Administration Of Medication Policy
To ensure safety for all, children may not carry or administer their own medication while at school. All medications must be handed in at the school office (not put in schoolbags) and suitable consents be completed and receipted.
Medications In School
If a pupil is unwell, parents are asked to follow their GPs and NHS advice and to keep their child at home until the child is well again. Following a vomiting, sickness episode, children are required to stay at home for 48 hours following their last sickness episode.
Pupils however may sometimes need to take medication in school. In most cases the administration will be short-term. Some pupils have medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes that if not properly managed could limit their access to education and the administration of medication in these circumstances is likely to be long-term. Some children have conditions that also require emergency treatment and plans e.g. severe allergic conditions (anaphylaxis) or epilepsy. Pupils with such conditions are regarded as having health care needs and may require some support or reasonable adjustments to be fully included in the life of the school.
It is important for the school to have sufficient information about the medical needs of any pupil who requires support in school. Early warning of needs will allow necessary plans, procedures and monitoring processes to be put in place. The school therefore needs to know about any health needs before a child starts nursery or school, or when a child develops a condition requiring the administration of medicine during the day.
If you wish to request that school staff administer any medication in school time, then the form below ( Parent Request For Administration Of Medication Form) must be completed. The school will not give your child medicine unless you complete and sign this form AND the Headteacher has agreed that the school staff can administer the medicine.
Parent Request For Administration Of Medication Form
Please complete this form to request administration of a medication in school. You must wait for a confirmation email from the school to confirm agreement to administer the medication. IF REQUESTING FOR MORE THAN ONE MEDICATION YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FORM ONCE PER MEDICATION.
CLICK HERE for the form