Intelligent Hat

Summary: This hat has been modified using a LilyPad Arduino. It is capable of lighting up, sensing light, sensing acceleration, and last but not least, making noise! The hat is also equipped with a switch, button, and a detachable rechargeable battery. The LilyPad Arduino board is designed for use with conductive thread, although it can be used just as any other Arduino. You can think of the hat as a big breadboard and the thread as wires. When using the hat, please remember to be gentle, as this was my first sewing project and the stitching is not perfect. Anyone is welcome to use the hat. Try to make the best program you can and have fun learning about Arduinos.

Hardware: The hat has 9 different electronic components:

x1 LilyPad Arduino board

Pins: (11 total)

x1 Power

x1 Ground

x5 Digital only pins

x4 Analog / Digital pins

x1 Lithium Ion Battery

x4 RGB smart NeoPixel v2 *needs NeoPixel library in Arduino IDE*

x1 LilyPad LED

x1 LilyPad light sensor

x1 LilyPad accelerometer

x1 LilyPad push button *needs pull up resistor to be programmable*

x1 LilyPad switch *needs pull up resistor to be programmable*

x1 LilyPad buzzer

Software: There are a few different programs needed to use the hat.

First of all, you will need a version of the Arduino IDE.

***You may have trouble with the port being recognised.

If that is the case, download THIS version (1.0.5).

Second, you need to import the NeoPixel Library.

In the Arduino IDE: Sketch>>Include Library>>Add .ZIP Library...

then navigate to zipped file titled "Adafruit_NeoPixel"

That's It! With those two programs there are limitless possibilities of what you can make the hat do.

An Arduino file using everything on the hat can be downloaded HERE.