Basic Notes on Data Plotting and Fitting in MATLAB for Physical Science

This exercise familiarizes you with plotting and data fitting in MATLAB. In the first part, a data set representing a radioactive decay is generated and displayed with plots widely used in data analysis. Next, the data is fitted with a script which plots the fit results, calculates the fit parameters and provides numerical data indicating the quality of the fit. The data will be fit to linear, non-linear and custom models.

This document is presented as a MATLAB Live Script which can be executed and modified. A PDF and HTML version of the Live Script has also been provided below.

More information on data fitting can be found here: Advanced Notes on Data Fitting for Physical Science

MATLAB Live Script (Download): Plotting2018.mlx

PDF File (Download): Plotting2018.pdf

HTML File (Download): Plotting2018.html

Homework to plot, fit and analyze sample data has also been attached. See the document: FittingHW2018v4c.pdf below.