Distance Expectations/Mile Times

Monitoring your student's progress:

Parents are encouraged to actively monitor their child's performance from week to week. Parents can always check school loop to see how their child is performing during cardio day, and are also encouraged to regularly check their child's Endomondo account to see how their child is doing on each individual cardio day activity. When looking at your child's run history, pay special attention to the AVG PACE column. Student's should be running a pace that is approximately 1:30 min slower than their fastest mile time. A pace that is 14:00 min/mile or slower typically indicates that a significant amount of time is being spent walking, not jogging.

NOTE: While it is completely normal to have an "off week" every now and then, students who are regularly scoring a 13 or 16 on a bike day are NOT putting forth an acceptable amount of effort, and can expect to see a significant drop in their overall grade if changes are not made.


When a student is biking, the distance expectation is standard for ALL students. When biking, students are expected to maintain a speed of 15-20 mph (this can be monitored using the computer that is attached to each bike) during their ride.

  • 10 minute expectation: 2.5 miles - 3.3 miles

Again, students must meet their distance expectation on the bike or they will receive a point deduction based on how far off they are from their expectation.

10 min Bike Rubric:

A (25 pts) - 2.50 + miles

B (21pts) - 2.25 - 2.49 miles

C (19 pts) - 2.00-2.24 miles

D (16 pts) - 1.75-1.99 Miles

F (13 pts) - 0-1.74 miles

If a student is struggling to meet their distance expectation, they can request the ability to run using our GPS watches (pending adequate teacher supervision). Please note, however, that students will be expected to complete a certain distance requirement (running) based on their individual mile time. This will be discussed with the student prior to their run.


Students will run the mile approximately once per month. When a student runs the mile, they are expected to either improve or maintain their fastest mile time within :30-1:00 (grade dependent). If a student has been actively participating in daily activities, they should see a gradual improvement in their mile time from month to month.

Students who improve their mile time or who maintain their mile time within :30-1:00 min will received FULL CREDIT.

Students who do NOT improve their mile time or who do NOT maintain their mile time within 1:00 min will receive a POINT DEDUCTION, based on how far off they are from their fastest mile time.

NOTE: Students are expected to put forth their best effort on the assigned Mile days. If a student is not feeling well, is injured, or is otherwise feeling they cannot put forth their best effort on a mile day, it is their responsibility to request that they complete their mile at a later date during tutorial. Mile re-dos are available at the teacher's discretion, however, students who choose to re-do their mile, will be a subject to a small point penalty.

6th Grade Mile Expectations:

A (25pts) - Improved time or within 1:00 of their best mile time

B (21 pts) - 1:01 - 1:19 over Best Mile Time

C (19pts) - 1:20 - 1:39 over Best Mile Time

D (16pts) - 1:40 - 1:59 over Best Mile Time

F (13 pts) - 2.00+ over Best Mile Time

7th/8th Grade Mile Expectations:

A (25pts) - Improved mile time or within :30 of their Best Mile Time

B (21 pts) - :31 - 1:00 over their Best Mile Time

C (19 pts) - 1:01 - 1:30 over their Best Mile Time

D (16 pts) - 1:31 - 2:00 over their Best Mile Time

F (13 pts) - 2:01+ over their Best Mile Time