Unfortunately Google Sites does not have a "natural" way to enter in equations. In fact it doesn't even offer a simple way to insert greek letters or other symbols! Here are a few ways to insert pretty equations into your page.

    • Follow the instructions here:

      • Basically start in <HTML> editing. At the point you want to insert an equation, type

      • <img src=",s,FFFFFF00&chco=000000&chl=

      • after the chl= you type your LaTeX formatted equation, such as e^z=\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{z^n}{n!}

      • end with " />

      • In this example we have put this in the <HTML> editor and got out the corresponding LaTeX formatted equation

        • <img src=",s,FFFFFF00&chco=000000&chl=e^z=\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}\frac{z^n}{n!}" />

    • Create your equation using Microsoft Word or Google Doc equation editor, take screenshot of that equation, upload it to google site