3 Analysis

A pixel-to-angle calibration was then applied to attain a graph of the final data set.

First we had to convert our RGBa images to RGB images in order to perform the analysis in MATLAB. Then we elected to perform an image subtraction using the "control" s-polarized image to reduce the noise. Then the functions listed on the right were used to rotate the dark band to vertical and crop before extract the image intensity values.

The SPR intensity data was extracted from the images using MATLAB, and then a pixel-to-angle calibration performed to correlate the data sets from the five samples.

Text Box

Several MATLAB functions that were utilized in the image analysis include:

  • imread

  • imsubtract

  • imcrop

  • imrotate

  • imcomplement

  • imshow

  • improfile

Also, in order to manipulate the RGBa images in MATLAB, the 'a' bit had to

be truncated, using the following lines of code:

image1 = imread(filename);

image1 = image1( : , : , 1:3);