2022. This aims to encourage greener travel patterns, and increase opportunities for young people to engage in employment, education and social activities, and not be excluded due to travel costs.

Transport Scotland are monitoring the scheme as it progresses to check on use and impact. This survey seeks to understand use of the scheme and any benefits or challenges that have been experienced since its introduction.

We would be grateful if parents/carers of younger children (i.e. those aged 5-16), or young people aged 12-23 themselves, could complete this short travel survey. The questionnaire asks about current travel behaviour, your thoughts about bus travel generally, about use of the Young Person's Free bus Travel Scheme, and for those who don't use it, we want to know the reasons why. As such, we are keen to get feedback from those who have signed-up to the scheme and those who have not, as well as those aged 22-23 who would have been eligible for the scheme previously. This should take no more than 10 minutes to do, and you need to live in Scotland.

Contact Us: If you have any questions about the work or problems completing the questionnaire, please contact our Project Manager, Elaine Wilson-Smith, at elaine@wellsideresearch.co.uk or on 0131 677 5522.

Summer Fair Thanks

A big thank you to all the PTA and parent volunteers who helped support the setting up and running of an amazing Summer Fair this year.  The weather was great and the fair was once again a massive success with all who attended it, enjoying the event.  It was lovely to see some new families with children who will be joining  P1 in August.  

Thank you to all the families who came and enjoyed the event.

At the moment we are still awaiting a grand total but it looks like we raised just over £9000!

Lost Property Patrol

Our new 'Lost Property Patrol' has kicked off as the brainchild of one of our Pupil Leadership Groups.  They created this image, using all the lost property which had piled up last week!  On Monday and Tuesday after school they set up a lost property stall in the playground at the end of the school day, in an effort to  clear out the remaining lost property and will be reintroducing 'class buckets' for children to leave their jackets an jumpers in at breaktime during the warmer weather.  

Parents can help us hugely in reducing the amount of lost property, simply by putting names on all items.   Even written on with a biro, names almost always help items find their way back to their owners!

Rag Bag - Friday 9th June

We are participating in the Rag Bag textile recycling scheme this term.

Please bring any unwanted items for the collection by 9th June. 

 Please see leaflet for further information. 

Drop Off Safety

We have noticed an increasing number of children being dropped off very early in the mornings.  A reminder to all families that the playground is not covered by the PSA team until 8:50 am in the morning at the earliest, therefore any children dropped off before this time are unsupervised.  We would recommend that children not be left in the playground before 8:50 am

May 2023

P1-7 Parent Meetings

The final parents evening meetings of this session will take place on  Tuesday the 6th and Thursday the 8th of June and will continue to be in person, in school.  As you will have recently received your school report, we understand not all families will feel the need to attend for this set of appointments.  

Appointments will continue to be in person, but booking will be online via the same system used previously.  You can book an appointment be going to the address below and logging in using pupil and parent details.   The information you use to login must match exactly what we hold on our school system, so if you are struggling to login, please call the school office who will support.  


The booking window will open on Monday the 22nd of May at 12:00pm and close on Friday the 2nd of June at 12:00pm.

Please help us to make best use of teachers time which is set aside to meet with parents.  If for any reason you are unable to attend an appointment, please cancel with as much notice as possible by calling the school office or cancelling via the online system. 

Parent Reporting Info 2022-23.pdf

P1-7 School Reports

It is that time of year again!  Children will bring home a paper copy of their annual school report today.  The aim of these reports is to help families understand how their child is progressing in their learning, sharing an update on the levels which children are working at presently. This report includes written comments from teachers. These will usually focus on the core curriculum areas of Health and Wellbeing, Numeracy and Maths and Literacy and English.  Please see guidance attached which gives more specific detail on what individual levels/comments mean.  Any questions on the reports can be discussed at the upcoming parent meetings.  

Due to system that is used across ACC the format of printing the 'sign and return' slip on the reports is on the reverse of the actual report page.  Parents do not need to sign or return these slips. 

Harper the hare is ready to join the trail

P6 have done some fantastic work on their 'hare' in preparation for its departure to join a sculpture trail in support of the Clan cancer charity. Before Harper sets off on its journey, we wanted to give families the opportunity to see the hare in person, so Harper will be in the school playground at drop off and pick up times if you would like to pop by and have a look.  Here was the P6's plan 

Harper The Holistic Hare

'Harper the Holistic Hare was designed by P6 pupils at Ashley Road Primary School.  Harper's head is painted in a range of skin tones, which represents the diversity that exists in our classes, our school and our wider community.  Harper sports a red school jumper, displaying our school's badge because Ashley Road Primary unites our community, it brings us together.  P6 pupils have signed the jumper, just as the P7 pupils sign shirts when they move on from our school.  Leaving doesn't lead to being forgotten.  Below the jumper we have images designed by different members of our school community, showing things we love in this wonderful world.'

Culture Week Reminder

We are still looking for families to be involved in our Culture Week.  It would be wonderful to get as many families involved as possible so our week really celebrates the wide range of cultures that exist within our school community.  

Please complete this form by Friday 26th May. We will be in touch after that to confirm plans once we know how many people would like to be part of our culture week.

A Rowing Recommendation

A big thanks to Cara (an ex Ashley Road pupil) who volunteered to come an speak to our P7 pupils about a local rowing club which she attaends, taht they may be interested in.  It was lovely to see someone sharing their passion and encouraging others to get active.  Thanks Cara!

Class Photo Day 22nd May

Don't forget it is 'Class photo' day on Monday the 22nd of May.    

Not long to go until the Summer Fair!


When is the fair?

What will there be?

We still require volunteers to help run the school fair on the day. If you can support please sign up at the following link:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c094da4af2da5fec52-summer#/ 


How can you donate and support?

Please see the donation letter to see how you can support the fair and when to drop items off. 

Nursery Sports Day

On Tuesday we had our nursery sports day. The weather was kind once again and all the children had a great time. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered to help walk up to the field with the children and to those that came to watch.  What a great turnout to cheer on the children. 


Summer Fair Raffle

The Summer Fair is on Saturday 27th May. 

The Raffle tickets and letters will go home on Friday or Monday to the oldest and only children. All the information about donations can also be found on the back. 

If you require any more raffle tickets please contact the school office who will be able to help you out. 


Inspiring Our Resilience

This week in assembly, we welcomed Myles Edwards, a Scottish 1500m running champion, who  has represented Scotland multiple times.  Myles is also a Co-Founder of the Gathimba Edwards Foundation, a charity which works to provide as many Kenyan children as possible with the opportunity of a bright future.  Myles spoke of his own experiences on the track and how his failures have helped him build resilience and improve.  He also shared lots of stories of individuals he has met through his charity work, who have shown many our 'Coping Cora' skills such as resilience, adaptability and a growth mindset to overcome huge adversity in their lives to access equal opportunities.  I certainly felt inspired by his presentation and am sure it will be one that will encourage the children to be motivated in their own lives. 

Culture Week 2023

At Ashley Road we love that we have a school community full of different beliefs and cultures.  We'd like to celebrate our differences and learn about different cultures.   A pupil leadership group are planning an exciting culture week during w/b 12th of June.   We are looking for parents to support our event and we'd like you to complete this form if you can help in any way. 

We are looking for help in 3 areas:

1. Class workshops. On the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, we're looking for parents/carers to spend 30 minutes in classes sharing about their culture and allowing pupils to ask questions. You can choose what you share - dance, music, clothes, stories, traditions, sports, games or about famous people. If you’d like to wear cultural clothes during the workshop, we’d really like that.

2. Assembly sharing. We would like some parents to share 5 minutes about their culture with the school and maybe allow a couple of questions. We have assembly on Thursday and Friday from 2.20 - 3pm.

3. Culture exhibition. On the Thursday and Friday, we would like to set up an exhibition to teach the school about lots of different cultures. On the stall there could be things like: clothes, food to smell, important items, photos, a flag, maps, information about what you do or the history of your culture, interesting fact, unique things about your culture, traditions, famous people, sports, style of writing or language. We’d be looking for you to set up your stall on Thursday from 9 to 9.30am. We’d invite you to pack up from 2.30 - 3pm on Friday.

Please complete this form by Friday 26th May. We will be in touch after that to confirm plans once we know how many people would like to be part of our culture week.

Thank you in advance for helping with our culture week.

Vivienne, Alexandra, Robyn, Salma, Douglas, Zayd, Eva, Renad, Leah, Jiahe & Miss Blair

Sports Day Thanks

A big thanks to everyone who was able to make it along to support us on our Sports Day this year.  We really lucked out with the weather on the one sunny afternoon we have seen for weeks!  The children had a fantastic time and with classic Ashley Road spirit the relay race was a great end to the event.  We are always impressed by the courage, team work and resilience that the children show on days like these.  A big congratulations to Westburn who were the winners of the house cup this year!  A final thanks to all the parent helpers who volunteered their time to make the day a success.

What is that smell...

If you passed the school on Monday and wondered caught the whiff of a farm, well this is why.  P4 loved the opportunity go have a visit from the 'Countryside Classroom on Wheels', which is a purpose built, bio secure trailer designed to bring livestock, crop and feed samples to the school playground with the aim of introducing pupils to farming, food production and the countryside and raising awareness of the kinds of animals and crops raised on Scottish farms.  The children enjoyed having the opportunity bring some of their learning from last term to life, and above all loved meeting two lovely sheep. 

Coronation Cheer

A bit of fun in school this afternoon as we celebrated the coronation of the king which will take place tomorrow.  Although plans had to be altered du to the weather, we were delighted to welcome some courageous 3rd year students (John and Nicholas) from the Grammar School who played some lovely Scots jigs in the library area to get us all into the celebratory spirit.  A big thanks to them both for being brave enough to play in front of nearly 500 people!  I hope everyone enjoys their extra day at home on Monday.  

Running Champs Event

Aberdeen Amateur Athletics Club are running this popular event again this year.  A number of pupils from Ashley Road attended this event last year and enjoyed their experience.  Please use the link/QR code if you wish to register to take part. 

Class Photo Day 22nd May

'Class photo' day is coming up, on Monday the 22nd of May.  Although we ask that children arrive in school on time ever day, it is particularly important on photo day as we are unable to have photos retaken to include any late arrivals.  

Gleeful News!

A HUGE congratulations to our wonderful Glee Group, who swept to victory at the regional final at the Beach Ballroom last Friday!  Both of their performances showed brilliant skill and amazing team work.  It was lovely to see that our ASG partners Skene Square and St Josephs, took the other top 3 spots!

The group will now go through to the national final which will be held on Sunday the 18th of June at Caird Hall in Dundee.  Once the Frisson Foundation has shared more information regarding timings and ticketing for the event, we hope to arrange a coach as an option of children (and possibly some parents) to travel together to and from the event.  More information on this will follow to families of our Glee performers.  

Once the Some photos from the evening have been uploaded to a Google Drive folder for families to download.  To access the folder, you will need to log in with your child's Google Account.  

Culture Week

At Ashley Road we love that we have a school community full of different beliefs and cultures.  We'd like to celebrate our differences and learn about different cultures.   A pupil leadership group are planning an exciting culture week during w/b 12th of June.   We are looking for parents to support our event and next week we will share a link where you can sign up. 

Well done to our P7 Rotary Quiz team who competed in the second round of the P7 Rotary Quiz competition. There were 12 teams competing in the Aberdeen area final and our team came 4th with a score of 104 points out of 120.  Congratulations to Elle, Dylan, Jacob, Bella and Libby who represented Ashley Road brilliantly.  We are very proud of your achievement! 

P7 Rotary Skills

HWB RSHP Curriculum

Many classes are participating in RSHP HWB lessons this term.  You can find links to all the lesson plans for each year group on our website under the "curriculum" tab. Click the image above to take you to these resources. 

Aberdeen Grammar School Transition

This week, the Primary 7's enjoyed their second transition visit to Aberdeen Grammar School. 

The transition process for the P6's will begin next week. On Thursday 4th May, the support for learning teacher will join the P6s for the afternoon to meet them and see some of the fantastic work they're doing. 

April 2023

P5-7 Run Club - Thursdays with Mr Wallace

Ashley Road Running Club Term 4

Active Schools Fun Run Series

Active Schools are running our Fun Run Series again this term.  The event is open to all P1-P7 pupils. Entry is free and pupils can pick a day or venue that works best for them; with 7 venues to pick from across the city, hopefully there is one near to you that you can attend.


Family Learning Opportunity

Join the ADHD Foundation at Robert Gordon's College on Monday 29th May.

On the day, the team will cover:

Planting Up In Time For Summer

It has been lovely to see the children start to plant out their year group planters this week.  This project has been about adding a touch of green to our concreate playground, and encouraging our children to take pride in and responsibility for their school environment.  

A big thanks to all the families who were able to donate plants, seeds and bulbs.  We hope that with some tender love and care from each of the year groups that we will see some sprouting and growth before we head off for the summer break.  

Those year groups who have planted out have already started to show pride in their planter and are lookiing forward to getting the 'watering' rota started.  

We Are 'Fond Of The Pond'

A huge thanks to Miss Jewitt and the Eco Pupil Leadership group who were very ambitious with their improvement idea, and worked tirelessly over the last few months to reinstate the school pond.  Sadly the pond had shriveled up to no more  than a puddle after being vandalised a number of years ago.  We hope the reinstated the pond will encourage greater biodiversity in our garden area, which will really enhance our real life learning and teaching opportunities during outdoor learning.  

Project Woodwind

An exiting time ahead!  We have been very lucky to be able to source funding to enhance our provision of music at Ashley Road.  After exploring the available options we have decided to undertake an ambitious and unique project, which we are calling 'Project Woodwind'.  

We have purchased sets of 'Nuvo' instruments, which are plastic versions of traditional instruments, which can be easily cleaned between use by different individuals.  

The aspiration of the project is to give all children P4-7 the opportunity to explore, play and develop woodwind skills as part of their regular class learning and teaching.  This will likely take place for blocks of time each year so children will build on their skills as they journey through school.  

Staff in school are not experts on these instruments,  but we are all willing and excited to learn together.  We hope that those children in our school who have already started developing skills through individual music tuition will be able to become 'music leads' within these lessons.  

Sharing this news in assembly, the children have shown great excitement about the idea!

Introductory Instruments

Toots (introductory flute)

Dood (Introductory Clarinet)

Full Size Instuments 

Clarineo (Clarinet)

JFlute (Flute)

JSax (Saxophone)

There are some really exiting plans in development with the music tuition team, which will hopefully extend this project even further!  I look forard to sharing these in the future...


P4 Big Sing 2023

Introducing an exciting new event for Aberdeen City Schools, the Big Sing!

Aberdeen City music service are organising a collective singing event, which will include all P4 pupils across Aberdeen City schools.  The children are all learning the same songs and will sing together atv one of three events at Duthie Park on  Thursday 1st June . Our children will be performing from 10 to 10.30am around the bandstand.  The children will arrive on a bus provided by ACC.  

We will seek support from parent helpers nearer the time, but all parents will be welcome to come along and listen to the lovely singing.  Parking will be very limited on the day, so we have been advised to encourage any families to arrive on foot/via public transport if at all possible.  

We look forward to hearing the big group sing together!  Fingers crossed for some sun.  

Sports Day - 10th May

Sports Day this year will be on the afternoon of Wednesday 10th May. Can you please complete the google form to let us know how your child will be dismissed at the end of the day. The form should be comleted by all familes for each child they have in school.  As ever we need lots o f parent helpers to make this event a success. If you are able to help please complete that section of the form. 


PTA Summer Fair

Save the Date!

Saturday 27th May - 12.30-3.00pm

More information to come soon!

Learning For Sustainability Group - Applications Are Open

Ashley Road  are aiming to start a Learning for Sustainability Committee which will meet on a regular basis to develop Rights Respecting and Eco themes in our school. We are looking for one person to represent their year group and work with us on the above themes. This would involve sharing your ideas and opinions, as well as carrying out surveys and activities to move things forward. We would like to open this out to P1 to P7 pupils. Please complete the form below, this will enable Miss Jewitt and Mr Donaldson to read through your applications and discuss your interest further with you.

P1 to P6 members will continue to be representatives after the summer holidays to help progress our goals.  

This form needs to be completed by Wednesday 26th of April 2023. 

Learning for Sustainability Committee (google.com) 

March 2023

Enjoy The Holidays!

A big thanks to all our families for their continued support and community spirit, to our amazing staff team who work hard to provide amazing opportunities and to our learners who we learn with and from every day1

We hope you all enjoy a relaxing break, ready for a 'jam packed' summer term!

The Hoodies Are Here!

Our P7s were delighted today to receive their P7 leavers hoodies.   Their arrival signifies the beginning of a final, fun packed term at Ashley Road for our P7s.  We look forward to making some lasting memories with them next term!

Happy Healthy Hare

As part of the Happy Healthy Lives project that the P6s are working on with ACC Create Learning Team, they will be designing and producing a 'hare' which will become part of a sculpture trail.  It is lovely to read about the plans the  children have come up with which they have now submitted to CLAN as their plan for the project.  This message will be displayed with 'Harper'.

Harper The Holistic Hare

'Harper the Holistic Hare was designed by P6 pupils at Ashley Road Primary School.  Harper's head is painted in a range of skin tones, which represents the diversity that exists in our classes, our school and our wider community.  Harper sports a red school jumper, displaying our school's badge because Ashley Road Primary unites our community, it brings us together.  P6 pupils have signed the jumper, just as the P7 pupils sign shirts when they move on from our school.  Leaving doesn't lead to being forgotten.  Below the jumper we have images designed by different members of our school community, showing things we love in this wonderful world.'

I cannot wait to see this wonderful design when it has been completed. 

P7 Creative Learning Approaches

Our WW2 Painting

On Wednesday we (Cassie and Elsie) did  a presentation for our homework showcase.  Our theme was conflict/WW2.   Our teacher told us to create something that represents WW2/conflict, so we worked together to create a painting.  The painting was of a battle scene and it took us a while to do it, about 1 month. 

The skills we used were: teamwork, breaking into parts, experimenting, imagination, visualising, adapting, focus, growth mindset, making decisions, resilience, taking chances, collaborating, communicating, compromising, discussing, listening, presenting, flexibility, fine motor skill, stamina, speed and coordinating. 

We first did the background and that took a week to dry.  Then we tried to draw planes and tanks and that failed.  So we printed out pictures of tanks, people and planes and stuck them on using glue.  The glue took about 15 minutes to dry.  Also, the day before we had to show it to the class we worked on it for about 3 hours to hours to finish in time.  We also had to show it to the other P7 class.   We also made sure to have lots of fun! 


Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

 Well done to all the children in the school who took part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel over the last two weeks. Everyday the teachers have asked the children how they came to school and looking to see the numbers of active journeys to school.  

Our daily average was 65.13% of the children travelling actively to school. On our best day this figure went up to 73.33%! Our regional position for Scotland was 33 and we have come second in Aberdeen.  A great result once again!

As we go forward into the nicer weather we hope families can continue a positive trend on active travel to and from school.  For those families who do need to drive to school, we strongly encourage 'Park and Stride' (parking a street or two away from school and walking a short distance.

We are still experiencing many problems with parking around the school at drop off and pick up times and this was mentioned again at Parent Council.   We hope parents can make safe and sensible choices to help the community and children of Ashley Road. 

As Talented As Ever

Amazing talents on display at our annual talent show today.  It is always impressive to see even some of the youngest children in our school having the courage to stand up and perform in front of the school.  The musical, dancing and comedic talents were at a very high level, and the peer support and encouragement on show was heartwarming.  Congratulations to everyone who took part!

Barking Around

A big thanks to the PTA for providing further funding for the next phase of our outdoor learning development.  We have now taken delivery of a huge quantity of bark spread out across our garden area.  Now it is being used by all classes in school on a weekly basis, the bark will help to make sure the garden does not turn into 'muddy soup' in the wet weather.  We have also now been able to fill each of the large planters in the playground with topsoil, ready for planting at the start of the new term!  

Saving Holburn West For Our Community

The Local Community council are looking for support from the local community to retain Holburn West for community use.  Currently the school breakfast club runs from this space and could be lost if the community group is unable to gain enough members to support their funding application.  Please take a few minutes to read the attached information.  

P2 'Wild Challenge' Birdwatch Award

Our P2s have been taking part in RSPB's 'Wild Challenge' as part of their outdoor learning sessions this term.   The challenge encourages learners to connect with the natural world in brave new ways - to reach out and touch it and meet it head-on, up-close and personal.  Well done to everyone involved!

'Glee'ful News

A huge congratulations to our Glee group for their fantastic performances at the Beach Ballroom last week.  They truly gave an amazingly tuneful, dramatic, confident performance in front of a very large crowd and were delighted to hear they were 'runners up' so will be going on to the next stage of the competition after the holidays!  A huge thanks to the staff Glee team who give up their own time to support this amazing opportunity for our children.  

A message from the team:

We were delighted that so many pupils across P5-7 wanted to join the Glee club after the Easter holidays, and initially we said yes to this as we were very happy to take on new members. However, following the success at the competition last week we are now on a very tight deadline for the next couple of performances (next round of the competition and summer fair) to be ready. As we feel it would be unfair to expect new members to learn multiple routines and songs in a very short space of time, we are sadly unable to take on new members this academic year. We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday!
Mrs Adamson, Miss Jones, Miss Jewitt and Miss King

P7 Transition Dates

As part of our transition support process for P7's moving on at the end of this session, Aberdeen Grammar school has shared the following information:

P7 Leavers Show Dates

As we start to plan for our P7's final term, we have been working on the planning for their P7 leavers performance.  We have identified the following provisional date, which families can add to their diaries.  Although we hope to stick to this date, this is always the possibility we may need to make a change nearer the time.  

Save the Date:

Wednesday the 5th of July

As work starts on the show next term, we will be seeking support from families to help with props and costuming, so if this is an interest of yours, get your glue gun/sewing needles at the ready!

Eco Group  Initiatives

The Eco Groups spoke with assembly this week regarding a number of Eco initiatives they would like to get up and running as part of our work towards our next 'Green Flag'.    Below is a message direct from the group:

Save Our World

Make the world better by helping the environment. You can help by picking up litter and taking no wrappers on Wednesday. Just one small step to help the world move on. You know there might be more wrappers than fish in the ocean in 2025.


Wrapper free Wednesday is back. Please try to bring in no wrappers on Wednesday and don't drop wrappers. Also we're going to make a fancy little poster so we can see how many people have taken in no wrappers.                                                    .


If you're in the classes in between P4-P7 you can do litter pickers.   Litter pickers collect rubbish for our houses so we can get house points.   We will set up a rota.

29.3.23 Parent Council Agenda

Parent Council Meeting Agenda

Please see attached agenda for the upcoming Parent Council Meeting on Wednesday the 29th of March at 7pm in the school hall.  Everyone is welcome to attend.

P6 Happy Healthy Lives Art Project

It has been lovely to see the P6 'Happy Healthy Lives' art project really ramping up this week.  The children have been actively involved in driving the direction and planning of the project, choosing to focus on how creative learning approaches can help us maintain a positive outlook on the future.  

Yesterday in assembly we had a virtual meeting with children from Dounby Community School in Orkney who have also been working on a creative art project.  One of their creations 'Bob' (see picture) has been visiting schools on his way to be displayed in an exhibition in the National Museum in Edinburgh.  The children were very excited in assembly today to meet Bob in person before he goes on the next step in his journey cross country. 

It also happens that the Local Community Council have sponsored Ashley Road school to participate in another artistic project.  A sculpture trail project called 'the Big Hop' which is being organised by the charity CLAN.  The children will work together and gather ideas from across the school community on how to decorate our 'stargazing hare' which will go on to become part of a local sculpture trail over the summer, before returning to school in October.   Our hare arrived today, to much excitment from P6!

Cross Country Stars

Amazing effort from all our cross country runners today!  Mr Wallace was very impressed by the stamina and resilience and camaraderie shown by all the runners.  I believe there were a few shoes pulled from feet on the muddy hills, but it didn't stop anyone from completing the course.

After some Oscars envelope style confusion, the P5 Girls Team won 1st place.  Great work everyone!

Charities Group Fundraising Success

A big thanks from the Charities group for all the donations for the dress up/down day last Friday.  Between the donations on the day and the additional funds which they were given by the Communities group, £783 will be donated to the Turkey/Syria Earthquake appeal.  Brilliant work everyone.  

Community Group - Community Cafe

A big thanks to everyone who was able to make it along to the 'Community Cafe' which the Communities pupil group put on this week on Tuesday afternoon.  Despite the frosty weather the children were delighted to see their efforts in preparing snacks and hot drinks were appreciated.  The group raised around £100 via donations on the day, which they passed on to the Charities group to donate.  

Electronic Devices in School

A reminder that it is school policy that devices that can take photos, connect to the internet (phones, smart watches etc) or be used for communication should not be taken into school unless necessary.  

For children who do bring devices that can connect to the internet or take photos, they should be handed in to the class teacher at the beginning of the day where they will be kept safe and then be returned at home time.  If you are unsure if your child's device is acceptable, please get in touch to check.

Driving/Parking Around School

Parents and members of the local community have been in touch  to share concerns again regarding the inconsiderate and dangerous driving and parking around the school.  Disappointingly this continues to be an ongoing theme.  A number of individuals within our school community are putting personal convenience over the safety of our pupils.  There seems to be an increased risk on days with wet weather when more families choose to drive to school.   

We have two JRSO (Junior Road Safety Officer) pupil led groups who have been speaking in assembly about the importance of being safe on the roads around school and aim to produce banners to be displayed on Ashley Park Drive.  


Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

This year we will again be taking part in the Big Walk and Wheel. This takes place over two weeks on the 20th-31st March.  Every day the class teachers will ask how the children travelled to school. The event is looking to increase how many children are either walking, wheeling, scooting or cycling to school. We submit those numbers and we can compare how the school is doing with other Aberdeen and Scottish schools. There are also prizes to be won too for the school! I wonder which class will be the best this year from our school?

Clubs On Offer Block 2 22/23

Pupil Led Clubs - Booking Open

Of the 44 amazing applications submitted, we have been able to provide staffing support/find space around school to run 23 of these clubs for this block.  If the standard of the applications is anything to go by, the clubs are going to be brilliantly organised by their team of pupil leads, and I'm sure the children attending will have great fun! 

A big thanks to the school team as this large number of clubs is only possible due to a large number of staff giving up time over their lunch hour to provide their support.  

The document attached contains an Eventbrite link to each of these lunchtime clubs and booking is open now.  Please only sign up for one club per child at this point to ensure there are opportunities for as wide a group as possible .  By the end of the week a message will be sent out to open booking for any remaining places. 

Pupil Group Community Cafe - All Welcome

Ashley Road Community Cafe

Ashley Road’s community cafe is going to raise money to be donated to the Turkey and Syria earthquake appeal.

When Tuesday 14th March @ 1:45 - 2:30

Come to the AshleyRoad playground it will be at the benches area near the nursery and we will have professional staff (our wonderful group).

We will have biscuits, brownies, coffee, tea and hot chocolate for you to purchase.  

If you would like to attend, please complete the form below so the group can plan appropriately.  LINK HERE

Ashley Road Has Talent!

Every year, just before the Easter break we hold an informal talent show within school.  Each class holds auditions and one act from each class is voted forward to perform in front of the school.  We always have an amazing variety of talents on show.  In the past we have been entertained by interpretive dance, magic shows, comedy routines, science shows, dance acts and singing just to name a few.  Acts can start rehearsing now for their class auditions, we cannot wait to see the talents presented this year! 

Pupil Led Clubs - Next Step

For this block, we have had over 40 applications to run clubs and the standard of these applications has been absolutely outstanding.  

We will look carefully at these applications and select the club ideas which will be able to go ahead for this block.  We would love to give this opportunity to everyone who has applied, but we are limited by staffing/resources/space within school.  

A huge thanks to the large number of staff who have volunteered to give up time over their lunch hour to support the children to run their clubs for this block.  

A timetable with Eventbright links will be sent out to all families next week to allow parents to register their children for clubs.  We ask that parents initially just register for one club per child.  We will provide a further update if there are spaces remaining in clubs after the initial registration.  All going well, clubs will start week beginning the 13th of March and will run for three weeks this term and three weeks next term. 

Pupil Led Charities Group - Dress Up/Down Day Friday 10th March

Dear children and parents/carers,

On the 10th of March we, the charity group, will be holding a school event for the Turkey and the Syria earthquake appeal.  On the day we would like your children to be wearing red, black, white and green clothing like the colours of the flags.  This is optional and you may choose to wear casual clothing if preferred.  We would suggest a donation of £1 however you may choose to donate a different amount.

Thank you,

The Charities Group  

Eden Chin - Journalism Team - February 2023

Amazing Journalism

I wanted to highlight the amazing work of one of our school Journalists, Eden in P4, who went above and beyond to write a fantastic article celebrating a really important member of out school community - Bob the school crossing patroller.  Eden interviewed Bob specially to find out and share his story!

P7 Transition Dates

As part of our transition support process for P7's moving on at the end of this session, Aberdeen Grammar school has shared the following information:

World Book Day

At assembly we have looked at World Book Day and the Theme this year which is: You ARE a Reader.

The children will have received their Book Day tokens which they can use to purchase one of the special World Book Day books or receive £1 off a book of their choice. 

The World Book day website also has information about access to a selection of free audiobooks using the Yoto App: https://www.worldbookday.com/world-of-stories/ 

There is also a  Share a Story  page where there are links to a selection of books being read: https://www.worldbookday.com/share-a-story-corner/ 


Aberdeen Reads Banner Competition

Aberdeen Libraries are running a competition to design a new space themed banner. 

Click on the link to find out more!

Greening the Grey

Last week saw a big order of timber sleepers arrive (kindly funded by the PTA - over £1000).  

Our next step is to source topsoil to fill the raised beds so classes can start to plan what they would like to grow.  The damage to the pillar at the front gate will make this process more difficult, but be are hoping to find solutions to work around this. 

If you have any cuttings, seeds, bulbs or small shrubs that you would be happy to donate, we would appreciate your support!  Equally, if you are a particularly knowledgeable gardener and are able to offer some time and advice to your child's year group, please get in touch - you can do this via the VOICE BOX.   

If you wish to make any donations 

In the meantime it has been fun to see how the empty raised beds have captured the imagination of the children, who have imaginatively transformed them into cars, boats, aeroplanes amongst other things.  

February 2023

Pupil Led Clubs - Block 2

After great success earlier this session, Pupil Led Clubs are back, for their second 6 week block of the year.  The 'application window' is now open and closes on Friday the 3rd of March for those who wish to apply to run a club.  To apply, children from P4-7 should follow the link below and complete the form (with as much detail as possible).  

The principal of these clubs is that they are fully run by pupils, with staff working alongside to facilitate and support.  All the ideas, organisation, resourcing and running of the clubs is in the hands of our young leaders.  The skill development evident through the process during block 1 was outstanding.   We hope to have the clubs up and running for the last three weeks of this term, and the first three weeks of the summer term and will share details on how to register to attend clubs at a later date.  

From a 'hands up' survey in assemblies, it looks like 70-80% of children wanted to apply to run a club, and with limited adults to support, the strongest applications will be selected to go ahead.  This block, we are also inviting video 'adverts' which can be added to enhance applications and give groups a better chance of being selected!

I can't wait to see what will be on offer!

Form link here

P7 Rotary Quiz Winners

Congratulations to Bella, Jacob, Ella, Dylan, Olivia and Libby who won the 2023 Primary 7 Rotary Quiz and will be moving on to the next round!

School Lunches - N-P5 Free

Just a reminder that school lunches for pupils in Nursery - Primary 5 are free, paid for by the Scottish Government.  If you have registered for Parent Pay, there is no need to upload money to your child's account unless they are in P6 ot P7.  

parent letter 1st Feb

School Closure

Due to industrial action by teaching unions, the school will be closed to all pupils on Tuesday the 28th of February and Wednesday the 1st of March.  Our ELC (nursery) will be open as normal.

Ashley Road Running Club

P5-7 Running Club Block

Form link here.  

Mr Wallace (who teaches P7Rm1) would like to offer the P5-7 pupils the opportunity to attend a 5 week block of 'Running Club', taking place on Thursdays at 3:45 on Harlaw Playing Fields From the 2nd to the 30th of March.  If you are keen to get involved, please use the Google Form below to register.  There are a limited number of spaces dur to required ratio's off adult supervision, so these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  Mr Wallace will let children know at the beginning of next week who will be able to attend on Thursday.  See further information on document attached. 

Dalguise P7 23-24 Trip

We are currently getting bookings organised for the P7 trip to Dalguise next session.  A form has been shared to gather information from families regarding the potential uptake/payment menthods.   If your child is in P6 currently and you have not yet completed this form, please follow the link HERE

Raised Beds

The PTA have generously provided funding to purchase a large number of timber 'sleepers' which we plan to use to build 8 raised beds in locations around the school playground.  The House Team Leaders are helping to identify appropriate locations for these planters to ensure we don't disrupt the existing play opportunities.  Each year group (including nursery) will have ownership of a raised bed in the main playground, which they will be able to use their green fingers to plant, and nurture seeds, bulbs and hopefully some evergreen shrubs.  They will continue to look after the same planter as they progress through their school years from Nursery - P7, so will hopefully see how this develops over the seasons and years.  

As the 'sleepers' are deep, they will also double as some much needed seating, providing areas for children to gather and relax.  We expect the sleepers to arrive on Monday and that work on construction of the planters will take place throughout the week next week.  

As we have an open playground which is used after school and into the evenings, we ask that all families using this space monitor how their children interact with the raised beds (e.g.  not climbing on them/pulling at the plants) to ensure they are not damaged.  

Fingers crossed we can add a touch of green to our 'concrete jungle'.

'Logs' of excitement!

There was a lot of excitement at break time today as a number of slices, stumps and large logs arrived and were unloaded for use in our school garden.  These were kindly provided free of cost   The many spectators enjoyed watching the machinery being used to unload the larger logs while engaging in speculation about how they can be used.  We hope to get them into place in the school garden as soon as possible to support our outdoor learning development!

