Make Up Info

Any student who misses a cardio activity, HIIT Workout, or timed mile will be required to make it up during tutorial immediately upon return to school.  The PE department will offer make up opportunities each week during tutorial.

It is the student's responsibility to sign up for a spot as soon as possible.

A few things to remember:

1) Students can only sign up for a tutorial with THEIR PE TEACHER

Example: If you have Mrs. Adragna for PE, you can only sign up for a Mrs. Adragna tutorial session.  

NOTE: Students that sign up for a PE tutorial with the wrong PE teacher will be rescheduled to another tutorial date. 

2) Students who are on medical or independent study will be required to make up any missed cardio day(s) and or HIIT workouts upon return to school or activity. In the event that you have multiple days to make up, please see your teacher.

3) If a student is absent, ill, injured, or unable to complete a cardio activity, they will be required to make it up during a tutorial period.

4) Students are responsible for knowing which activity they need to make up.  For example, if a student misses a mile they are required to attend a make-up mile tutorial.  If a student misses a HIIT workout, they must complete a HIIT tutorial.  If you are unsure which tutorial to sign up for, please contact your teacher. 

5) Students who are present in class but choose not to participate in a timed mile will be assigned to a monthly "mandatorial." Students without a parent or doctor's note excusing them from the timed mile will not be able to choose their make up day and must wait for the monthly "mandatorial."

6) Dressing out for PE tutorials is REQUIRED.  Students who are not prepared for their PE tutorial, will be required to sign up for another the following week.