Single Photon Experiment

Experiment: Measuring Single Photons (3-detector)

Figure of the experimental setup from the paper by B. J. Pearson and D. P. Jackson, "A hands-on introduction to single photons and quantum mechanics for undergraduates," Am. J. Phys. 78 471 (2010).

Benchmark Data - The results of the first set-up

Data taken at a 40-inch separation between the BBO crystal and A/B dectors.

Three detector (A, B, & C) Down Conversion. First table - WITH attenuation (in order to imitate the Dickinson paper). Second table - NO attenuation. (NOTE: In 2014, we got similar results without 810 nm filters in the A and B arms. When we used these filters, the results were comparable to 2013's result).

As comparison, Pearson and Jackson's result for the Three detector (A, B, & C) Down Conversion: