JUNE 2021

End Of Year Assembly

House Points

This morning in assembly we celebrated with our P7s on their final day in primary school. We also shared the points totals from our sports days and this year the winners were Duthie House!

House POINTS77.mov

PTA Ice-Cream Fun!

Thank you to the PTA for the end of term ice cream.

The children from P1-6 went out and enjoyed their ice cream this afternoon with music.

The P7s will have theirs on Friday morning.

Primary 7 End of Term Activities

Trip to Foot Golf at Hazlehead Park

Den Building with the Ranger Service

Painting Rocks for playground display area and Tie-Dye Activity

Awesome Assemblies

All classes have shared their learning through Google Meet assemblies and if you were able to join us, we hope you enjoyed this new way of connecting in with your child’s class learning. The class (and staff) technical knowledge and online performances are growing in confidence and skill. We finish next week with the P7 Red Carpet and Leaver’s Shows - also shared digitally with the P7 parents through Google Meet.

Hamper Fundraising Thanks

Our Class Hamper winners have all collected their prizes, and we are thrilled to have collected just over £1,500 for PTA funds. Thank you for taking part.

Tailored Transitions

Although working under covid safety mitigations has a critical impact on how we run the school, we are so pleased to see so many wonderful learning achievements and significant stages of school life managing to be delivered. Our P7 bikeability, P1 online and playground transition meets, P7 transition activities with secondary schools and this week we have built a P7 ‘end of year week of activities’. The P7 activities (ProGolf /Ranger Den Building /Tie Dye to name a few) are all fully funded by the PTA funds. For this I thank all families for their contributions over the year. It enables us to not ask for any financial contributions for these P7 activities, experienced by all P7 children.

Parent Council Meetings

The next parent council meeting will be on Wednesday the 9th of June at 7:00pm on Google Meet. If you wish to attend, please email the school office for the joining information.

PC Agenda for 9 June 2021 V2

Meeting Agenda 9th June

24.03.21 Parent Council Minutes

Meeting Minutes 24th March

Music and Moves - Fun In The Sun


P5 Bugingham Palace

Designed, created and installed by P5 room 1 in the Ashley Road School garden on 28th May 2021.

I wonder which bugs will start to visit and or live in the new 'deluxe residence' on Ashley Road!

Copy of P1 Assembly for website

Primary 1 Assembly

We shared the Primary classroom learning settings and new furniture with everyone today in assembly. We went out and about and streamed the assembly 'on location' in room 2 and room 9! Here is a lovely slide show record of their assembly thoughts and reflections. Enjoy!

MAY 2021

Primary 4 and 6 Sports Day

Primary 4 and 6 had a great sports day on Wednesday 19th and 26th May. Here are a few pictures.

Class Raffles

As part of a whole school fundraising/enterprise event this term. classes and families in each year group have worked together to create a hamper full of interesting, exciting and tasty items on their chosen theme.

Buy Local In The Garden Great Scottish Holiday Eco Rainbows

Movie Night Family Night In Arts and Crafts Summer Fun

Use the links below to buy tickets for the raffle you would like to enter on Raffall.com. The raffles will be drawn on Monday the 7th of June at 10 am. Winners will be able to collect their hampers from school. Good Luck!

Photos from the Night.pdf

PTA Pizza Night In

On Friday 21st May we had our Pizza Night In. Well done to all the families that were able to take part. Lot’s of fun was had by all and going by the pictures that were sent in, everyone had a great time.

We raised a total of £200 for the school which was amazing.

Well done to the PTA for organising such a great event.

National Reading Champions Quiz 2021

The National Reading Champions Quiz is a quiz supported by the National Literacy Trust and ALCS. It is open to pupils aged 10-14 years of age. This year Ashley Road entered the competition for the first time. We had two teams of P7s that took part in the regional heat. The children enjoyed taking part but did find it was a very tricky quiz! Well done to them all for showing great team work skills and positivity throughout.

APRIL 2021

Next week is Deaf Awareness Week

Children will be sharing stories, sign language activities and discussing Deaf Awareness themes . We have three staff who have taken sign language classes and our nursery team are very well trained in Makaton -a rich resource and talent for our children to learn from!

Sports Day

We hope to have a Sports Day for all children in May. The Sports Day has to be different this year and we think we will be able to have Sports Afternoons for two year groups at a time. Sadly parents will not be allowed to attend or watch the races in order that we ensure that we are following appropriately ACC and Public Health guidance. We will share lots of photos of the races with families instead this year. Our provisional dates are

Wed 19th May afternoon : P7 and P6

Wed 26th May afternoon : P5 and 4

Wednesday 2nd June afternoon: : P3 and 2

Nursery and P1 Sports may be in the school playground -dates yet undecided.

