Graduation Requirements
All students at Westhill High School must obtain a total of 22 credits in order to receive a Westhill Diploma. Each credit is earned by achieving a course average of 70% or more. The minimum number of credits to be earned in each subject is as follows:
English Language Arts, 4 credits
English 9
English 10
English 11
English 12
Social Studies, 4 credits
Global History & Geography 9
Global History & Geography 10
U.S. History & Government 11
Government (.5) and Economics (.5)
Science, 3 credits
Life Science
Physical Science
Third Science (either an additional Life or Physical Science)
Mathematics, 3 credits
World Languages, 1 credit
1 credit should be earned by the completion of grade 9 which may be earned either by studying the language in seventh and eighth grade and passing a locally developed final; or by passing a level 1 World Language course or the locally developed final in high school (must be enrolled in a World Language course in order to have the option of re-taking the locally developed final for credit).
Visual Arts and/or Music, 1 credit
Health Education, ½ credit
Physical Education, 2 credits (½ credit per year)
Electives, 3.5 credits
Please Note: Certain technology courses may be substituted for the third credit in either Mathematics or Science, but not both (see the course catalogue for a list of courses which may be used to satisfy this option).
Students who meet specific grade, credit and Regents exam requirements can graduate with a high school diploma. The type of diploma that a student earns depends on his or her scores on the Regents exams required for graduation.
Examinations*: Scores of 65% or more on each of the following Regents Examinations (8 total) and one locally developed Final Exam (LOTE):
(1) English: ELA Comprehensive Regents Exam (grade 11)
(1) U.S. History & Government Regents Exam (grade 11)
(1) Global History and Geography Regents Exam (grade 10)
(3) Mathematics: Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II Regents Exams
(2) Science: Any Physical Science Regents Exam and the Living Environment Regents Exam(1)
World Language locally developed Final Exam or 1 credit World Language plus a 5-unit sequence.**
OR a 7 Regents + 1 Pathway Option which can replace 1 social studies Regents exam
Multiple Pathway Options (7+1):
STEM Science Pathway: Pass a third science Regents exam with a 65% or above
CTE Pathway: Successful completion of State-Approved Career & Technical Education (CTE) program, and Pass an Industry Based Assessment. Not all CTE technical assessments are approved as CTE Pathway Assessments. OCM BOCES CTE Approved Pathway Programs: Automotive Technology, Computer Technology, Early Childhood Education, Media Marketing Communications and Welding.
CDOS Pathway: Complete the requirements for Option I or Option II of the Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS Credential).
For more information:
**Students pursuing the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation may complete a 5-unit sequence in occupational education (art, business, pre-engineering, technology, or BOCES CTE) in lieu of the two additional credits and the locally developed Final Examination in World Languages as described above. These students are still required, however, to earn 1 World Language credit as part of the 22 credits necessary for graduation. The sequence requirements are listed in the next section.
Examinations*: Scores of 65% or more on each of the following Regents Examinations (5 total):
(1) English: ELA Comprehensive Regents Exam (grade 11)
(1) U.S. History & Government Regents Exam (grade 11)
(1) Global History and Geography Regents Exam (grade 10)
(1) Mathematics: Any Regents Exam in Math
(1) Science: Any Regents Exam in Science
OR a 4 Regents + 1 Pathway Option which can replace 1 social studies Regents exam
Multiple Pathway Options (4+1):
STEM Pathway: Pass a second math or science Regents exam with a 65% or above
CTE Pathway: Successful completion of State-Approved Career & Technical Education (CTE) program, and Pass an Industry Based Assessment. Not all CTE technical assessments are approved as CTE Pathway Assessments. OCM BOCES CTE Approved Pathway Programs: Automotive Technology, Computer Technology, Early Childhood Education, Media Marketing Communications and Welding.
CDOS Pathway: Complete the requirements for Option I or Option II of the Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS Credential).
For more information:
Regents Diploma through 1 Appeal (for all students):
65 on 4 required Regents exams and successful appeal of 1 Regents score (60-64)
65 on 3 required Regents exams and successful appeal of 1 Regents score (60-64), and meet requirements of 1 pathway option
Local Diploma through 2 Appeals (for all students):
65 on 3 required Regents exams and successful appeal of 2 Regents exam scores (60-64)
65 on 2 required Regents exams and successful appeal of 2 Regents exam scores (60-64), and meet requirements of 1 pathway option
Local Diploma Scoring Options for Students with a Disability:
This diploma option is available for students with a disability identified through the Committee on Special Education (CSE).
Low Pass Safety Net (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12):
55 or higher on required Regents Exams
Local Diploma with Appeal (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12):
Successful appeal of up to two Regents exams with scores of (52-54)
Compensatory Safety Net (for students with an IEP; if recommended in a 504 Plan; or if recommended for students declassified while in grades 8-12):
A score of 65 or higher on any single Regents exam may compensate for a score between 45-54 on a social students or science Regents exam
A one for one exchange on up to two Regents exams
Students must score 55 on math and ELA Regents exams (or 52-54 through successful appeal)
Superintendent’s Determination (for students with a current IEP only):
If a student does not meet graduation requirements through Safety Net Options, a parent may submit a written request for the Superintendent to request a review of other documentation and evidence of graduation level proficiency in the subject areas of science, social studies or a second math (one math & the ELA scores must be 55 or 52-54 through successful appeal). To be eligible for a review, the student must actively participate in the Regents exam and meet credit and course requirements. Written notification is provided which indicates that the Superintendent has determined that the student has either met or has not met the requirements for a local diploma.
Local Diploma Option for students who classified as English Language Learners:
1 successful appeal of ELA Regents exam (55-59) and all other required Regents exams with a score of 65 or higher
1 successful appeal of ELA Regents exam (55-59), 65 on three required Regents exams, and successful appeal of 1 Regents Exam (60-64)
1 successful appeal of ELA Regents exam (55-59), 65 on two required Regents exams, successful appeal of 1 Regents Exam (60-64), and meet requirements of 1 pathway option
APPEAL PROCESS (for Regents exams only):
A student who has failed one or two of the required Regents exams twice, has sought academic help and meets all credit and course requirements, may appeal to graduate with a diploma using a lower score. An appeal may be submitted to the principal by a student, parent or teacher. The appeal must be recommended by the teacher or department chairperson in the subject of the Regents exam under appeal. A school appeal committee makes a recommendation to the Superintendent to approve or deny that appeal.
See Appeal form below.
Honors: A student earns a computed average of at least a 90.0 or above (no rounding up is permitted) on the Regents exams applicable to either a Regents diploma or a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation.
Please Note: The grade earned on the locally developed Checkpoint B World Language final exam is not included in the calculation.
Mastery: A student meets the requirements for a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation AND earns a score of 85 or better on 3 Math Regents exams and/or 3 Science Regents exams.
Technical Endorsement: A student meets the requirements for either a Local diploma, a Regents diploma, or a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation AND successfully completes a department approved OCM BOCES CTE program including the 3 part technical assessment.
NYSED Translated Diploma and Graduation Resources