Drone Pi Setup and Use

Spacecraft Pi Users Manual

Go to http://your.spacecraft.pi.ip.address:5000/

Use the websites to navigate your spacecraft.

Spacecraft Pi Setup Manual

Setup for flight: The following steps have to be done to set up for flight. You can use <Alt><Fn> to get different consoles or you can use the screen command:

cd techcamp/programs

python3 output.py ../configs/master.ini

python flaskserver.py (looks for config by itself)

python3 flasksim.py ../configs/master.ini

python incam.py ../configs/master.ini

python3 insensor.py ../configs/master.ini


tail -f space_log.txt # to see the log messages

The following programs have to be installed

    • Screen (apt-get)
    • Adafruit_GPIO (pip3)
    • Adafruit_MCP3008 (pip3)
    • Adafruit_BNO055 (pip3)
    • build-essential python-pip python-dev python-smbus git (apt-get)
    • RPI.GPIO (pip3)

Troubleshoot / configure

    • Get the IP address with the ifconfig command.
    • If you have to set the pi up for a different wifi network, use the raspi-config command (sudo)
    • Use raspi-config to make login shell not accessible over serial (but have hardware serial port enabled) - needed for BNO055 9 axis acelerometer.
    • If you do any updates

Spacecraft Pi Developers Notes

Notes on Networking on the PI:

    • The Pi Zero W may not support 5GHz only 2.4GHz.
    • Setup networking in raspi-config. Files are /etc/network/interfaces, /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, /etc/dhcpcd.conf. interfaces or dhcpcd can be used to set up static ip.
    • Links:
    • SSH needs to be set up in raspi-config -> Interfacing Options -> SSH