We have started chatting with staff and children about the events and this week the children have been seen practising their skills in the playground!

P1 focus and balance skills on show here!

This is not easy!

P5 jumping hurdles - on a very windy day.

Team work to keep the hurdles in place!

Stamina, speed and coordination skills required in a hurdle race!

P7 Leavers' Show - coming your way soon...

Both P7 classes reading through their P7 leaver Show scripts.

P7 classes using the outdoor space for rehearsals.

P7 performers - one of their first 'read throughs' in the sun

P7 Leaver Show - streamed performance coming to all soon - in June!

Sustrans: The Big Pedal 2021

This year Ashley Road is going to take part in The Big Pedal event which takes place from 19th-30th April this year. It is the UK’s largest inter-school, walking, cycling, wheeling and scooting challenge. Schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of active journeys over two weeks. We have had individual classes that have taken part in the past.For the pupils at Ashley Road this means that every morning they will be asked how they came to school. The total number of children in each class that walked, cycled, scooted, or wheeled to school will be recorded. Please note that walking is absolutely fine and there is no need to cycle or scooter to school over the next two weeks. If your child does cycle, please ensure they have checked their bike and are wearing a helmet.Children will also be asked if they had an adult supporter who also actively came to school with them. These can also be recorded along with any members of staff with a class who also came to school actively.If you normally drive your child to school then there is the option of parking further away from school and walking, scooting or cycling the last ten minutes of the journey for this to be counted.The classes will be able to see how they are doing compared to other classes and how the school is doing compared to other schools. There is also daily prizes which can be won by schools taking part.In taking part in this national challenge, our school emphasis is on coming to school actively as part of leading a healthy lifestyle. There is no pressure to change routines as we understand that different families have different circumstances and morning routines.https://www.sustrans.org.uk/our-blog/projects/uk-wide/schools/sustrans-big-pedal

MARCH 2021

Lining Up Safety

To ensure safe access to school for all our pupils, we ask that P4-7 pupils who are due to arrive for the second shift, not arrive or line up before 9am, or line up on the opposite side of the street, as families from P1-3 are finding the pavements are congested while lining up for the first shift. Please keep the line single file as much as possible, to allow others to pass on the pavement and remember to maintain 2m distancing from other households while in the line.

P7 Hoodies

There are some traditions that even COVID cannot get in the way of...

Our P7s were very excited to receive their hoodies, can you tell?

New ACC Reporting and Parent Information Event

On Wed 24th March 7-7.30pm there will be an optional Parent Information session at the start of the Parent Council Meeting. I have sent a Google Meet Calendar invitation to all families and any parent is welcome to join us on the evening.

At the meeting I will talk you through the information included within the new ACC report format, as this is the report format we will be using in the summer term. Parents will also be able to ask any questions about the report format and these discussions will help guide the information we provide to families when we send out the reports in the summer term.

The Ashley Road Reporting Calendar and the Reporting Guide for Parents are here for your information.

Ashley Road Parent Guide Primary 2021.docx
Reporting Calendar June 2020.pdf

Scottish Book Trust Virtual Author Visits

In March, The Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour is 'travelling across the continents' for a new series of digital events. The tour includes live events and videos with amazing talks, activities and interactive Q&As from unique and inspiring locations. There are six brilliant events planned for the 'Connected Continents series and we are very lucky to have been offered places on three of the events this year! Next week children across the school will be participating in the Live Author events as detailed below. (Click on the links to find out more)

P5 - 7 Migration - Migration with Issa Watanabe and Lawrence Schimel (South America)

P3 - The Little People Big Dreams series - Little People, BIG DREAMS! with Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara (Europe)

P1 and P2 - Astro Girl - Ken Wilson-Max and Friends (Africa)

P1s Planning For Play

This week and next, our P1s will be actively involved in planning and revamping their classrooms to include a wider range of resources to support play based learning, and to move towards using more natural and neutral materials across the classroom environment. This process will begin with the children taking part in some collaborative problem solving, using templates to make a floor plan that we are all happy with.

We are all very excited to see what the children come up with, and how we can extend our use of play to enhance our learning opportunities! We will share more posts on this development, as it happens.

Big Box Challenge.pdf

P3 Big Box Challenge

We have been collecting lots of very large cardboard boxes over the last few weeks, in preparation for what will likely be one of the most exiting events in the P3 calendar:

The Big Box Challenge

Next week each of our P3 classes will be working collaboratively within their class on this creative/investigative challenge to compete for the title of 'Best Boxer'. On the theme of 'Transport' they will be using all of their creative and engineering skills to create different types of vehicle, including as much detail as possible.

We can't wait to see what they are able to come up with!

Red Nose Day

This year for red nose day we have been having some fun with jokes around school.

Every door in school has had a 'Knock Knock' joke on it, and we have been sharing jokes in classes and assembly. Each class shared their favourite joke on the slideshow below. Which is your favourite?

Share a Joke Comic Relief Fun

22/2/21 In assembly we welcomed new P1-3 children to school.

P1 Rebecca from Venezuela; P2 Jake from Ferryhill;P2and 3 Angus and Dougls from Perth Australia; Femke from Brunei; Edryk from Hong Kong, Matilda from Sweden and Olivia from Braeehead. What an international school we are!

1/3/21 World Book Day was celebrated in assembly

We enjoyed reading the messages of 'kindness' found in the words and images of this thoughtful, beautiful book. We have a copy in our school library which you can borrow if you like.

Science Books.docx

8/3/21 National Science Week

In assembly we spoke about famous scientists and we explored some surface tension experiments. Have a look at the washing up liquid powered boats in the link below -great fun!

At home science - Soap boat water experiment - ExpeRimental #14 - Bing video


Parent Survey

As we come to the middle of term, we are reviewing our P4-7 online practices and planning for the return of P1,2 and 3 to school. We would welcome parental feedback on what is working well and what aspects have been more challenging. Staff will spend time on the InService day reviewing how we move forward with these two groups of children. Please complete the parent survey linked here.

Survey will close on Monday 15th at 8pm.

Assembly 10th Feb ‘learning from eachother’

Hope you enjoy having a look at our assembly

Examples of literacy, numeracy, music, digital, creative skills and team work from our Google classrooms.

Assembly Week 3

Sharing Our Learning in Assembly

Outside and in nature - lots of family photos and information for you to enjoy.


P1 Applications

P1 applications are now open and if you want your child to start school in the August term, you’ll need to apply by 15 March 2021. If you apply after the deadline we will not be able to assess your application until all of those we have received on time are completed. Most children go to their Zoned School. You have the right to apply for a place at any school in Aberdeen City, but if you do not apply for your Zoned School we can't guarantee you a place there. We advise that you apply for both your Zoned School and your preferred school. You can apply to as many schools as you wish. You can apply here: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/apply-school-place

ELC Guide 1140 Hours_2021_2022.pdf

Early Learning and Childcare Applications

From August 2021, all three and four-year-old children and eligible 2-year olds, will be entitled to 1140 funded hours of ELC per year. Currently, families receive 600 hours of ELC per year but from August 2021 this will almost double. Families can access up to 1140 funded hours of ELC at a local authority nursery and from private nurseries, playgroups and childminders in partnership with Aberdeen City Council to deliver high quality ELC.

To apply for a local authority place for children aged 3-5 years old parents/ carers need to apply online. The online application system is hosted on the Aberdeen City Council website.

Please apply here: www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/nurseryapplications

Applications for a local authority nursery place for 3-5-year-old children will open on the 25 January 2021 and close on 18 February 2021. All applications received after this date will be considered late and not looked at as part of the initial allocation of places. Parents and carers, including those of children who are continuing with ELC, will be asked to complete an online application.

ACC Education Newsletter

January edition with information for parents including how to get additional help at this time, digital resources and support and Early Years offers and enrolment for August 2021.

Assembly Week 2

WORDS spoken and written shared in assembly

Enjoy finding out what the children are learning about - Burns, poetry, online reading and more...

Digital Learning

Digital Learning Across The School

We enjoyed sharing these examples of digital learning in our whole school online assembly today.

Digital Delivery Policy January 21

Please see updated Digital Delivery Policy which will guide families and staff through this latest period of home/digital learning.

Updated Digital Delivery Policy Jan 21.pdf
Parents and Carers Letter Jan 2021.pdf

School/Keyworker Update Jan 2021

Dear Parent,

Happy New Year to you all.

Please see letter from Eleanor Sheppard. Tomorrow we will be sending out a letter/form to families to find out who may need support to access Google classroom through the loaning of a chrome book. Please don't email regarding chrome books as the school letter /form will gather this information.

Kind regards, Anne Wilkinson


Happy Birthday Video 1.MOV

Birthday News

We share school birthdays in assembly. We can't sing Happy Birthday at the moment, so we have learnt how to sign Happy Birthday instead.

Signing Leaders

James and Lisa have helped us all learn how to sign Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday Video 2.MOV
Jingle Bells.mov

Signing Jingle Bells

As a seasonal treat, this week some of the school have tried to master signing the chorus of Jingle Bells. It is quite fast...

Performance Feedback

We have been watching each others Christmas videos this week and have been mightily impressed with the performances from each of the classes. To capture some of the positive feedback the children have been posting positive comments on a 'Jamboard' for each class. The children in P3 were very excited to see the 'posits' appear live yesterday when we watched their performances as a school. You can see from the P3 Jamboards below that there were so many positive comments flooding in, they could barely fit on a page!

P3 Christmas Performances

As ever P3 have pulled together to show their skills through an amazing Christmas performance. Instead of singing, this year our performers have worked hard to entertain through some awesome acting and dramatic dancing. We have been so impressed by how well they have adapted to a recorded rather than live performance.

We hope you enjoy watching!

P3 Room 6.MOV

P3 Room 6


P3 Room 7


P3 Room 8

Getting In The Christmas Spirit

Each class has recorded a short informal spoken rhyme/verse to help get us all into the Christmas spirit. We hope you enjoy watching them.

For any classes without full class consent to share on the school website, the class video will not be posted here but will be shown to classes in school.


P6 Room 13

Room 5.mov

P2Room 5




P6 Room 14


P4 Room 10

Room 9.mov

P1 Room 9

Room 11.MOV

P7 Room 11

Room 16.mov

P4 Room 16

Room 2.mov

P1 Room 2

Room 12.mp4

P7 Room 12


P5 Room 15

Room 4.mov

P2 Room 4

PTA Raffle Winners

Dear All,

The PTA Christmas Raffle has been drawn and the winners have been contacted by Raffall. Congratulations to the winners!

The prizes were handed out to the children at school on Monday.

A note to the lucky winners please make sure to accept your prize on the Raffall website in order for the funds to be released to Ashley Road PTA.

We raised a total of £580.

Thank you for your continuous support!

Kind regards,


Christmas Jumpers/ Colours Day

What a great turnout today with all the Christmas jumpers and colours. Well done everyone.

The children also got to enjoy seeing some jokes on the screen while they were eating their lunch.

Can they remember any of them?

Fundraising on the day raised £325.40 for Save The Children.

Many thanks to all who were able to donate.

Seasonal Story Telling

We shared this fabulous Scots version of a well known winter story in our virtual assembly this week.

P6 readers streamed their reading to all the classes

Wonderful enthusiasm shown as the children mastered the Scots words and phrases - with specialist help from Mrs Gordon and Mr Donaldson!

Christmas Celebrations

Our Christmas celebrations will be different this year. We are usually awash with singing this term but due to Covid restrictions we are unable to sing or perform drama to live audiences. Instead each class ( P1,2,4,5,6 and7) will be using their acting, dance and creative skills to bring to life a Winter Poem or Rhyme.

Our three Primary 3 classes will still be performing a Seasonal Class Show - more details on this later.

The children will watch each class performance virtually in school and we hope to be able to post a video of each performance on the school website. To do this however, we do require full class parental consent and though many parents have given us this consent, those that haven't will be contacted by school to confirm their current website permission. If we don't have a full class consent, we won't post onto the class video onto the website. Instead, parents will be able to see photographs within the class Seesaw group.

Christmas parties will still be happening -although no singing, we will still have lots of party fun!

P6 and P7 1-1 Chromebooks

This week our P6 and P7 pupils will each be given an allocated Chromebook as part of a digital development plan across Aberdeen City. This will be the first time we have been able to offer 1-1 devices to any of our pupils and will be an exciting step in developing our digital learning approaches. Chromebooks work seamlessly with 'Google Workspace' (Suite) which offers numerous opportunities to enhance learning experiences across the curriculum. The teachers are very much looking forward to getting started! For now the devices will be kept in school, and children will be allocated an individual device which they will be responsible for.

As the devices for P6 and P7 are in addition to those which the school already had, this programme means as a knock on, all classes throughout the school will now have greater access to Chromebooks.

New Staff

New to our nursery are Mrs Archana Kumari and Mrs Gael Pithie.

We say farewell to Miss Nicole Palompo (Primary 6 Room 14) and next week, welcome Miss Laura McIntosh as the permanent Primary 6 Room 14 teacher.

Wrapper-Free Wednesdays

The children have been encouraging each other to consider plastic waste and reduce the wrapping they bring their snack to school in. Wherever possible, please use a recyclable container. The children all eat snack in their classes, so that they can wash hands before eating, and this makes it very easy to use and take home recyclable small snack containers - no problems with these getting lost outside in the playground now!

Christmas Colours/ Jumper Day

The children are invited to come to school in Christmas Colours /Jumpers or just in casual clothes on Friday 11th December.

Our Christmas Colours will be supporting Save the Children and voluntary £1 donations will be collected in the playground.

Thank You Everyone!

We raised a fabulous £540 for

Children In Need !


Christmas flyer PTA.pdf

PTA Christmas Fundraising

Dear Parents,

We have been very busy trying to come up with new ideas to spread the Festive cheer - and this year not even social distancing will get on our way!

This year, in partnership with Santa Letter Direct, you can order personalised Santa’s video calls, text messages, “Nice List” certificates and Christmas books (and part of the money raised will be donated back to the PTA - just don’t forget to use the School code SD0730 at checkout!). And if you also want to make your Christmas extra special, Northbrook Fundraising has a beautiful selection of wrapping paper, tags, and much more! You can find all the details as well as the School codes to make sure your purchase raises funds for the PTA on the attached flyer.

Last but not least, our traditional Christmas Raffle is back (it wouldn’t be Christmas without it!). Entry costs £1 and it can be purchased online via https://raffall.com/143371/enter-raffle-to-win-ashley-road-christmas-raffle-20-hosted-by-ashley-road-school-pta. The prizes will be on display at the School this week, but you can also have an early peek on our flyer. Make sure you buy your ticket before Monday 14th of December to be in for a change of winning one of the prizes!

Thank you all for your continuous support. Please don’t forget this Black Friday you can still make the most of the sales while raising funds for the School PTA (at no extra cost) - just make sure you access your favourite shops via EasyFundRaising and AmazonSmiles!

Kind regards,

Ashley Road PTA

New Books

We have ordered some new books on a variety of themes that have just come in. Each year groups has selected some new Christmas/Winter themed books to explore with their classes. We are also always adding new books to our collection linked to class topics and current issues and themes as well.

Online fundraising flyer PTA.v5.pdf

PTA Fundraising Leaflet

Please see the fundraising leaflet from the PTA with the information on how to support the PTA and school through fundraising.

Children In Need

Friday the 13th will be a dress down day for all children and staff, in support of Children In Need. We will place a few buckets in playground alongside the 'yellow brick road', for parents to drop any donation, up to £1. Older children can drop their donation as they pass, or bring it to their class.


Face Covering Update

(This post has been edited to reflect updated guidance 09/11/20)

Following the latest update to Scottish Government guidance on ‘Reducing Risks In Schools’, we will be introducing a number of additional mitigations to the school risk assessment from Tuesday the 3rd of November.

The guidance states that ‘Face coverings should be worn by all parents and other visitors to all school sites (whether entering the building or otherwise), including parents at drop-off and pick-up.’, therefore we ask that all adults wear a face covering when lining up on Ashley Park Drive, and on their route through the school or nursery playground, unless they are exempt from doing so.

Advice for schools has been brought in line with current advice in the community, therefore, at times when adults are moving around the school and in communal areas, face coverings will be worn (except by those who are exempt).

In all classrooms, staff from P1-7 will now be wearing face covering at any time they are unable to maintain a 2 metre distance from children or other adults, for any length of time.

A reminder of some important elements of the existing risk assessment:

Children who wish to wear a mask or face covering in school will continue to be supported in doing so.

All ‘households’ must maintain a 2m distance from other households when lining up, or passing through the school playground. The yellow dots which are 2m apart can be used to support this.

Please do not wait at the Ashley Road exit to this hinders the one way system and creates congestion in this area.

Please be considerate when parking around the school, some individuals choosing to park on double yellow lines or stopping/waiting on the ‘yellow zig zig’ keep clear lines and are putting our children and families at risk.

Thank you for your help in keeping our school safe.

Our Amazing P7 Election Participants...

Duthie Team leaders:

Juan, Kit and Millie

Hazlehead Team leaders:

Kai, Lauren and Robbie

Seaton Team Leaders:

James G, James M and Sophie

Westburn Team leaders:

Euan, Owen and Tilly

Parent Workshop: Thriving In Uncertain Times

Ashley Road School: Parents & Carers: Thriving in Uncertain Times

Virtual parent workshop for Ashley Road School parents led by Dr John Paul Fitzpatrick

Tuesday 10th November at 7pm

How can we help our children be more resilient? What do we need to do to help our own wellbeing in these tough times?

Our session for all of the parents and carers of Ashley Road Primary school, will explore wellbeing and resilience and is led by international resilience and wellbeing expert Dr John Paul Fitzpatrick of TeachMindset.

We will be talking about how to develop our resilience and wellbeing - it will fun, interesting and lively - and more importantly - useful.

Login in from the comfort of your home! Register now for this amazing event at:


Friday Dress Up Fun

We would like to invite the children to come to school in ' fancy dress clothes' or 'casual clothes' on 30th October 2020.

We can't wait to see your outfits!

PS As always, some children may choose to stay in school uniform, and this is just fine as well.

End Of Term Thanks

Virtual House Captain Elections

Marching Out To Outdoor Hockey

Remarkably Independent P1s

What a lovely final Friday at the end of a busy, rewarding term. It has been a term of many 'firsts' and our children staff and families have adapted admirably to our 'new normal'. Thank you to everyone, have a great holiday. We look forward to seeing you all again next term.



PTA Halloween Virtual Balloon Race Event

This year Ashley Road PTA have organised a Virtual Balloon Race which you may wish to take part in. Please see the poster for more information.

Upcoming School Dates

Enjoy your September holidays everyone!

See you back in school on Tuesday 29th September.

School Holidays https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/education-and-childcare/view-school-term-and-holiday-dates

September holiday - 25th September and 28th September

October holidays – 12th October – 23rd October

November Inservice day – 20th November

Christmas holidays 21st December 2020 -4th January 2021.

Digital Reporting

Sharing Learning Between Home And School

Virtual Parent Meetings

A chance to discuss how your child has settled in school and talk about their learning.

As we are unable to have face to face parent /teacher meetings this term we plan to use Google Meet for the 1:1 meetings. Parents will be invited to book a Parent Meeting time online, using the parent evening booking system we have used in previous years. This will be sent to you using a Groupcall email. Teachers will be offering some Parent Meetings during the day and some after school. We have staggered the days of each year group Parent Meeting, in order to support the technical systems within school. This means you will have appointments for your siblings on different days.

  • Once the parent evening online booking system has closed, school will then issue the families with Google Meet joining code details on slips of paper.

  • On your meeting day, you should go to https://meet.google.com and use your assigned meeting code to access the meeting room. You will be prompted to log in to Google, and should log in with your child's Google Username, this will look something like - gw10smithjohn@ab-ed.org. We will attach this information to the back of your appointment card.

  • It will be really important for parents to be in meeting rooms on time (or even slightly early) for appointments, as teachers will not be able to adjust timings of appointments. Teachers will have to keep very tightly to the meeting time allocations and they will not be able to overrun appointments.

  • All online meetings will be recorded in line with Aberdeen City Council Policy.

  • Setting up this system across all classes is a very challenging logistical process and we ask for your help in following guidance carefully and within times set out in our communications. If for any reason you are unable to access the meeting room, or if there are any IT issues preventing the meeting from running on time, the teacher will use a phone to call the parent instead during their allocated meeting time.

We look forward to testing and trialling this new way of arranging parent and teacher meetings!


Teachers have been posting photos and videos on their class Seesaw so that families can enjoy and share the learning happening at school. We knew we couldn’t have our usual Open Morning and so sharing videos seemed the next best option. It has been lovely to read the positive feedback from this. Seesaw will be the format used to share teacher to parent learning news. Please let school know if you have been unable to access the Seesaw posts.

Rapid Reading Consent Form

As we are currently unable to send home physical copies of books, we have decided to invest in an online system called 'Rapid Reading'. Much like we would have done previously, we will continue to use Rigby Star/Oxford Treetops books and a range of other resources to teach reading skills in school, but now rather than send physical copies of books home for families to read together, teachers will be able to 'allocate' online versions of books to children each week for them to read at home with their parents. A simple login will enable access to your child's 'portal' which can be viewed on a range of different devices e.g. PC's/Tablets/Phones. We will initially be introducing Rapid readers with our P1 - 3 pupils, and may extend this further for individuals/groups in time.

We know that families reading frequently with their children, reinforcing the sounds/word recognition and comprehension skills taught in school is an invaluable part of learning to read, and we hope this system will enable parents to continue to support in this way. The consent form is available HERE

Many thanks to the PTA who have supported the funding of this project.


Seesaw Update

This week we will start to 'try out' our new communication tool - Seesaw. If you have completed the online consent form (you can find this via a post below), you will receive a link via Groupcall/email to set up your account. You should download the Seesaw Family app to see the updates.

Alongside Groupcall and the school website (ashleyroad.aberdeen.sch.uk) for school level communication, Seesaw will be an important part of our communication strategy, allowing each class to maintain a link with families.

Learning Posts: Each week on class teachers will aim to share updates on the types of learning and activities their class are engaging in. These updates may include text, photos, audio and videos. We hope that in time, the children will take charge of sharing their own learning with you via this app.

Announcements: Teachers may also use 'Announcements' like this one to provide general updates or requests. e.g. (Don't forget to label your child's clothing).