Parent Council Minutes

Parent Council Minutes 25 January 20231 reviewed

Pupil Leadership

Our pupil lead improvement groups have now had their third meeting and are on their way to planning and implementing some meaningful changes within school on their group theme.  The groups have a timescale of only six weeks to plan and implement their changes, so are now half way through!   The digital leader within each group has updated a simple 'site' to share their proposed changes, and may provide some photo updates as their work gets underway.   This site is fully in the hands of the pupils, so reflects the improvement ideas from a pupil's perspective with minimal adult interference.  Have a look at the ideas, are there any you might be able to help with?

Pupil Leadership Group Site

Meeting An Author

Penny was lucky enough to attend a session with author and recent Children's Laureate Cressida Cowell as part of the Imagine Festival in London. Her top tip for writing was to think of it as telling a really big lie - the more detail you put into your writing, and the more you base it on a tiny grain of truth, the more it comes alive in your reader’s head. Cressida Cowell also signed a copy of 'How to Train Your Dragon' for the Ashley Road School library!  A big thanks to Penny for the book, and for sharing her story in assembly! 

Public Consultation Ruthrieston Sports Grounds 

Ashley Road/Broomhill community council have been working on a project regarding the redevelopment the Ruthrieston sports grounds, which is a great asset for the school and the local community. 


In recent years, the sports grounds have fallen into disrepair and are no longer able to meet the needs of the wider community.  The community council recently had a meeting with Sport Aberdeen who have committed together with the City Council and funding from the Lawn Tennis Association to undertake a redevelopment project to upgrade the facilities and create a modern, safe, and functional space that can be enjoyed by everyone.


Any interested parties are invited to attend a public meeting on the 8th of March at 7:00pm, at Holburn West Church where Sport Aberdeen will be discussing the proposed redevelopment plans and outlining some proposals for the grounds.

The  redevelopment of the sports grounds will greatly benefit our school and the community as a whole so it would be great to see members of the community getting behind the pr

Aspiring Authors

We celebrated the amazing work of one of our P7 pupils (Libby) in assembly today.  Through her own time and interest she has written an amazing fourteen chapter book called Hybrids.  She spoke of the resilience she built when working through a bit of 'writers block' but has since written four further books!  We have been soo imprssed with her work that copies of her books will be printed and bound in the library for us all to read and enjoy!  It would be great to see others sharing this type of passion for stories so we can build a whole 'Written By An Ashley Road Author' section in our library.  

Staff Outdoor Learning - Learning Through Action

As part of our in-service days this week, our whole staff team engaged in some professional learning regarding outdoor learning.  We investigated, explored and experimented with the range of new resources purchased (with PTA funding) to test out some of the lesson ideas which will be on the agenda with the classes over the next few weeks.  Following much fun, hilarity and competition staff reflected  on the curricular outcomes covered, the high levels of engagement and great skill development which took place through the activities.  We hope to see that classes throughout the school have at least one hour per week of protected outdoor learning time (in addition to any PE lessons).  

PTA Fundraising Bake Sale

Thank you so much to Ashley Road school community for getting involved in the impromptu bake sale last Friday. All money raised has been sent on to aid the relief work in Turkey after the recent earthquakes.  Ashley Road community raised and donated £2000 to the appeal. We can not thank you all enough for the hard work baking and all the money donated. We are very proud of our school.



A Small Message Of Thanks

A thank you to the kind members of our school community who go 'above and beyond' to help out. From simple things like the many hands who made quick work of moving the outdoor equipment from the playground into the garden after school, to the hard slog put in by the Freeman family who spread grit over the whole playground during the cold weather.  For these and many other examples, your help and support is greatly appreciated!

Internet Safety - Assembly Focus 

This week we have been discussing digital citizenship in assembly as part of Internet Safety Week.  We have used Common Sense Education's 'body part' characters to think about the different skills we need to stay safe and be responsible online. 

P1-7 Parent Meetings

We look forward to inviting all families into school for the next set of the parents evening meetings.  These will take place on Tuesday the 21st and Thursday the 23rd of February and will continue to be in person, in school

Appointments will continue to be in person, but booking will be online via the same system used previously.  You can book an appointment be going to the address below and logging in using pupil and parent details.   The information you use to login must match exactly what we hold on our school system, so if you are struggling to login, please call the school office who will support.  


The booking window closes on Friday the 17th of February at 12pm.  

Please help us to make best use of teachers time which is set aside to meet with parents.  If for any reason you are unable to attend an appointment, please cancel with as much notice as possible by calling the school office or cancelling via the online system. 

School Closure For The King's Coronation

We have now had confirmation that schools have been granted an exceptional closure on Monday 8 May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III.  Both the school and our ELC (Nursery) will be closed to all pupils for the day. 

Outdoor Learning - Equipped and Ready To Go

Exciting times ahead as lots of new outdoor learning equipment has arrived and been built over the last few weeks.  We have now been able to place a lot of this equipment into the school garden ready for the children to begin to develop their skills through exploration  and experimentation.  We also have new supply of outdoor waterproof jackets, trousers and welly boots available in one of the cloakrooms for any children who do not have these items to bring from home (or for anyone who forgets on the day).   A big thanks again to the PTA for the £7000 donated already to support this project.  The staff will be using some of their time on the upcoming in-service days to take part in some CPD on outdoor learning, and get to explore how they can use the new resources themselves!  

PTA Fundraising Bakesale

A big thank you and well done to all the families who organised, baked and bought from the bakesale stall this morning (and to those who will buy at the end of the day today) to support fundraising for the PTA's earthquake appeal.  It is lovely to see so many families within our community coming along to support.  It seemed fitting that this event was held in front of the new wall mural highlighting the word 'kind'.

Parent Pay - New Lunch System

Launching 16th February

Aberdeen City Council schools are rolling out a new system for the ordering/payment of school meals.  The system is called ParentPay, and it will go live at Ashley Road from the 16th of February 2023.

Children from P1-P5 will continue to receive free school meals. 

ParentPay will:

Meal choices for all primary school pupils, can be pre-ordered for your child for up to three weeks in advance via the ParentPay online account. There will still be an option for your child to choose a meal in the classroom on the day, just as they currently do, however, we would encourage you to pre-order the meal via your account to assist with meal preparation and the smooth running of meal service.

Aberdeen City Council will send you written communication and details on how to activate your ParentPay account.  This process is being handled centrally - not by school staff. 

Particularly for P6 and P7 pupils, it is important that once notified you activate your ParentPay account as soon as possible to allow you to continue to pay for school meals.

House Leader Promise Survey

Our House Team Leaders have carried out a survey this week through the 'voice boxes' with the following result.  They will now have to consider making action plans for each of their key priorities, and for many of them, consider logistics, communication and funding! Hopefully we will see some of their 'promises' become a reality before the summer break!

Easter In The City

Aberdeen City Council have approved an Easter programme to provide children and young people (aged 5-14 years old) with a range of

opportunities, activities and childcare during the Easter school holidays. As part of the programme, some of the activities will provide food. 

The Easter programme is likely to feature a mixture of community-based clubs and activities, childcare and free access to take part in some ‘paid for’ programmes offered by partners such as Sport Aberdeen.  Funding is mostly aimed at children and young people (aged 5-14) from ‘low-income households’ who fit into one of the following categories:

 How can you help?

Your views will help us to plan and put together a programme that meets the needs and interests of your family.


Kindness Focus

We have had a big focus on kindness in assemblies and classes over the last two weeks.  This included activities and presentations in both these assemblies lead by out House Team Leaders.  They also created 'Jars Of Kindness' which were distributed to each class last week, which were to gather kind thoughts and feelings which were then shared out to everyone in the class.  

PEPAS Primary School Boccia 2023


Active Schools have been working with Grampian Disability trust to plan an opportunity for all primary schools to train staff and pupils to become Boccia leaders within their own schools.    School staff will be getting training on the inservice days in February and we hope to have a group of pupil leads trained before the Easter break.  

What is Boccia?

Boccia (pronounced bot-cha) is an accessible sport which is similar to bowls.  It is a target ball sport which tests both muscle control and accuracy.  Visit our what is boccia webpage for more detailed information. 

See the video for more information on what Boccia is!

The hope is for a Boccia festival to be set up for teams from schools across Aberdeen City to enter and enjoy together.

Our New Birthday Bunch!

Some more lucky 'Golden Ticket' discoveries happened this week to help us identify our 'Birthday Bunch'.  This crew will be popping into classes each week with their celebration gear, happy spirit and birthday certificates to hand out.  

The Wall...Progress so far

Our fab painting team have been busy again and have made great progress on the first wall with Jorn's design.  Some of the smaller details are coming together so we hope to complete the deign next week.  We may then see some more 'Golden Tickets' appear to find the next group to work on wall number 2!  Thanks again to the PTA for funding lots of the paint (and to Mrs Burgess for sourcing a donation of paint from B&Q).

January 2023

Aberdeen Diving Talent Search

Aberdeen Sports Village is looking to find the diving champions of tomorrow!

All children from P2-6 will take part in a fun circuit style session with the diving team in school.   Some have taken part this week and the other classes will take part next week.   

The children will participate in a series of activities that will allow the team to assess children with natural physical and mental attributes which may make them successful in the sport of diving.  

They also hope to encourage more children to take up the sport of diving. Your child may receive a letter if the team thinks your child can be 'fast tracked' in the process of developing from a beginner to an elite level diver!

All the children who take part will receive a certificate which has a voucher for a free diving taster session at the Sports Village. 

P5-7 Running Club

Mr Wallace is a keen runner and would love to set up a weekly  running club for P5-7 on a Thursday at 3:45 - 4:30 on the pitches at Harlaw.  To do this we would need a number of parent helpers who would be willing to commit to supporting the club weekly.  If you feel you may be able to help, please get in touch with Mr Wallace through Seesaw, or with the main office by emailing Ashleyroad@aberdeencity.gov.uk.

With the annual cross country competition coming up, it would be great to get this club up and running.

Primary 7 Transition Visit to AGS 

On Monday 30th January, the Primary 7's will visit Aberdeen Grammar School for their first transition visit (this was originally planned for a date in December, but it was cancelled). During the visit, they will meet some key staff and participate in STEM and Science activities. Pupils will be at the Grammar over lunchtime, so should take a packed lunch. After lunch, pupils will walk back to Ashley Road for the remainder of the afternoon. 

parent letter 1st Feb

School Closure

Please see attached letter from Shona Milne, Interim Chief Education Officer which explains that that due to further strike action by teaching unions, the school will be closed to all pupils on Wednesday the 1st of February.  Our ELC (nursery) will be open as usual.  Further strike dates have been identified for Tuesday the 28th of February and Wednesday the 1st of March, which may also result in school closure.  Final information on these dates will be shared nearer the time.  

Pupil Leadership Groups

Today we started the 'poll and match' selection process which is used to help match the children to their preferred option of pupil leadership group.

All children P4-7 in school will be part of a group which will be focused on leading change or improvement to some aspect of our school environment, the way we work or our community.  These groups have been kept small in size (will be of around 10 pupils from P4-7 ) to ensure all group members have a meaningful role and can be heard.   The point of these groups is to build leadership skills and support the children to feel  genuinely 'in charge' of aspects of their school life.  

Half the pupils from each P4-7 classes will attend a leadership group this term, and the other half will attend after the Easter break.   We look forward to seeing what ideas the children come up with and whether they can bring the changes to life!

Golden Tickets

This week we have had some mysterious 'Golden Tickets' hidden around school.  The lucky finders of these tickets were given the opportunity to  take part on the 'White walls to bright walls project' by getting their hands messy and getting stuck in with the first coat of paint!  Sadly the weather was against us so we have had to pause until next week, but you can see the volunteers have made a great start!  It was brilliant to hear the children chat about the 'Physical Fuzz' skills (fine motor, stability and balance)  and 'Coping Cora' skills (resilience - due to the cold) they deveeloped through the process.

Parent Council Minutes + Agenda

See minutes from our last Parent Council meeting and the agenda for the next meeting which will be in school on the 25th of January at 7pm.

25.1.23 Parent Council Agenda

Meeting Agenda 25th Jan 2023

9.11.22 Parent Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes 9th November 2022

Things to look forward to this term

Just some of the exciting things to look forward to this term...

- Children identifying themes for groups

- Splitting the groups (half this term/half next term to provide smaller groups (around 10 children to 1 teacher) to ensure that all voices are able to be heard)

- A pupil 'chairperson' and digital leader in each group.

- Evaluation against a 'pupil leadership scale' to see how much leadership the children did manage to take with adult support, rather than direction. 

Translating/Tour Guide Team

Wirth the aspiration of celebrating the skills and talents which exist within our wonderfully diverse school community we have been working on forming a team of willing bilingual pupil volunteers to become our 'Translator Team'.  These pupils will  help children/families new to the school who have little English on arrival and will provide tours/make connections to help people feel welcome.  

I am delighted to share that we have not been short on volunteers!  We now have a team of 38 pupils who speak a total of 22 different languages, from Bengali, Russian,  French, Italian, Swedish, Arabic and many more!  These children  will soon be given training on how to give a school tour and I'm sure will be exited to have then opportunity to take on this new leadership role when some new pupils join the school!

Wall Design - Let's get painting!

This is just a taster (projected onto the wall to allow it to be traced) of what we hope Jorn's amazing wall designs will look like when we get painting!  We will be gathering a group of pupil volunteers (I think there may be plenty to choose from) to get painting over the next few weeks.  We will have to work around the weather as cold/wet days are not great for paint, but hopefully you may start to see the design come to life over the coming weeks!

A huge thanks again to the PTA for a £300 donation for the costs of the paint/brushes/equipment. 

Skills Mascots

Based on Christina's (P6) original design, we have been excited to see or skills mascots popping up all around school.  These mascots are helping us all to connect with and reflect upon our skills framework.   In assembly this week we met physical versions of the characters which we can cuddle!  Each assembly children will be selected to  reflect on a skill in each of the four areas.  If they do this well, they get to cuddle the mascot through assembly.  Even our P7's were thoroughly excited by this prospect!

Small 'younger' versions of these mascots were gifted to our P1 classes to look after.  These little characters haven't yet developed their skills, so it will be our P1's mission to teach them (and give them a cuddle now and again).  Some more of these 'young' mascots will be making their way to nursery in the next few weeks. 

My Movie 12.MOV

School Values

We have been doing lots of work this week to highlight our school values around school.  These are:

A curious, aspiring, resilient mind.  

A kind, respectful, inclusive heart. 

Next time you visit, you may notice some rather large representations of our values character (3 meters tall!)  To help us all remember the values, we decided to figure out the Makaton moves which would represent them and learn them in assembly.   Tristan, Darcy and Emily ran our Sign Language lunch time club so were perfect candidates to help!  Check out the video and have a go!

Outdoor Learning Equipment Order

 PTA Funding Outdoor Learning Materials

The order is in and with funding support of £7000 from the PTA some of our new outdoor learning equipment has started to arrive!  This includes some sets of waterproof jackets and trousers for children who may not have their own to bring along.  There are lots of loose parts/open ended equipment which will be used for exploration and investigation focused outdoor learning experiences.  Large planters and planting tools are also on their way, so we hope to be able to have some veg grown by summer!  We are awaiting the arrival of a large shed to store all this equipment which we hope will be here by the end of January.  Exciting times ahead!

Primary 4 Swimming

Primary 4 Swimming

P4 Swimming has been confirmed and will run on a Thursday morning. Swimming starts next week (19th January) and runs weekly. The final session will be on 23rd March. 

Room 8 will leave school asap after they have registered at 9am and their swimming lessons are from 9.30 - 10.15am. Pupils will be back to school for a late break. 

Room 16 will register as usual, they will have an early break at school, and they will leave school at 9.40am. Their lessons are from 10.15 - 11am. They will return to school before lunch. 

The travel and changing time is limited, so it would be helpful if pupils came to school wearing their swimming costumes/trunks under their school uniform (and underwear can be taken in a bag along with their towel). Swimming caps will be provided for every pupil, and it is preferable that every pupil wears a swimming cap. 

We are still looking for a number of parents to support with swimming lessons. Please get in touch with the school office if you can support and a rota will be made up. Thank you to the parents who have already made contact. 

December 2022

Christmas Fair Feedback Survey - Reminder

The date has been extended due to limited returns:

The PTA would like to seek some feedback on this years Christmas Fair to help them adjust their planning for next session.  If you have a few minutes to complete the form below they would very much appreciate your  ideas.   Please complete this by Thursday the 22nd  of December. 

Seasonal Shows

A big thanks to all who came along to the P4-7 sinalong this afternoon.  The children really enjoyed themselves, and from some of the dancing I could see at the back of the church, so did many of the parents.  

Last minute rehearsals have been underway today for the P1-3 shows, 'An Out Of This World Christmas'.  We look forward to seeing many families join us tomorrow to watch the show.  

Christmas Parties

One of the most  anicipaed events in the school calendar, this week the children will be having their Christmas Parties.  

Please come along in your party clothes, ready to dance and celebrate.  

School will be providing snacks for the event (children with allergies will be catered for)

Snow Helpers!

A big thanks to our community spirited volumteers who grabbed a shovel and heled to clear some areas of oiur playground over the last week to keep it as safe and accessible as possible.  We really appreciate you squeezing this into your busy morning routines!

parent letter 16 .12.22.pdf

Strike Action - Likely School Closure Tuesday 10th January '23

See letter attached regarding potential strike action on Tuesday the 10th of January.  It is likely that if the strike goes ahead, school will be closed to all pupils on this date.  Further information will be shared nearer the date to confirm if this is the case.

Christmas Fair Feedback Survey

The PTA would like to seek some feedback on this years Christmas Fair to help them adjust their planning for next session.  If you have a few minutes to complete the form below they would very much appreciate your  ideas.   Please complete this by Friday the 16th of December. 

Road Safety Magic Show

This afternoon all children attended a road safety themed magic show, which helped remind us all the importance of crossing the road carefully, particularly at this time of year.  We know to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK!  Some of our 'resident magician' pupils were able to help out with the tricks!

Usborne Books

Following on from the school fair where the Usborne stand was, we received £115 of new books for the school and nursery. The picture shows the books that we have purchased.  We also had a winner of the lucky square competition who chose to donate her £50 voucher for books to the school. The winner asked if books could be purchased and given to P2 Room 4 where her grand child was in.  What a lovely gesture. Room 4 got an exciting bag of books this week too!


Young Journalist Articles


Seasonal Shows - Tickets

Just a reminder again of the dates/venues for the P1-3 and P4-7 shows coming up in the final week of term.  

Families do not need tickets to attend the events, but we ask that no more than two family members from each of the performing cast come along to ensure that we stick to safe numbers within the school hall/church.  If anyone attending needs specific support with mobility (e.g. is in a wheelchair)  please let the school office know in advance so we can plan appropriately.    

P1-3 'An Out Of This World Christmas' - School Hall

Tuesday 20th December  - 9:30 - 10:30 

Cast 1 - P3 Room 6 (appearances from P1Rm2, P2Rm4)

Tuesday 20th December 2:00 - 3:00

Cast 2 - P3Rm7 (appearances from P1Rm9, P2Rm5)

P4-7 Singalong - Holburn West Church

Monday the 19th of December 1:45 - 2:45

Christmas Jumper Day

We will be having our 'Christmas Jumper Day' on Friday the 16th of December, raising funds for 'Save The Children'.  Come along in a cozy jumper and bring a donation if you wish.  Feel free to dress down on the day if Christmas jumpers aren't for you.

Fun In The Snow/Slush! 

All Hands On Deck

Each year when we have cold weather, our school playground becomes a 'white wonderland' of snow and fun for a day or two, but often when the snow begins to melt, it refreezes leaving the playground hazardously icy and unusable for break/lunch times.  

School janitorial staff are required to clear one path to the school entrance/exits and try to spread grit as much as they can to keep busy areas clear but the janitor works across multiple schools so is unable to clear such large areas on his own.  

As we head into the winter season I hope that we might be able to call on some 'community spirit'.  Next time we have snow on the ground, please feel free to come along with a shovel before school and help to clear some of the play space with us.  Hopefully 'all hands on deck' will mean we are able to keep the playground as safe as possible for our pupils, and keep their play space accessible throughout the winter season!

Information For School

Team Leader House Event 1

Our House Team Leaders have been busy planning their first whole school house event.  They have worked hard on the logistics, resources and on sharing the news across the school community.  This event will be a Scavenger Hunt around the playground and will have a competitive element to win points which will go towards the year long competition for the House Cup!  Fingers crossed the ice will clear from the playground over the weekend so the event can go ahead.

parent letter 2.12.22.pdf

Potential Strike Action Thursday 8th December

We do not expect that this strike action will impact on staffing at Ashley Road.  We expect that school will be open as normal to all pupils. 

Respecting Choices @ Ashley Road Religious and Moral Education

At Ashley Road we are very lucky to have a diverse, multifaith school community, where children naturally learn about the values and beliefs reflected in the different family groups.  To ensure that we respect the wishes of all families in relation to Religious and Moral Education and the cultural events which take place across a year, we ask that parents consider the points on the form below.  If you are happy for your child to participate in all curricular activities, you do not need to complete the form.    Please complete this by Friday the 9th of December if necessary.

Some important points to be aware of:

The assumption is that every child takes an active role in every lesson within the curriculum.  No Religious and Moral Education lesson on any faith is designed to promote any religion.  These lessons are designed to give information and encourage understanding and respect of the similarities and differences between religions.  

School communities typically include pupils and staff from a variety of faiths and belief perspectives, and this is taken into account and celebrated when supporting spiritual development/learning about an celebrating events across the year.  E.g. Children will learn about events like Christmas, Diwali, Eid Ul Fitr as part of class projects.  It is of central importance that all pupils and staff can participate with integrity in forms of RME without compromise to their personal beliefs.

Please answer the questions below carefully to show the various elements of Religious and Moral Education that you the parent/guardian, may wish your child to be withdrawn from.  It is the role of the parent to complete a comprehensive list of activities children are not to take part in.  Children cannot ‘pick and choose’ the lessons that they would like to join in with throughout the session.  If this form is not completed, children will be expected to participate.  If you choose to withdraw your child from any of these activities, an independent activity will be arranged.  

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch before completing the form.

P4 Swimming

Primary 4 swimming lessons will be weekly on a Thursday morning starting on the 19th of January and the last session will be on the 23rd March. Pupils will be bussed to and from Bucksburn Swimming pool. Room 8 will be leaving school asap after 9am and they'll be back around 11am for a late break. Room 16 will have an early break so they can leave school at 9.45am, and they'll be back to school around 11.45am.  

We require parent helpers to accompany the classes each week.  If you can help, please get in touch with the school office and we'll be in touch once a rota has been made up.

Road Safety - Parking

I am disappointed to report that a number of parents from within our school community are continuing to drive and park dangerously at drop off and pick up time for school/nursery.  I ask in the strongest possible terms that parents and family members carefully consider their morning/end of day arrangements to ensure that they are not putting our children at risk.  

I will be contacting the City Warden team and Police to request additional visits to our area in an effort to address the problem.  

We have a Road Safety Magic show next Friday for all the children to watch, but ultimately, the children will only be safe on the roads around school if we all play our parts in keeping them safe. 

Pupil Led Club Success!

We have now reached the end of block 1 of our pupil run clubs this year and the project has been a great success.  Staff and club attendees have been unbelievably impressed by the standard of the clubs the children have put together.  It has been heartening to see the children really reflect each week on how to organise themselves, and think of strategies to really engage their club members.  A huge congratulations to all this Thursday and Friday to celebrate the awesome achievements and to think about the skills they have developed.  We will have another block of clubs running later next term, and we will be opening up applications to run these after the winter break.  

A Reminder of Dates for Seasonal Events

Each year we have a focus on performance and presentation through the preparation of some seasonal shows, to get us all 'in the spirit' before the winter break.   Parents of each class are invited along to see the performance their child is participating in.  Below are the dates and times we hope to hold these performances for you to add to your diaries.  We will let you know if these are required to change for any reason.  The Nursery and P1-3 performances will be held in the school hall and the P4-7 singalong will be in Holburn West Church to enable the larger audience size to attend. 

Nursery Singalong

Wednesday 14th December 9:30 - 10:15

Primary 3 Seasonal Show 

Tuesday 20th December  - 9:30 - 10:30 

Cast 1 - P3 Room 6 (appearances from P1Rm2, P2Rm4)

Tuesday 20th December 2:00 - 3:00

Cast 2 - P3Rm7 (appearances from P1Rm9, P2Rm5)

P4-7 Singalong

Monday the 19th of December 1:45 - 2:45

Parent Reporting Info 2022-23.pdf

Interim Reports - Home Today

Today children will have copies of their Interim Report coming home in school bags.  These reports share an update on the levels which children are working at presently.   No written comments are included on this report.  Included in the envelopes is a guide in how to interpret the information included.  This is attached here too.  If you don't understand anything and would like to seek further clarification, please get in touch. 

Flu Vaccine - 9th December

For those families that returned the Flu vaccine letters during Term 1, the vaccines are due to be given on Friday 9th December.   If children receive a vaccine they will come home with a letter and guidance from the nurse.  For those that missed the deadline for the return of the flu letters, you would need to contact your GP as the nurses can only go with the lists they have from these letters.   If your child has now had the flu vaccine since submitting the letter, please email the school office and this information can be passed to the nursing team on the day. 

November 2022

SLT Remits

Now that our Senior Learning Team is complete (on an acting basis), we have reviewed the remits which will be led by each member of the team.  There will be a gradual transition while staff take on these new roles and get to know the children and families within these remits, which are detailed below.

Mr Rae - Nursery - P3 + Health and Wellbeing

Miss Blair - P4-7 + Supporting Learners with Additional Support Needs

Mr Donaldson - Curriculum development

Acting Principal Teacher

As Miss Blair has now taken on the post of Acting Depute Head Teacher, her Principal Teacher post was sitting vacant.  We interviewed last week and I am pleased to say the Mr Barry Donaldson will be taking on the post of Acting Principal teacher from the beginning of December.  Mr Donaldson will be involved in curriculum development work, alongside continuing his work with P7Rm10.

SLT Contact - Not Seesaw

If at any point parents wish to get in touch with a member of SLT, this should be done by contacting the office by:

Phone: 01224 588732

Email: ashleyroad@aberdeencity.gov.uk

We ask that parents do not use Seesaw to contact members of the SLT as this platform is not regularly checked and there is a risk that messages may be missed.

Community Council Event With Real Reindeer!

Another exciting event at Holburn West Church which has been arranged by the Community Council.  There will even be a real reindeer there to feed!  

Children In Need

Big thanks to all the families who gave donations for Children In Need dress up/down day.  We raised £515.57 for Children in Need.  A great effort from all!

Primary 4 Swimming

P4 Swimming

Primary 4 pupils will receive swimming lessons through the Aberdeen City Council Primary School Swimming Programme. Lessons will be weekly from January to March (dates and times tbc). Pupils will be bussed to and from the pool at Bucksburn and the lessons will be conducted by qualified instructors. 

Please look out for the V4 form, which is part of the Aberdeen City Council procedures for out of school learning activities, which will be sent home with every P4 child and should be returned to school by Friday 2nd December. 

P1-3 Multisport Club - We Need You!

We have one parent who has volunteered to set up a P1-3 Multisport extra curricular club, but he cannot do it on his own.  We are seeking some parents who would intested in becoming part of a small group who would run the club.  Days/times would be arranged to suit the volunteers and all training, PVG, equipment would be supported by Active Schools.  If you are at all interested, or would like to find out more, please get in touch via the school office. 

Young Journalist Team

Having reviewed all the wonderful articles submitted by those hoping to become one of the schools 'Young Journalists' I met today with the new team.  They were were all very exited to take on their new leadership role and will now be seeking out the next big 'scoop'!  They will be writing articles about the news around our school community, to be displayed on this screen at the school entrance, to keep us all up to date!  I look forward to seeing who/what is considered newsworthy!  Christina will also be joining the team!

Christmas Fair Thanks

A huge thanks to everyone who helped out at the Christmas Fair and to all those who came along to enjoy the event.  The PTA put in a huge amount of effort to put on these events, both to raise funds for school projects and to support the community spirit of our school.   Also a huge thanks to everyone who provided donations for the event.  With all 600 tickets sold, the school was absolutely buzzing.  The final count has not been completed yet, but I believe the estimated amount is £5000+!

Can For A Cane!

One of our P6 pupils, has set up her own Christmas enterprise to gather foodbank donations for those who need them this Christmas.  If you would like to help her and her family out, pop along on the 21st with your donation.  

Fresh Start - Literacy 

Supporting Learners In Literacy

For pupils in P1 - 3, appropriate support will be given to ensure foundational sounds are secure to enable pupils to read, write and spell with more accuracy and independence.  For pupils in P4 - 7 we use the Fresh Start program, which is a progressive literacy intervention which involves children taking part in short, daily sessions as part of a small group, supported by a PSA.

Fresh Start provides systematic and rigorous practice where students learn the 44 common sounds in the English Language and how to sound-blend words over a short period of time, alongside spelling, reading, writing, grammar, proofreading and punctuation. 

Pupils are assessed and then grouped according to their levels of reading ability. Teaching in these groups begins with recognition, practice and blending of sounds and graphemes, based on a set of module booklets.

Alongside this, modules are read with words they can sound-blend, so children achieve early success in reading. The more sounds that a pupil learns, the greater the range of texts they can read and the greater success they experience when spelling and writing. 

The 34 modules contain carefully composed stories and non-fiction texts. The texts are natural, amusing, and developed for upper stage primary pupils/secondary pupils. 

The program is developed to encourage pupils to make strong links between reading and writing, spelling and grammar. Pupil’s writing is developed step-by-step from simple sentences to guided compositions.

Targeted Needs

Meeting Steve Backshall 

Magnus and Dougal had an amazing time meeting Steve Backshall who they thought was was super professional, just as you see him on the telly!  They were lucky enough to have this experience after Mangus entered a competition  to design his own sea creature.  No wonder he won with this awesome creation!  The boys were delighted to share their news with everyone today in assembly!

Garden Development - Loose Parts Request

Loose parts wanted for outdoor learning!

We are looking to create an exciting loose parts library that can be used by children during outdoor learning.  The loose parts will be used to promote problem solving skills, creativity, taking chances, communicating and many, many more! The loose parts will be used across all areas of the curriculum: maths, literacy, science, technology, engineering and health & wellbeing.

We are hoping to be as sustainable as possible when resourcing the loose parts and are looking to ask local businesses, school staff and parents for any donations. You might be a plumber and have some spare pipes that you could donate; maybe you work in the oil industry and know where to acquire some cable drums or you have a garage full of unwanted treasures waiting for us to use! 

Please see the list of possible donations, this is not exhaustive and there may be interesting loose parts that you have hidden away that we haven’t thought of! Please email the school office, or pop in, if you have possible donations or just want to ask if something you have is suitable. Many, many thanks!

Wooden pennies (slices of wood about 3 inches thick) 

Logs of different heights and widths

Willow or hazel rods at least 1.5m long

Whiskey barrel planters 

Quick drying materials such as fleece blankets and shower curtains

Tarpaulins ( various sizes, types and colours)

Milk and bread crates

Wooden pallets-tough ones in good condition 

Cable drums or reels 

Tubes, guttering and funnels, bore pipes or hosepipes



Tyres- bicycle, motorbike, go-kart and car tyres

Suitcases or wheeled shopping bags

Portable seats and things to sit on: camping mats, gardening mats or yoga mats! 

Old waterproof trousers or dungarees from 4 years to 12 years

Old wellies- any children’s sizes

Message from HWCG

Holburn Community Council Need Your Support

Please see attached message from Holburn West Community Council who are currently working hard to save the church building for community use after it is closed by the Church of Scotland.  The building is used at times for school events, and is used every day by the breakfast club, which may have no venue if the building is no longer available.  I would encourage our school community to get behind the project as much as we can.  

Competition Winners

Our House Captains and Parent Council members took a vote on our 'White Walls' and 'Skills Characters' competitions this week and came up with the following winners!  

Winning Walls Design

The wall design was by Jorn in P7.  The judges were thoroughly impressed by the eye catching design in the style of Tom Gates.

We will be looking to organise a group of artistically inclined parents, children and staff to make his design a reality!

Winning Skills Characters

Our winning 'Skills Characters' were created by Christina in P6.  Her very cool designs stood out and impressed our judges who loved the bright, friendly monsters who subtly reflect each of the skills themes.  These characters will now be displayed around the school and used to support discussions with children around their skills development.

P7 Transition Plans

We have been in discussion with the Grammar about P7 transition and what that will look like this year for the P7s. The timetable is still being planned but the types of activities that will happen will be as follows:

During Term 2 (this term) - All P7s will go up to the Grammar to take part in a STEM group challenge along with a HWB Orientation activity.   Even children who will move on to different secondary schools will be benefit from taking part in these activities.  

During Term 2 and 3 - We will have visits to Ashely Road by a range of Grammar staff including SFL, Numeracy, Guidance team and the DHT. They will work with the children in their classes and begin to get to know them.  They will also have the opportunity to speak to the class teachers as well.

During Term 3 - A small group of children may take part in an enhanced transition project where they will go up to the Grammar for visits and will work with the Youth Team and Grammar staff along with pupils from other feeder schools. 

Term 4: 'Link Week' on the week of Monday 19th of June.   More details about this will be sent out nearer the time. 

PTA Christmas Fair

The Ashley Road Christmas Fair will take place on Thursday 24th November 6:45pm-8.30pm. 

Ticket letters will have been sent out from school to families this week.  

As always to make this event successful we will be looking for parents to volunteer to help. If you would like to help, you can sign up via the following link:

Please check out how to sign up @ Sign Up Genius:


Panto Fun!

Today the Panto visited to put on a performance of Beauty and the Beast.  The cheers and singing could be heard throughout the school during the performance. The reviews are in:

"A magical adventure full of humour and thrills!" - Dougal

" I was very impressed there were only four people in the cast and it was very funny!" - Ellen

I found it amazing that they managed to make and perform a full pantomime with just four people!  It was an amazing experience, especially for the P7's last panto!" - Peter

"It was one of the funniest pantos I have ever seen." - Ramsay

22 - 23 Events Calendar

Curriculum Whole School Themes

 Dates This Session

To connect the learning across the school, we follow a set of 'Our World' themes which all classes explore at the same time, with their own unique angle.  In addition to these topics, we often pick up on topical learning themes which link to different times of year/events which are celebrated/remembered annually.  This year our House Leader team have selected a range of short focus topical themes which we will all explore together. Please see the Whole School Themes and Events Calendar for more information.  If you think you have any skills or talents which might help us on any of these learning themes, please get in touch!

Get Dress Up For Children In Need

This year we will be celebrating and fundraising for Children In Need on the 17th of November!  As well as having some fun activities in classes, it will be a dress up or come as you please day.  Anyone wishing to donate should bring in money to class to hand in.  We look forward to seeing all the creative costumes!

Voice Box Kiosk For Children

This week we introduced four digital ‘Voice Box’ kiosks in school.  They are located centrally in areas that all the children pass at break/lunch times and display a ‘single question survey’ (or sometime two or three questions) with the idea of gathering feedback from children frequently in a quick and easy way on an ongoing basis rather than ‘once upon a lengthy google form’.  We will be having different questions weekly to gather feedback and staff/pupil house team leaders/parent council will use the information to inform our planning and next steps!  This week questions are focused on school lunches, linked to themes that have come up via parent council. 

Online 'Voice Box' For Parents

We are always keen to hear about the achievements which children have had out of school, to share and celebrate within classes and at assemblies (this includes a way to upload photos to share).  To make it easier for families to share this type of information, as well as any comments, suggestions and offers we have added a 'Voice Box' to the school website (see the link at the top of the page.  This simple form will sit open to provide a dedicated route to enable families to share information and provide feedback.  

Acting Depute Head Post

At the end of last term, interviews were held for an Acting Depute Head teacher to fill my (Mr Middleton's) previous DHT post.  I am happy to share that Miss Heather Blair who had recently taken on the Principal Teacher post will be stepping up into this role on an acting basis to work alongside Mr Rae.   Congratulations Miss Blair.

9.11.22 Parent Council Agenda

Next Parent Council Meeting

The next parent council meeting will be held on Wednesday the 9th of November at 7pm in the school dining hall.  All are welcome, feel free to come and join us!  See the agenda HERE.

Active Schools Festival Programme Term 2

Check out the information about the Active Schools Festival Programme for this term. 

School Festivals Term 2 2022

New Pupil Leadership Roles

Young Journalists

We have installed a brand new screen in the school reception area which all the children/staff/parents and families pass every time they move through the school.  We are looking to form a team of 'Young Journalists' who will create content about the news around our school community, to be displayed on this screen to keep us all up to date!  The articles may even find themselves posted here on the school website!

To Apply:

Translating Team

We are looking to really take advantage of the skills and talents which exist within our wonderfully diverse school community.  As part of this we are hoping to gather a team of willing bilingual pupil volunteers to become our 'Translator Team' who will help children/families new to the school who have little English on arrival. 

So if you speak a second language fluently and would be interested in a leadership role in school, helping to translate for new families - Mr Middleton would love to hear from you as soon as possible!

October 2022

Term 1 Thanks!

A big thanks to all our children and families for what has been a busy, but brilliant first term of the year.  Wishing you all a restful October break before we ramp back up for the new term of learning, performances and fun!

Glee Club Sign Up

Mrs Adamson, Miss Jewitt, Miss Young and Miss King will be starting up Glee Singing Club for pupils from P5-7 following the October break.  This will take place on a Thursday from 3:15 - 4:15.  There is a maximum of 40 places available, which will be allocated in order of request, via Eventbrite.  

Any children attending should be prepared to perform at the winter fair on 24th Nov and then at the Glee competition in February.

As children are from P5-7 they will be allowed to walk home from school at 4:15 when the club finishes. If a parent wishes to collect their child from the club each week, please let us know to ensure we do not release the child to walk home if you are held up for any reason.

If you are interested in signing up please follow the link below.


Buddy Time on Teddy Day

I caught P5Rm15 having a lovely time with their P1 buddies, introducing each other to the teddies they had brought in for Teddy Day.  A lovely feeling to see them developing relationships and having fun together. 

P5 Food Bank Friday Contributions

A big thanks to P5 from a very excited P4Rm16 who  collected up the P5 contributions to CFine Foodbank today.  They were mightily impressed by how many contributions came in today.  

Design Competitions

Skills Characters

To help us all to relate to and discuss the four areas of our new Skills Framework in school, we would like to come up with some characters which represent each of the four skill sets. 

Creating          Coping           Connecting           Physical

We are looking for some creative designs from interested children in school, which we hope to have transformed into professional looking versions, which will be displayed in classrooms around the school. If you are keen to be involved, please submit entries with each character drawn large on an A4 piece of paper by Friday the 4th of November.

Skills Framework AR Final.pdf

White Walls To Bright Walls!

During the House Team Leader campaigns, a number of children mentioned wanting to improve our playground by brightening up areas of the playground walls with some exciting designs.  As we always want to use these opportunities to develop skills and discover talents, we are asking any interested children to come up with designs for the two wall spaces.  The wining designs, (selected by our House Team Leaders) will be painted onto the walls, hopefully by pupils (and maybe some parent helpers).  Please use the templates below to draw your designs to scale.

What should I consider for my design:

·        Designs should be based on the school values – A ‘Curious aspiring, resilient’ mind and a ‘kind, respectful, inclusive’ heart.

·        They should be kept simple to ensure that we can recreate them with paint on the walls and to allow us to fix any designs should they be vandalised.

·        Include no more than 10 colours to keep the cost of the paints down.

Good Luck!

Please use the template below to draw out your designs - these have been handed out in school today, or can be printed at home.   Returns should be submitted by Friday the 4th of November.

Wall Design.pdf
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting OVERVIEW.docx

RSHP Consultation - Final Opportunity To Share Your Views

Many thanks to the five families who were able to make it along to the RSHP consultation on Wednesday this week.  It was great to share some of the thinking behind the progression of skills/knowledge we have been working on, and answer the questions that it may raise for some families.  As we had a small turnout, to ensure that we have gathered views of anyone who may not have been able to attend before the policy is finalised and introduced at class level, we have provided a final opportunity to submit views HERE via a Google Form.  This form will be open until the end of the October break.

Parent Meetings February

Thanks to everyone who made it along to our parent meetings this term.  It was lovely to have everyone in school for these meetings for the first time in a number of years.  Having reviewed the 'votes' which parents submitted during the recent parent meetings almost all parents opted for in person meetings going forward.  Staff also felt that they were able to have more specific and open conversations through this format of meeting.  We will therefore go ahead with 'in person' meetings again for our next set in February.  The dates for these are in the school calendar HERE if you want to add them to your own calendar.  

Drawings by Christina - Team  Leader

Teddy Day - House Team Leader Promise!

Non Uniform Day

By Libby P7 - Team Leader

Next Friday (14th October), aka the last day of term, Ashley Road is overjoyed to announce the theme for the special day. Teddy Day! Every child will be allowed to bring their teddy to school. It can sit on their desk ALL day and they can take it outside as well.  We do suggest that children don't bring in any toys that hold a great deal of sentimental value.  Children are given permission to wear casual clothes for the day. 

As another addition to make the day more exciting a 'teddy bear hospital' run by house leaders will be established in the playground.  Following the hospital statement, children must not deliberately rip their toys, there will be no needles or anything to sew them up with and the hospital's sole use will be to give the teddies a bandage and sticker.  

House Leader Teams

A huge congratulations to our newly elected House Team Leaders.  

All the candidates did an amazing job, and we will be looking to draw on lots of the ideas shared the election process, elected or not.  

I am very much looking forward to seeing what impact the team are able to have on the school, our improvements and events this session!  Our new Team Leaders have already planned our first school event!  See 'Teddy Bear Day' above.

Food Bank Fridays

Archie in P4 came up with a brilliant idea - to have a 'Foodbank Friday' collection, to support local foodbanks and families who are struggling with the current cost of living crisis.  P4 started things off today with a great collection and we hope that our other year groups will be able to support the initiative on a rolling basis up to the Christmas break.  Collections each week will be offered to a local charity, Cfine.  


If you wish to contribute, donations of non perishable foods should be handed in to Miss Jewitt's class in Room 16 on the following Fridays.  

Hocky In The Drizzle

In spite of the foul weather almost 90 youngsters showed up on the hockey pitch after school.  RGC brought a few teams with them and the children played ‘super sixes’ and ‘fab fours’ for the whole time.  Loads of goals and lots of great hockey.  A big thanks as ever to all the coaches and parent helpers.  The children were super sports and it was an excellent afternoon.

Dates for Seasonal Events

Each year we have a focus on performance and presentation through the preparation of some seasonal shows, to get us all 'in the spirit' before the winter break.   Parents of each class are invited along to see the performance their child is participating in.  Below are the dates and times we hope to hold these performances for you to add to your diaries.  We will let you know if these are required to change for any reason.

Nursery Singalong

Wednesday 14th December 9:30 - 10:15

Primary 3 Seasonal Show 

Tuesday 20th December  - 9:30 - 10:30 

Cast 1 - P3 Room 6 (appearances from P1Rm2, P2Rm4)

Tuesday 20th December 2:00 - 3:00

Cast 2 - P3Rm7 (appearances from P1Rm9, P2Rm5)

P4-7 Singalong

Monday the 19th of December 1:45 - 2:45

 School Pick Up - Safety

To ensure that pick up time is a smooth and safe as possible at the end of each day, we ask that any parents entering the playground before 3:15, stay on the black surface area until all the classes have all reached their 'lining up' positions.   This is to ensure that the children have clear access across the playground with the teacher maintaining visibility of all pupils until it is time to dismiss them to parents.  This can be challenging when families are dotted throughout the playground and 

Pick up time is an important time for us to manage risks, particularly as a city centre school surrounded by busy roads.   I thank all families in advance for supporting us to ensure this important daily routine is as safe as possible. 

September 2022

Extra Curricular Offer

Clubs On Offer Block 1 22/23

Next week we will be starting our first block of lunchtime clubs, run by pupils, supported by staff.   The clubs were selected based on the business plans which the children submitted.  We have tried to provide a breadth of opportunities across the week for different ages.  Those business plans not selected this time around will likely be possible to use during the second block of clubs we have planned to bridge over the Easter break later in the year.

As a trial, booking for all the school run clubs will be via Eventbrite to enable families to have equitable access to bookings and to enable 'waiting lists' to be created easily for any clubs which are oversubscribed.   Booking is open now.  We ask that families book only one club per child initially until we can see what level of demand there is.  It may be that demand outstrips availability so places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  We will let families know next week if there are still spaces available in any clubs.   If for any reason you are unable to book via Eventbrite, please email the school office with your club request and we will add your child if there are spaces available.

If at a later date your child decides they do not wish to attend their chosen club any more,  please let us know so we can remove their name from the list and provide the opportunity to somebody on the waiting list.  

We look forward to seeing all the exciting opportunities that our Club Leaders have been busy planning!

The PTA Fancy Dress Disco is back!

Letters will be coming home giving more information about the upcoming disco and how to purchase tickets. 

The PTA are also looking for volunteers to help out at the disco. 

Curriculum Ideas - Parent Input

Any ideas on whole school themes you might like to see us cover/explore with the children this session?  Complete THIS form below to let us know!  We will be asking the children too and coming up with a combined plan of important dates for the session.  

Examples of common themes:

Comic Relief 

Odd Socks Day (Downs syndrome awareness)

World Book Day

Getting Involved In School Life

We Need You! 

Helping Out The School

Cost Of The School Day Policy - We are looking to set up a short life working group to develop a policy approach for Ashley Road School in relation to the 'Cost Of The School Day' guidance from Scottish Government.  Participation may mean attending a few brief meetings, likely online and consulting on a draft policy as it is developed.   If you would like to participate, click HERE to volunteer. 

Outdoor Learning/Environment - We will be doing a lot of work this session on developing our outdoor garden space and possibly the playground area to better prepare them for  outdoor learning.  If you would be interested in getting involved click HERE to volunteer.

Classroom Helpers - If you have some time and would be interested in helping out in school on a regular basis, we would be keen to hear from you.  Click HERE to volunteer.

Active Schools Volunteer Recruitment

The Extra Curricular Offer

Active Schools are always looking for parents/guardians to lead and support extra-curricular activities.  We have a small cohort of dedicated parents who already provide amazing extra curricular experiences for our pupils on a weekly basis.  As the children of these parents move further through the school, it becomes increasingly important that we recruit the 'next generation' of helper.  Could it be you?

Running (P4-7)

Junior Jog (P1-3)

Netball (P4-5)

Multisport (P1-3) 

Basketball (All Ages)

Parent Council/PTA AGM 22nd September 7PM

On Thursday the 22nd of August the school will host a combined Annual General Meeting for the Parent Council and PTA.  All families are welcome to come along, and may wish to join either the PTA or Parent Council following the session.  If you wish to attend , please come along to school and we will direct you to the correct place. 

Parent Council - The Parent Council helps to create an environment where all parents know that their views matter, and where they feel confident and comfortable putting them forward. They work on behalf of all parents to discuss educational matters that are of importance to all. They do not get involved in individual matters relating to children or staff in the school. 

PTA - PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for all pupils. The PTA forms close ties with the school community, through community events such as discos and fairs,to help parents become more positively engaged in their children's education and school life.  There's also a social aspect to the PTA: parents are able to get together, meet parents of children in different year groups and work alongside each other while raising money for the school and supporting its aims.

RSHP - Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Parent Engagement Event

This term we have been working on updating the school Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) policy and approaches based on Scottish Government guidance.  This guidance provides a progressive framework for pupils ages 3 up 18 years old which aim to provide education that:

This process has kicked off with a staff consultation session, from which we have started to adapt the progressions and documents to fit our school community.  We would now like to hear the views of families from within our community.  To do this we will be holding a consultation event on Wednesday the 12th of October at 6:30 in the school hall.  If you wish to attend, please complete the form HERE, to allow us to plan for numbers.  If you are unable to make it along but would like to share your thoughts, please get in touch via the school office.

With a diverse school community, we would expect there to be a range of views within our school community.   We will do our best to find some common ground in our approach, and be transparent with families around the themes covered at different ages/stages.  To this end, feel free to explore the draft policy and learning overview documents below.  

Ashley Road Health and Wellbeing - RSHP Policy

Draft RSHP Policy Document

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting OVERVIEW.docx

Draft RSHP Progression Overview

Parents Evenings P1-7 4th and 6th October

We look forward to inviting all families into school this year for the first setof the parents evening meetings.  These will take place on Tuesday the 4th and Thursday the 6th of September and this time will be in person, in school.  For this first meeting we hope everyone will be able to make it along and take advantage of another opportunity to be in the school building. 

Although the appointments are in person, booking will be online via the same system used previously.  You can book an appointment be going to the address below and logging in using pupil and parent  details.   The information you use to login must match exactly what we hold on our school system, so if you are struggling to login, please call the school office who will support.  


The booking window closes on Tuesday the 27th of September at 12pm.  

If for any reason you are unable to attend an appointment, please cancel with as much notice as possible by calling the school office or cancelling via the online system.  During the final parents evening of last session, there was a high number of 'no show's' resulting in teachers time being wasted unnecessarily.  Please help us to make best use of this time which is set aside to meet with parents.  

On the evening we will be seeking feedback form families regarding the format of these events going forward, e.g. whether they should be: in person, online, or a blended model of the two options.  

Dates for the future parent meetings can be found on the Calendar page if you wish to add them to your own diary.  

House Team Leader Election Speeches

Our wonderful P7 have had a real focus on developing their 'Connecting' skills over the last few weeks while preparing speeches for the House Team Elections this week.   Those through to the next round will be delivering their presentations to the whole school across two assemblies and awaiting the verdict of the vote.   We are always soo impressed by the courage and resilience which our children show, as well as their wonderfully catchy taglines!

The lucky three from each house will become 'House Team Leaders' for their house who will take on some key leadership responsibilities, one of which we will be in delivering three, whole school house events this session... no easy task.  Can't wait to see who the lucky 12 are!

Scottish Mathematical Challenge 2022-23

Every year the children in P7 are offered the chance to take part in the Scottish Mathematical Challenge competition. This year we have had our biggest number of children choosing to take part. 16 children in total!

The challenge consists of 3 sets of 3 maths problems. The problems are released in August, October and February.  The children have to complete these problems independently in school where they have to plan their time to complete them, often using some of their own lunchtimes and where possible some time in class. 

After each set is marked the children will be able to see their scores and see how they are doing.  At the end each child will get a certificate and depending on their score they may receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze certificate.  

Good luck to all the children - they are tricky problems to solve!

P3 Football Skills 

A big thanks to Junior in P3 who had the courage to ask to set up a P3 Football Skills club over lunch times.  Today was the first session which focused on shooting skills and it went brilliantly!  He has been ably supported by Benjamin in P6 who volunteered to help things run smoothly. This small club activity was 'Young person initiated and directed' putting it at the top level of our pupil leadership scale!  Well done Junior!

Netball Fridays 

Today was our first Netball Friday!  This time we have Ellen in P7 to thank for volunteering to be a referee and oversee the organisation of the teams/games.  We will rotate between P7, P6, P5 and P4 so each year group will have the opportunity to take part once a month.  There were so many people who wanted to get involved today that we will have to introduce a sign up sheet for coming weeks and will have 4 teams of 7 participating.  

Clubs - Pupil Leadership Opportunities

In assembly this week we have asked the children to think about the clubs they would like to see running over lunchtimes.  We have also asked the older children to consider which clubs they feel they might have the skills and leadership capability to lead themselves (supported by a staff member)!  We will be collating all the responses of our club 'Asks' and 'Offers' to create a timetable of clubs across the week.  Working with Active School and with volunteers from our own staff team who will give up time over their lunch breaks to facilitate the clubs, we hope to offer a range of extra curricular options in school and beyond. 

 We are always looking for parent volunteers who may have skills, interest and time to help to enhance this offer.  If you are interested at all, please get in touch.  

We will share a timetable in the coming weeks with families so you know what will be available for this first block of time.  

Queen Elizabeth - Platinum Jubilee Book

All children have been gifted a 'Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee' book by the government to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.  These books will come home in school bags today.

Grammar Rugby 'Come and Try'

See information here on the Grammar Rugby event which is taking place this weekend on Rubislaw pitches.  Something you may wish to go along to, even if only for the breakfast rolls and home bakes!

Monthly Uniform 'Drop in' Store

The PTA have kindly offered to start back up the 'Uniform Drop In Store' where they are in school to help parents purchase uniform.  This runs on the first Monday of each month from 3:00 - 3:30.  A big thanks to the PTA team for helping with this!

August 2022

P2 - 7 Open Afternoons - Visit Your Childs Class

We will be holding open afternoons on Monday the 12th and Tuesday the 13th of September from 2:15 - 3:00pm for families of pupils from P2-7.  P1 families will have the opportunity to visit classrooms during the P1 Curriculum evening next week.  This will be an informal opportunity to visit to your child's class and say hello to the class teacher.  To ensure that classrooms do not become too congested, we ask that all families with surnames beginning with a letter between A and M attend on Monday the 12th and all families with a surname starting with a letter between N - Z come attend on Tuesday the 13th. 

 One of the focus areas on our improvement plan this session is 'Skills' so we will be arranging a simple 'Skills Hunt' using the newly developed Skills Framework which staff and pupils worked together to create last session.  If you fancy giving it a go, parents and children will be go on a hunt to find the skills missing from the framework which will posted up around the school.  

This event does not provide the appropriate confidential setting for an update on children's progress and attainment but there will be time to have these discussions at parent meetings later this term.  

You don't need to RSVP, just come along on the day.  We look forward to seeing many of you there.  

Welcome to Miss Blair our new Principal Teacher

Miss Heather Blair is our new Principal Teacher at Ashley Road. She has a B.Ed (Hons) in Primary Education and a Post Graduate in Middle Level Leadership. Over the past 10+ years, Miss Blair has taught in several wonderful schools in Aberdeen City.  Over lockdown, Miss Blair completed all core levels in Makaton and has gone on to attend further Makaton courses - her favourite is using Makaton with Singing. She loves teaching all different subjects, but if she had to choose a favourite subject to teach, it would be Extended Writing (although dance is a close second).

PE Kit

PE kits are back!  This year we are getting back into routines of changing into a PE kit for our PE lessons.  

Our kit is a red t-shirt, black shorts/jogging bottoms and  trainers/ plimsoles.  The t-shirt and shorts can be purchased from the school PTA using the form below should you wish.   The kit can be kept in school on a peg and will come home only when it needs a good wash.  For any children with pierced ears they should keep a roll of micropore tape in their gym kit to cover them during PE.  Children with long hair should be able to tie this back for PE.  

We do PE outdoors in (almost) all weathers so jogging bottoms can be a good idea for warmth, and the protect knees if children trip or slip on the concrete surface.

As we have not used PE kit for so long many families may no longer have PE kit in a suitable size for their child.  We will give a grace period over the new month for families to organise new kits this term.  

Links here to order forms for PE Kit.

P1-4 Outdoor Learning Sessions with Mrs Shepherd

We'd like to welcome Mrs Lindsay Shepherd to our Ashley Road team as Outdoor Learning Teacher.  Mrs Shepherd has a range of teaching experience from Nursery to P7 in Aberdeen City as well as Shire.  She specialises in outdoor learning following her families 6 1/2 years in Houston where she was an outdoor learning leader with Tinkergarten.  Since returning home to Aberdeen, Mrs Shepherd is bringing her enthusiasm of the great outdoors and adventure to the children in her classes and we can't wait to get outdoors, play and learn together.


This term she will be working with classes P1 to P4 on a Tuesday and Wednesday in a 'Team Teach' approach with the class teachers.  This means that we will be outdoors in all weathers so it requested that your child comes to school with appropriate clothing, welly boots, waterproof jacket, waterproof trousers and as we get into winter, hats, gloves etc, on these days.

We we be hoping to use some pupil leadership and gather some parent helpers to develop our outdoor space as part of our School Improvement planning this session.  Keep an eye out for messages coming out regarding opportunities to get involved! 

School Improvement Plan 22-23

I would like to draw your attention to our School Improvement plan for this session.  It sets out our plans in terms of school improvement, which is an ongoing process cycle each year.   This session we have four action plans focused on the following themes:

If you wish to explore these in more detail, please have a look at the 'action plans' document below.  We will be asking for some feedback from parents in the coming weeks to help us consider the direction that each of these improvements take, and the role families may be able to play in helping to push the improvements forward. 

Actions Only.pdf

School Google Calendar

We have added a Calendar page to the school website with a Google Calendar which will be updated with key school dates and events that you may wish to add to your diary.  Hopefully this approach will help families to plan ahead and give a central place to go back and check 'what's on'.  Be aware there are always changes to the original dates set out at the start of the year, so the calendar is likely to be subject to change at times, but we will let you know when this happens.  

The calendar page can be found on the tabs at the top of the page or HERE

Welcome Back Everyone!  And Welcome To Our P1s and New Pupils

It has been lovely to see so many new faces joining us this session, both children and families.  Our P1 teachers have been most impressed by how well the children have transitioned into school each morning and the stamina they have shown in getting through their first week.  We have also had lots of new families that it has been lovely to welcome into the Ashley Road School Community.