Graduation Requirements



All students at Westhill High School must obtain a total of 22 credits in order to receive a Westhill Diploma. Each credit is earned by achieving a course average of 70% or more.  The minimum number of credits to be earned in each subject is as follows:

English Language Arts, 4 credits

    English 9

    English 10

    English 11

    English 12

 Social Studies, 4 credits

    Global History & Geography 9

    Global History & Geography 10

    U.S. History & Government 11

    Government (.5) and Economics (.5)

Science, 3 credits

    Life Science

    Physical Science

    Third Science (either an additional Life or Physical Science)

Mathematics, 3 credits

World Languages, 1 credit

1 credit should be earned by the completion of grade 9 which may be earned either by studying the language in seventh and eighth grade and passing a locally developed final; or by passing a level 1 World Language course or the locally developed final in high school (must be enrolled in a World Language course in order to have the option of re-taking the locally developed final for credit).

Visual Arts and/or Music, 1 credit

Health Education, ½ credit

Physical Education, 2 credits (½ credit per year)

Electives, 3.5 credits

Please Note: Certain technology courses may be substituted for the third credit in either Mathematics or Science, but not both (see the course catalogue for a list of courses which may be used to satisfy this option).


Students who meet specific grade, credit and Regents exam requirements can graduate with a high school diploma.  The type of diploma that a student earns depends on his or her scores on the Regents exams required for graduation.


Examinations*: Scores of 65% or more on each of the following Regents Examinations (8 total) and one locally developed Final Exam (LOTE):

OR a 7 Regents + 1 Pathway Option which can replace 1 social studies Regents exam

Multiple Pathway Options (7+1):

For more information:

**Students pursuing the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation may complete a 5-unit sequence in occupational education (art, business, pre-engineering, technology, or BOCES CTE) in lieu of the two additional credits and the locally developed Final Examination in World Languages as described above. These students are still required, however, to earn 1 World Language credit as part of the 22 credits necessary for graduation. The sequence requirements are listed in the next section.


Examinations*: Scores of 65% or more on each of the following Regents Examinations (5 total):

OR a 4 Regents + 1 Pathway Option which can replace 1 social studies Regents exam

Multiple Pathway Options (4+1):

Regents Diploma through 1 Appeal (for all students):



Local Diploma through 2 Appeals (for all students):


Local Diploma Scoring Options for Students with a Disability:

This diploma option is available for students with a disability identified through the Committee on Special Education (CSE).

Low Pass Safety Net (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12):

Local Diploma with Appeal (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12): 

Compensatory Safety Net (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12):

Superintendent’s Determination (for students with a current IEP only):

Local Diploma Option for students who classified as English Language Learners:



APPEAL PROCESS (for Regents exams only):

A student who has failed one or two of the required Regents exams twice, has sought academic help and meets all credit and course requirements, may appeal to graduate with a diploma using a lower score. An appeal may be submitted to the principal by a student, parent or teacher. The appeal must be recommended by the teacher or department chairperson in the subject of the Regents exam under appeal. A school appeal committee makes a recommendation to the Superintendent to approve or deny that appeal.

See Appeal form below.


Honors: A student earns a computed average of at least a 90.0 or above (no rounding up is permitted) on the Regents exams applicable to either a Regents diploma or a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation.

Please Note: The grade earned on the locally developed Checkpoint B World Language final exam is not included in the calculation.

Mastery: A student meets the requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation AND earns a score of 85 or better on 3 Math Regents exams and/or 3 Science Regents exams.

Technical Endorsement: A student meets the requirements for either a Local diploma, a Regents diploma, or a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation AND successfully completes a department approved OCM BOCES CTE program including the 3 part technical assessment.

NYSED Translated Diploma and Graduation Resources

Regents Appeal Form.pdf