Messages: As we had in Class Dojo, messaging the class teacher is also an option in Seesaw. Please be aware of the following guidelines if using this messaging system.

1. Messages on attendance/absence should continue to come via the school office. Messages regarding appointments etc should also come via the school office.

2. Please only use messages to share information that does not require a quick response as teachers are not able to check messages when working with their class (nor after 4pm).

3. Messages are not an ideal method to share or discuss more sensitive issues. In cases like this, please make contact via the school office to arrange a phone call or (virtual) appointment.

If you are yet to complete the consent form for Seesaw your child will not be registered with the service. If you wish to participate please provide consent HERE

School Uniform

If you wish to order school uniform please print an order form from the uniform page of the website (HERE), complete and place in a named envelope with exact payment in cash or a cheque made out to Ashley Road PTA. If you are unable to print this form, please write a note, indicating which items you wish to order, including the quantity and size of each.

Completed orders can be handed to someone wearing a high visibility vest during school drop off or pick up. Once processed uniform will be given to your child to take home. If the uniform is not in stock at the moment, we will let you know and pass it to your child when it arrives.

We are unable to arrange for children to try on uniform at the moment, so please consider sizing carefully when placing an order.

School Attendance Update

If a child is displaying any of the following three symptoms, the child and any members of their household (including siblings who live in the same house) must not attend school until testing has been carried out. Other than these symptoms, where a child is feeling well enough to be in school, they should continue to attend. As we move into the winter months and regular coughs and sneezes become more prevalent, it will be essential for all families to be able to identify possible Coronavirus symptoms. Please see detailed information in the letter below, shared by the public health department.

If you are unsure on how to react in any given situation, please contact the us for advice before sending your child to school.

Symptoms Of Coronavirus

The most common symptoms are:

  • continuous cough

A new continuous cough is where you:

  • have a new cough that’s lasted for an hour

  • have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours

  • are coughing more than usual

  • fever/high temperature (37.8C or greater)

A high temperature is feeling hot to the touch on your chest or back (you don’t need to measure your temperature). You may feel warm, cold or shivery.

  • loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

A new continuous cough is where you:

  • have a new cough that’s lasted for an hour

  • have had 3 or more episodes of coughing in 24 hours

  • are coughing more than usual

Some people may have more serious symptoms, including pneumonia or difficulty breathing, which might require admission to hospital.

What To Do

If you’ve developed symptoms (however mild), stay at home for 10 days from the start of your symptoms and arrange to be tested. Do not go to your GP, pharmacy or hospital. Anyone else who lives with the symptomatic person but doesn’t have symptoms should isolate for 14 days from the date the symptoms started. This would include parents and siblings who should not attend school for 14 days or until the original symptomatic child is given a negative test result.

You should remain at home until you get the result of the test, and then follow the advice you will be given based on the result. Please inform the school office of any testing and result.

Self isolation agreed with Public Health.pdf

Routine Reminders And Thanks

A great start to our first full week today! Thank you for your support in making things run so smoothly.

Please note:

  • Adults/families must not gather at Ashley Park gate to wave to children in lines.

  • The shift system is an essential part of our school return and will be in place until further notice.

  • In the morning if you need help or to pass on a message to a staff member, please see any staff member wearing purple or blue high-vis vests.

  • Children are able to 'jog on' ahead alongside the yellow brick road to reach their line so long as they are careful.

  • We ask that all families are careful to maintain a 2m distance between households when coming to or returning home from school in line with government guidance.

Medical Forms

If your child has medicine at school you must complete the annual medical permission form before this years medication is sent into school. The parent medication request form will be authorised by school and returned to you by email. Please follow this link to find the appropriate form. Please complete this by Monday the 24th of August.



We would like to get every class set up on Seesaw as soon as possible to support class/family communication. Please complete the form by Monday the 24th August to provide consent to register your child with the SEESAW app. CLICK HERE for the link If you wish to find out more information on Seesaw before completing the form please Click Here

Adverse Weather - Delayed Opening

Due to the adverse weather conditions this morning (Wednesday 12th August), we have delayed opening until 1:00 pm and 1:15 pm dependent on the children's planned start time (shift). We will review the situation at 11:00 am and confirm with families.

Important Return To School Information August 2020 - Please Read

Click Here for link to return to school information.

Seesaw Permissions

Please complete the form to provide consent to register your child with the SEESAW app. CLICK HERE for the link If you wish to find out more information on Seesaw before completing the form please Click Here

JUNE 2020

Return To School August 2020

Parent Letter 30.06.20.pdf

Letter From Eleanor Sheppard Chief Education Officer

30th June AR Letter to Parent 2020 .pdf

Ashley Road School Return Information

Classes Session 2020 -2021

See class and teacher arrangements for next session here. Over the next week we will have virtual 'meet the teacher' sessions over Google Meet. The teachers are all looking forward to saying hi!

24 June Letter to Parent 20201.pdf

Letter To Parents

Letter to parents regarding the statement from the Depute First Minister on the 23rd of June regarding return to full-time schooling.


Next week we will be saying farewell to three members of our Ashley Road staff team – Mrs Carole Walker, Mrs Alison Turner and Mrs Charlotte Brown. Mrs Walker and Mrs Turner are both retiring, although Mrs Walker may be seen around school on a supply basis at times we hope! All three teachers have been a part of Ashley Road for the last seven years and we have been very grateful for their enthusiasm, skills and dedication to our children and families. Mrs Turner has been an expert at supporting our learners and many times over the years, she has seamlessly stood in to cover longer periods of staff absence. Mrs Walker has had a very varied time with us, working in Nursery, Primary 1 and Primary 4, and most recently job sharing with Mrs Peacock and Mr Donaldson. Mrs Brown has had a very varied role as a PSA, working across all classes and we have particularly benefitted from her expert gardening skills and love of the outdoors. She loves being in school so much that that she is leaving us to train to be a teacher next year.

We wish all three wonderful staff all the best in their next adventures!

Opportunities For Personal Achievement

Fun Run

P3 Penny has completed a 5km run in aid of The Archie Foundation and raised £342.50 in total! Well done Penny!

Speech and Drama Award

P4 Ellen: Here she is presenting a virtual guide to Taronga Zoo in Australia, demonstrating her recently recognised speech and drama performance skills.

P1 Cycling Skills

Throughout our home learning time, a lot of P1s have reported they have been learning how to ride their bikes.

Keep up the good work P1!

Ethos and Life Of The School


We are virtually welcoming new children to Primary 4 and Primary 6 this week. P4 – Mollie, Isabella, Peter and Aura and into P6 Julia. Welcome to the children and their families.

P1 Induction Timetable.pdf

New Primary 1s

This month there have been lots of different ways for our new Primary 1s to get to know the Ashley Road staff and hear about our school .

P7 Hoodies.mp4

P7 in their Leavers' Hoodies!

At the end of the next week we will be saying goodbye to our Primary 7s! Here are some in their Hoodies.

Ashley Road School GREC June 20.pdf

GREC Anne Frank Awards

Very proud to receive recognition for our work on our school values - Curious, Aspiring, Resilient, Kind, Respectful and Inclusive

Curriculum Areas And Subjects

P3 STEM Discoveries

P3 showed impressive creativity and design skills - they've been completing lots of different STEM activities including 'fireworks in a jar' and 'tallest tower'

P5 From Ancient Egypt to Digital Learning

P5 have enjoyed learning about Ancient Egypt. They have had lots of fun designing and creating pyramids at home. There have been so many imaginative ideas! As part of their literacy, the children have also been sharing delicious recipes. This has resulted in the creation of P5's very own digital recipe book.

Interdisciplinary Learning

P6 Genius Hour

Primary 6 were tasked with delivering a Genius Hour presentation on a topic of their choice and the following were selected as the winning entries! Katherine delivered an excellent talk on the Bermuda Triangle, Sophie and Kai discussed the importance of key workers and the NHS, Megan W delivered a fantastic talk on jellyfish, Tilly discussed what it’s like to film wild animals while James shared a fact filled presentation on Washington DC. These Genius Hour presentations were then shared with the rest of the class who gave lots of great feedback.

P2 Minibeasts Under The Rocks!

The P2s have done an amazing job of really embracing their topic, resulting in some wonderful creations. One of the families started a ‘lockdown caterpillar’ made out of paperweights from an art task. This was added to by many children and was a lovely way to bring the community together.

The boys and girls showed off their amazing imaginations when they designed and built their own insects – some out of lego, some out of vegetables!

The P2 teachers also loved getting to see the results of a research task on a chosen minibeast; there were videos, fact files, presentations, posters, the list goes on – well done P2!

P4s personality and choice shining through their Australian themed assignments and Social Technology creations!

Primary 1 demonstrating their literacy and numeracy skills!

In literacy, P1 have been learning how to write letters. Some, posted these out to our friends and family. We are hoping to get a reply through our letter boxes soon!

In maths, P1 have been learning about data handling out and about. They created pictograms using things found in the garden. They went for a walk and made a tally chart of the different colours of cars they could see. They all found out that green cars are the least popular!