College Athletics
This organization was created by the NCAA to certify whether prospective student-athletes have accomplished similar basic initial academic eligibility requirements in different high schools across the nation.
According to the NCAA Eligibility Center, one of the differences among the three divisions of athletics is that Division I and II colleges and universities may offer athletic scholarships, while Division III institutions do not. If you are considering playing Division I or II intercollegiate athletics in college, you must meet certain academic standards and be certified as an amateur athlete. The NCAA Eligibility Center will evaluate your academic and athletic experiences based on the information you provide through your account, and determine your eligibility for Division I and II intercollegiate athletics.
To qualify to play at either level, students must first meet specific criteria determined by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Criteria includes:
successfully completing approved core courses
earning a minimum required grade-point average in those core courses,
For instance, there are 16 core courses that must be completed to be eligible to play the DI level. 10 of these 16 core courses must be completed prior to the start of the seventh semester (senior year) of high school, and 7 of the 10 core courses must be English, math, or natural/physical science.
It is the responsibility of the individual student-athlete to know Westhill High School’s core courses that have been approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center, track their NCAA eligibility requirements, and register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should let their counselor know of their intent to play a Division I or II sport, as they are aware of requirements and can answer questions you may have.
The NCAA Eligibility Center
This organization was created by the NCAA to certify whether prospective student-athletes have accomplished initial academic eligibility requirements in different high schools across the nation.
According to the NCAA Eligibility Center, one of the differences among the three divisions of athletics is that Division I and II colleges and universities may offer athletic scholarships, while Division III institutions do not. If you are considering playing Division I or II intercollegiate athletics in college, you must meet certain academic standards and be certified as an amateur athlete. The NCAA Eligibility Center will evaluate your academic and athletic experiences based on the information you provide through your account, and determine your eligibility for Division I and II intercollegiate athletics.
To qualify to play at either level, students must first meet specific criteria determined by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Criteria includes:
➢ successfully completing approved core courses
➢ earning a minimum required grade-point average in those core courses
For instance, there are 16 core courses that must be completed to be eligible to play at the DI level. 10 of these 16 core courses must be completed prior to the start of the seventh semester (senior year) of high school, and 7 of the 10 core courses must be English, math, or natural/physical science.
It is the responsibility of the individual student-athlete to know Westhill High School’s core courses that have been approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center, track their NCAA eligibility requirements, and register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should let their counselor know of their intent to play a Division I or II sport, as they can answer questions you may have.
Steps to Follow
1. Download the NCAA’s Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete (from the Counseling Center’s College Athletics webpage) for more information. It is important to know the academic requirements and eligibility rules for college athletics, and make sure you meet the college’s academic and athletic standards.
2. Obtain a copy of your ‘unofficial transcript’ from the Counseling Center. Use this to help you complete the NCAA Eligibility Center’s Division I or Division II Worksheet (found in the Guide for the
College-Bound Student-Athlete) to monitor your progress in meeting NCAA initial-eligibility standards.
3. Print Westhill High School's list of approved courses (from the NCAA Eligibility Center link on the Counseling Center’s College Athletics webpage), and entering our CEEB Code: 335528 (i.e. Fundamentals of Algebra is not an approved math course).
4. Register for an NCAA Eligibility Center account (the one that best applies to you):
Free Profile Page Account: This account is best practice as the place to start for most student-athletes, and can be transitioned to a Academic and Amateurism Certification Account when needed. For students not sure in which division they want to compete or students registering to play at NCAA-sponsored basketball events, the Free Profile Page is the right choice.
Academic and Amateurism Certification Account: For students wanting to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school, sign a National Letter of Intent, or are preparing to take an official visit. This account includes a $100 required fee. School Counselors may request that the fee be waived if you meet the eligibility requirements - please see your counselor for details.
Please note: You can move from a Profile Page Account to an Academic and Amateurism Certification Account, but not from an Academic and Amateurism Certification Account to a Profile Page Account.
5. After you have registered for an Academic and Amateurism Certification Account with the NCAA Eligibility Center and finished your sixth semester of high school (the junior year for most students), Westhill will electronically send your high school transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center. We will also automatically send your final high school transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center upon graduation. Final transcripts confirm your diploma type and contain final course grades and credit earned.
Please note: If you have attended more than one high school, you will need to contact all former high schools and request to have your official transcript from that school be sent to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
6. Request final amateurism certification through your NCAA Eligibility Center Account (after April 1st of your last year of high school).
Please Note: It is your responsibility to make sure the NCAA Eligibility Center has all the documents it needs to certify you. Be sure you complete all courses required to be an eligible athlete.
When it comes to playing a sport in college:
Talk with your coach for more information; they should be your best resource. Have an honest conversation with them regarding your abilities and the level of play you would like to aspire to.
Conduct Your Research:
➢ Know how many players are graduating from the team and what positions they played.
➢ Understand the time commitments of a student athlete.
➢ Decide whether to submit footage of your athletic highlights (performance and skills) directly to the coach.
➢ Write your schools of interest (do not wait for colleges to come to you and don’t write impersonal mass emails).
➢ Develop a list of questions to ask.
➢ Visit the campus and make sure to see the team play!
NCAA Eligibility Center Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete