Locker Rooms

Each student will be assigned a SMALL locker at the beginning of the year.  Lockers are designed to hold PE clothes, shoes, and a few small personal items such as deodorant, socks, etc. 

Students are responsible for securing all PE items, and valuables in a LOCKED locker before, during, and after class.  Failure to do so, may result in theft or damage to personal property.  Students who repeatedly fail to secure their belongings in their locker, may be asked to carry their PE belongings with them each day to ensure they are not lost or stolen. 

The PE department is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items, so it is vital that your child take extra precaution to ensure their locker is properly secured at all times.

 Small Locker


 Large Locker


Each student is assigned a small locker at the beginning of the year.  Small Lockers are NOT to be shared with other students and are to be used to store PE clothes, PE shoes, and small personal items.

It is the student's responsibility to supply and maintain a lock on their locker at all times.

Each period, each student will have access to one large locker in their locker area.  Large lockers can be used during your child's PE period only and can be used to store larger items like clothing, backpacks, and projects during class.  Large lockers can be secured using your small locker lock (just transfer any items into the big locker)

All items must be cleared from the large locker at the end of the period.  Locks left on a large locker after your class period will be removed and all items will be placed in lost and found.


At the beginning of the school year, students will need to purchase a combination lock for their locker.  Locks can be purchased from your child's PE teacher for $7 or can be purchased from most retail stores.  

* It is highly recommended that students label their lock with their FIRST INITIAL and LAST NAME.  In the event that a lock is lost, students can check the lock lost and found area to locate their lock. 

** We do have a record of the lock combinations for any lock purchased directly from IHMS.  Should your student forget their locker combination, they can see any PE teacher before class to obtain their combination.  Students will need to provide the serial number engraved on their back of their lock in order to receive their combination.


PLEASE NOTE: We do NOT keep a record of lock combinations for non-school issued locks.  In the event of emergency, or should a lock be placed on an incorrect locker, PE staff may need to cut off non-school issued locks.  We are not responsible for any costs associated with replacing damaged, cut, or lost locks.   


Students are expected to be able to open their combination lock.  While every effort is made to assist students with locker related issues, students are expected to keep an accurate record of their combination and to be able to open their own lock. 

We highly recommend that ALL STUDENTS check out this online combination lock tutorial:

prohibited items

In an effort to keep the locker rooms safe and clean for all students and staff, students are not permitted to have the following items in the locker room: